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2055 lines (1460 loc) · 71.8 KB

Attempt at documenting Org mode features and how they map in Org ruby


This document is an attempt to describe the current state of known features in Org mode, along with this development status in the Org ruby implementation. This document will not present some corner cases of the implementation, but rather the feature parity status of Org-ruby and the original Emacs Org mode implementation. More thorough tests on the implementation can be found within the specs/ folder along with the expected output.

Since Org ruby is mainly an exporter, we are specially interested in the following things from Org mode:

  • The markup language itself
  • The headline features
    • Keywords
    • Tags
    • Drawers (like :PROPERTIES:, :LOGBOOK:, etc…)
    • Supported markup
  • The several kind of blocks(#+begin_*) and how they should be exported.
  • The in-buffer settings used when exporting like #+OPTIONS:, #+TITLE:, etc…

Headlines [3/7]

IMPLEMENTED Keywords that can be used at the beginning of a headline

By default, the preserved keyword in a headline are TODO and DONE.

* TODO Headline 1
** TODO Headline 2
*** DONE Finished Headline 3
**** TODO Headline 4 
** CANCELED Not a reserved keyword so it will be displayed


Currently :PROPERTIES: drawers are detected and removed from output, but nothing else special is done to them. CLOCKs, CUSTOM_ID are considered to be part of the :PROPERTIES: drawer.


QUOTE is a reserved keyword which makes the headline work similar to the #+begin_quote block.

* Introduction
** QUOTE from Nietzche

,Love is not consolation, it is light.

IMPLEMENTED Tags in the headlines

Org-mode supports putting tags on a headline like :TAG:.

* Headline without tags


* Headline with tags                                                :exports:

,What does this do?

NOT_IMPLEMENTED Progress boxes

In Org mode, it is possible to track progress of a set of sub-headlines.



NOT_IMPLEMENTED Priorities boxes

In Org mode, it is possible to set priorities by using [#A], [#B], [#C]

NEEDS_EXAMPLES [#A] Priority example

Emphasis [3/5]

PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED Markup emphasis [11/11]

* Emphasis that can be used in the markup

IMPLEMENTED Bold emphasis

You can make words *bold*,

IMPLEMENTED Italic emphasis

you can make words /italic/,

IMPLEMENTED Underlined emphasis

you can make works _underlined_, 

IMPLEMENTED Inline code emphasis

you can emphasize words as =code=

IMPLEMENTED Verbatim emphasis

you can emphasize words as ~verbatim~,

IMPLEMENTED Strike-through emphasis

You can emphasize words as +strike-through+,

IMPLEMENTED Horizontal rule

* Horizontal rule is supported after 5 dashes

,Before the hr line


,After the hr line

IMPLEMENTED Superscript emphasis

Org mode supports superscript emphasis.

You should also be able to use subscripts like A_{0}.

IMPLEMENTED Superscript emphasis

You should also be able to use superscripts like a^{2}.


# Lines can be suppresed with #
## in order to not render them


IMPLEMENTED It is possible to use HTML tags in inline formatting

* Emphasis using HTML tags

,@<b> This is bold @</b>
,@<em> This is bold @</em>
,@<pre> Hello world... @</pre>
,@<code> var a = "Hello world!"; @</code>

IMPLEMENTED Combined with other inline formatting it should be escaped

* Cases on which HTML should be escaped

,This should be escaped: ~<html><script type="text/javascript">(function(){})</script></html>~

,# Matches the first =
,This should be escaped: =<html><script type="text/javascript">(function(){})</script></html>=

,This should be escaped: ~@<script type="text/javascript">(function(){})@</script>~

,# Matches the first =
,This should be escaped: =@<script type="text/javascript">(function(){})@</script>=

Basic example

* Basic Example

,You can make words *bold*, /italic/, _underlined_, =code= and
,~verbatim~, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. 
,In Emacs Org mode you can also use subscripts like A_0,
,and superscripts like a^2.

Complex example

* Basic inline markup features










,[[][helpful text link]]




** All together in one line

*bold* /italic/ =code= ~verbatim~ _underline_  +strikethrough+ [[]] [[]] [[][helpful text link]] [[]] [[][]] <>

** Within code test

,emphasis_tests = [
,"_underline_ ",
,"[[][helpful text link]]",

,all = do |a|
, do |b|
,    [b, ' ', a, ' ', b, "\n\n"].join('')
,  end

,all.each {|e| puts e}

** Mixed together test

,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"]

,all = do |a|
, do |b|
,    [[a, 'Answer: ', b, '42', b, ' ',a, "\n\n"].join(''),
,     [a, 'Answer: ', b, '42', b, '',a, "\n\n"].join('')].flatten
,  end

,all.each {|e| puts e}

*Answer: *42* *

*Answer: *42**

*Answer: /42/ *

*Answer: /42/*

*Answer: =42= *

*Answer: =42=*

*Answer: ~42~ *

*Answer: ~42~*

*Answer: _42_ *

*Answer: _42_*

*Answer: +42+ *

*Answer: +42+*

,/Answer: *42* /

,/Answer: *42*/

,/Answer: /42/ /

,/Answer: /42//

,/Answer: =42= /

,/Answer: =42=/

,/Answer: ~42~ /

,/Answer: ~42~/

,/Answer: _42_ /

,/Answer: _42_/

,/Answer: +42+ /

,/Answer: +42+/

,=Answer: *42* =

,=Answer: *42*=

,=Answer: /42/ =

,=Answer: /42/=

,=Answer: =42= =

,=Answer: =42==

,=Answer: ~42~ =

,=Answer: ~42~=

,=Answer: _42_ =

,=Answer: _42_=

,=Answer: +42+ =

,=Answer: +42+=

,~Answer: *42* ~

,~Answer: *42*~

,~Answer: /42/ ~

,~Answer: /42/~

,~Answer: =42= ~

,~Answer: =42=~

,~Answer: ~42~ ~

,~Answer: ~42~~

,~Answer: _42_ ~

,~Answer: _42_~

,~Answer: +42+ ~

,~Answer: +42+~

,_Answer: *42* _

,_Answer: *42*_

,_Answer: /42/ _

,_Answer: /42/_

,_Answer: =42= _

,_Answer: =42=_

,_Answer: ~42~ _

,_Answer: ~42~_

,_Answer: _42_ _

,_Answer: _42__

,_Answer: +42+ _

,_Answer: +42+_

,+Answer: *42* +

,+Answer: *42*+

,+Answer: /42/ +

,+Answer: /42/+

,+Answer: =42= +

,+Answer: =42=+

,+Answer: ~42~ +

,+Answer: ~42~+

,+Answer: _42_ +

,+Answer: _42_+

,+Answer: +42+ +

,+Answer: +42++

** Multiline support test :: one line

,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"]

,all = do |a|
, do |b|
,    [a, 'Starting the line here ', "\n", b, 'and continuing here to close', b, a, "\n\n"].join('')
,  end

,all.each {|e| puts e}

*Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close**

*Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close/*

*Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close=*

*Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~*

*Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close_*

*Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close+*

,/Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close*/

,/Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close//

,/Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close=/

,/Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~/

,/Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close_/

,/Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close+/

,=Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close*=

,=Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close/=

,=Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close==

,=Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~=

,=Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close_=

,=Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close+=

,~Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close*~

,~Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close/~

,~Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close=~

,~Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~~

,~Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close_~

,~Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close+~

,_Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close*_

,_Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close/_

,_Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close=_

,_Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~_

,_Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close__

,_Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close+_

,+Starting the line here 
*and continuing here to close*+

,+Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here to close/+

,+Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here to close=+

,+Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here to close~+

,+Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here to close_+

,+Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here to close++

** Multiline support test :: two lines

,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"]

,all = do |a|
, do |b|
,    [a, 'Starting the line here ', "\n", b, 'and continuing here', "\n", 'to close', b, a, "\n\n"].join('')
,  end

,all.each {|e| puts e}

*Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close**

*Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close/*

*Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close=*

*Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~*

*Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close_*

*Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close+*

,/Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close*/

,/Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close//

,/Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close=/

,/Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~/

,/Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close_/

,/Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close+/

,=Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close*=

,=Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close/=

,=Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close==

,=Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~=

,=Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close_=

,=Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close+=

,~Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close*~

,~Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close/~

,~Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close=~

,~Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~~

,~Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close_~

,~Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close+~

,_Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close*_

,_Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close/_

,_Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close=_

,_Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~_

,_Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close__

,_Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close+_

,+Starting the line here 
*and continuing here
,to close*+

,+Starting the line here 
,/and continuing here
,to close/+

,+Starting the line here 
,=and continuing here
,to close=+

,+Starting the line here 
,~and continuing here
,to close~+

,+Starting the line here 
,_and continuing here
,to close_+

,+Starting the line here 
,+and continuing here
,to close++

** Together in same paragraph test

*bold* *bold* *bold*

,/italic/ *bold* /italic/

,=code= *bold* =code=

,~verbatim~ *bold* ~verbatim~

,_underline_  *bold* _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ *bold* +strikethrough+

,[[]] *bold* [[]]

,[[]] *bold* [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] *bold* [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] *bold* [[]]

,[[][]] *bold* [[][]]

,<> *bold* <>

*bold* /italic/ *bold*

,/italic/ /italic/ /italic/

,=code= /italic/ =code=

,~verbatim~ /italic/ ~verbatim~

,_underline_  /italic/ _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ /italic/ +strikethrough+

,[[]] /italic/ [[]]

,[[]] /italic/ [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] /italic/ [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] /italic/ [[]]

,[[][]] /italic/ [[][]]

,<> /italic/ <>

*bold* =code= *bold*

,/italic/ =code= /italic/

,=code= =code= =code=

,~verbatim~ =code= ~verbatim~

,_underline_  =code= _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ =code= +strikethrough+

,[[]] =code= [[]]

,[[]] =code= [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] =code= [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] =code= [[]]

,[[][]] =code= [[][]]

,<> =code= <>

*bold* ~verbatim~ *bold*

,/italic/ ~verbatim~ /italic/

,=code= ~verbatim~ =code=

,~verbatim~ ~verbatim~ ~verbatim~

,_underline_  ~verbatim~ _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ ~verbatim~ +strikethrough+

,[[]] ~verbatim~ [[]]

,[[]] ~verbatim~ [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] ~verbatim~ [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] ~verbatim~ [[]]

,[[][]] ~verbatim~ [[][]]

,<> ~verbatim~ <>

*bold* _underline_  *bold*

,/italic/ _underline_  /italic/

,=code= _underline_  =code=

,~verbatim~ _underline_  ~verbatim~

,_underline_  _underline_  _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ _underline_  +strikethrough+

,[[]] _underline_  [[]]

,[[]] _underline_  [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] _underline_  [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] _underline_  [[]]

,[[][]] _underline_  [[][]]

,<> _underline_  <>

*bold* +strikethrough+ *bold*

,/italic/ +strikethrough+ /italic/

,=code= +strikethrough+ =code=

,~verbatim~ +strikethrough+ ~verbatim~

,_underline_  +strikethrough+ _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ +strikethrough+ +strikethrough+

,[[]] +strikethrough+ [[]]

,[[]] +strikethrough+ [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] +strikethrough+ [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] +strikethrough+ [[]]

,[[][]] +strikethrough+ [[][]]

,<> +strikethrough+ <>

*bold* [[]] *bold*

,/italic/ [[]] /italic/

,=code= [[]] =code=

,~verbatim~ [[]] ~verbatim~

,_underline_  [[]] _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ [[]] +strikethrough+

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] [[]] [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][]] [[]] [[][]]

,<> [[]] <>

*bold* [[]] *bold*

,/italic/ [[]] /italic/

,=code= [[]] =code=

,~verbatim~ [[]] ~verbatim~

,_underline_  [[]] _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ [[]] +strikethrough+

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] [[]] [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][]] [[]] [[][]]

,<> [[]] <>

*bold* [[][helpful text link]] *bold*

,/italic/ [[][helpful text link]] /italic/

,=code= [[][helpful text link]] =code=

,~verbatim~ [[][helpful text link]] ~verbatim~

,_underline_  [[][helpful text link]] _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ [[][helpful text link]] +strikethrough+

,[[]] [[][helpful text link]] [[]]

,[[]] [[][helpful text link]] [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] [[][helpful text link]] [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] [[][helpful text link]] [[]]

,[[][]] [[][helpful text link]] [[][]]

,<> [[][helpful text link]] <>

*bold* [[]] *bold*

,/italic/ [[]] /italic/

,=code= [[]] =code=

,~verbatim~ [[]] ~verbatim~

,_underline_  [[]] _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ [[]] +strikethrough+

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] [[]] [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] [[]] [[]]

,[[][]] [[]] [[][]]

,<> [[]] <>

*bold* [[][]] *bold*

,/italic/ [[][]] /italic/

,=code= [[][]] =code=

,~verbatim~ [[][]] ~verbatim~

,_underline_  [[][]] _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ [[][]] +strikethrough+

,[[]] [[][]] [[]]

,[[]] [[][]] [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] [[][]] [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] [[][]] [[]]

,[[][]] [[][]] [[][]]

,<> [[][]] <>

*bold* <> *bold*

,/italic/ <> /italic/

,=code= <> =code=

,~verbatim~ <> ~verbatim~

,_underline_  <> _underline_ 

,+strikethrough+ <> +strikethrough+

,[[]] <> [[]]

,[[]] <> [[]]

,[[][helpful text link]] <> [[][helpful text link]]

,[[]] <> [[]]

,[[][]] <> [[][]]

,<> <> <>

** Together within a table

,| *bold* *bold*                                                        | /italic/ *bold*                                                        | =code= *bold*                                                        | ~verbatim~ *bold*                                                        | _underline_  *bold*                                                        | +strikethrough+ *bold*                                                        | [[]] *bold*                                                        | [[]] *bold*                                                        | [[][helpful text link]] *bold*                                                        | [[]] *bold*                                                        | [[][]] *bold*                                                        | <> *bold*                                                        |
,| *bold* /italic/                                                      | /italic/ /italic/                                                      | =code= /italic/                                                      | ~verbatim~ /italic/                                                      | _underline_  /italic/                                                      | +strikethrough+ /italic/                                                      | [[]] /italic/                                                      | [[]] /italic/                                                      | [[][helpful text link]] /italic/                                                      | [[]] /italic/                                                      | [[][]] /italic/                                                      | <> /italic/                                                      |
,| *bold* =code=                                                        | /italic/ =code=                                                        | =code= =code=                                                        | ~verbatim~ =code=                                                        | _underline_  =code=                                                        | +strikethrough+ =code=                                                        | [[]] =code=                                                        | [[]] =code=                                                        | [[][helpful text link]] =code=                                                        | [[]] =code=                                                        | [[][]] =code=                                                        | <> =code=                                                        |
,| *bold* ~verbatim~                                                    | /italic/ ~verbatim~                                                    | =code= ~verbatim~                                                    | ~verbatim~ ~verbatim~                                                    | _underline_  ~verbatim~                                                    | +strikethrough+ ~verbatim~                                                    | [[]] ~verbatim~                                                    | [[]] ~verbatim~                                                    | [[][helpful text link]] ~verbatim~                                                    | [[]] ~verbatim~                                                    | [[][]] ~verbatim~                                                    | <> ~verbatim~                                                    |
,| *bold* _underline_                                                   | /italic/ _underline_                                                   | =code= _underline_                                                   | ~verbatim~ _underline_                                                   | _underline_  _underline_                                                   | +strikethrough+ _underline_                                                   | [[]] _underline_                                                   | [[]] _underline_                                                   | [[][helpful text link]] _underline_                                                   | [[]] _underline_                                                   | [[][]] _underline_                                                   | <> _underline_                                                   |
,| *bold* +strikethrough+                                               | /italic/ +strikethrough+                                               | =code= +strikethrough+                                               | ~verbatim~ +strikethrough+                                               | _underline_  +strikethrough+                                               | +strikethrough+ +strikethrough+                                               | [[]] +strikethrough+                                               | [[]] +strikethrough+                                               | [[][helpful text link]] +strikethrough+                                               | [[]] +strikethrough+                                               | [[][]] +strikethrough+                                               | <> +strikethrough+                                               |
,| *bold* [[]]                                           | /italic/ [[]]                                           | =code= [[]]                                           | ~verbatim~ [[]]                                           | _underline_  [[]]                                           | +strikethrough+ [[]]                                           | [[]] [[]]                                           | [[]] [[]]                                           | [[][helpful text link]] [[]]                                           | [[]] [[]]                                           | [[][]] [[]]                                           | <> [[]]                                           |
,| *bold* [[]]                                         | /italic/ [[]]                                         | =code= [[]]                                         | ~verbatim~ [[]]                                         | _underline_  [[]]                                         | +strikethrough+ [[]]                                         | [[]] [[]]                                         | [[]] [[]]                                         | [[][helpful text link]] [[]]                                         | [[]] [[]]                                         | [[][]] [[]]                                         | <> [[]]                                         |
,| *bold* [[][helpful text link]]                                             | /italic/ [[][helpful text link]]                                             | =code= [[][helpful text link]]                                             | ~verbatim~ [[][helpful text link]]                                             | _underline_  [[][helpful text link]]                                             | +strikethrough+ [[][helpful text link]]                                             | [[]] [[][helpful text link]]                                             | [[]] [[][helpful text link]]                                             | [[][helpful text link]] [[][helpful text link]]                                             | [[]] [[][helpful text link]]                                             | [[][]] [[][helpful text link]]                                             | <> [[][helpful text link]]                                             |
,| *bold* [[]] | /italic/ [[]] | =code= [[]] | ~verbatim~ [[]] | _underline_  [[]] | +strikethrough+ [[]] | [[]] [[]] | [[]] [[]] | [[][helpful text link]] [[]] | [[]] [[]] | [[][]] [[]] | <> [[]] |
,| *bold* [[][]]                       | /italic/ [[][]]                       | =code= [[][]]                       | ~verbatim~ [[][]]                       | _underline_  [[][]]                       | +strikethrough+ [[][]]                       | [[]] [[][]]                       | [[]] [[][]]                       | [[][helpful text link]] [[][]]                       | [[]] [[][]]                       | [[][]] [[][]]                       | <> [[][]]                       |
,| *bold* <>                                       | /italic/ <>                                       | =code= <>                                       | ~verbatim~ <>                                       | _underline_  <>                                       | +strikethrough+ <>                                       | [[]] <>                                       | [[]] <>                                       | [[][helpful text link]] <>                                       | [[]] <>                                       | [[][]] <>                                       | <> <>                                       |


* Entities

,=Org-ruby= supports "smart double quotes," 'smart single quotes,'
,apostrophes for contractions like won't and can't, and other
,things... like elipses. Oh -- and dashes.

,Also, ampersands like R&R or &lt; become escaped.

** <Even in headlines! funner & funner!>

,\laquo They \alpha should \beta be \gamma
,able \delta to \eta exist \theta in \epsilon
,the same line \radic \raquo.

,\laquo They won't appear in in example blocks. \raquo

,\lceil \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \rceil

,Though they appear in center blocks

,\lfloor \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \rfloor

,To work they have to be separated, like \hearts \hearts, not like \hearts\hearts.

** List of entities supported

,- Writing =\Agrave=, results in: \Agrave
,- Writing =\agrave=, results in: \agrave
,- Writing =\Aacute=, results in: \Aacute
,- Writing =\aacute=, results in: \aacute
,- Writing =\Acirc=, results in: \Acirc
,- Writing =\acirc=, results in: \acirc
,- Writing =\Atilde=, results in: \Atilde
,- Writing =\atilde=, results in: \atilde
,- Writing =\Auml=, results in: \Auml
,- Writing =\auml=, results in: \auml
,- Writing =\Aring=, results in: \Aring
,- Writing =\AA=, results in: \AA
,- Writing =\aring=, results in: \aring
,- Writing =\AElig=, results in: \AElig
,- Writing =\aelig=, results in: \aelig
,- Writing =\Ccedil=, results in: \Ccedil
,- Writing =\ccedil=, results in: \ccedil
,- Writing =\Egrave=, results in: \Egrave
,- Writing =\egrave=, results in: \egrave
,- Writing =\Eacute=, results in: \Eacute
,- Writing =\eacute=, results in: \eacute
,- Writing =\Ecirc=, results in: \Ecirc
,- Writing =\ecirc=, results in: \ecirc
,- Writing =\Euml=, results in: \Euml
,- Writing =\euml=, results in: \euml
,- Writing =\Igrave=, results in: \Igrave
,- Writing =\igrave=, results in: \igrave
,- Writing =\Iacute=, results in: \Iacute
,- Writing =\iacute=, results in: \iacute
,- Writing =\Icirc=, results in: \Icirc
,- Writing =\icirc=, results in: \icirc
,- Writing =\Iuml=, results in: \Iuml
,- Writing =\iuml=, results in: \iuml
,- Writing =\Ntilde=, results in: \Ntilde
,- Writing =\ntilde=, results in: \ntilde
,- Writing =\Ograve=, results in: \Ograve
,- Writing =\ograve=, results in: \ograve
,- Writing =\Oacute=, results in: \Oacute
,- Writing =\oacute=, results in: \oacute
,- Writing =\Ocirc=, results in: \Ocirc
,- Writing =\ocirc=, results in: \ocirc
,- Writing =\Otilde=, results in: \Otilde
,- Writing =\otilde=, results in: \otilde
,- Writing =\Ouml=, results in: \Ouml
,- Writing =\ouml=, results in: \ouml
,- Writing =\Oslash=, results in: \Oslash
,- Writing =\oslash=, results in: \oslash
,- Writing =\OElig=, results in: \OElig
,- Writing =\oelig=, results in: \oelig
,- Writing =\Scaron=, results in: \Scaron
,- Writing =\scaron=, results in: \scaron
,- Writing =\szlig=, results in: \szlig
,- Writing =\Ugrave=, results in: \Ugrave
,- Writing =\ugrave=, results in: \ugrave
,- Writing =\Uacute=, results in: \Uacute
,- Writing =\uacute=, results in: \uacute
,- Writing =\Ucirc=, results in: \Ucirc
,- Writing =\ucirc=, results in: \ucirc
,- Writing =\Uuml=, results in: \Uuml
,- Writing =\uuml=, results in: \uuml
,- Writing =\Yacute=, results in: \Yacute
,- Writing =\yacute=, results in: \yacute
,- Writing =\Yuml=, results in: \Yuml
,- Writing =\yuml=, results in: \yuml
,- Writing =\fnof=, results in: \fnof
,- Writing =\real=, results in: \real
,- Writing =\image=, results in: \image
,- Writing =\weierp=, results in: \weierp
,- Writing =\Alpha=, results in: \Alpha
,- Writing =\alpha=, results in: \alpha
,- Writing =\Beta=, results in: \Beta
,- Writing =\beta=, results in: \beta
,- Writing =\Gamma=, results in: \Gamma
,- Writing =\gamma=, results in: \gamma
,- Writing =\Delta=, results in: \Delta
,- Writing =\delta=, results in: \delta
,- Writing =\Epsilon=, results in: \Epsilon
,- Writing =\epsilon=, results in: \epsilon
,- Writing =\varepsilon=, results in: \varepsilon
,- Writing =\Zeta=, results in: \Zeta
,- Writing =\zeta=, results in: \zeta
,- Writing =\Eta=, results in: \Eta
,- Writing =\eta=, results in: \eta
,- Writing =\Theta=, results in: \Theta
,- Writing =\theta=, results in: \theta
,- Writing =\thetasym=, results in: \thetasym
,- Writing =\vartheta=, results in: \vartheta
,- Writing =\Iota=, results in: \Iota
,- Writing =\iota=, results in: \iota
,- Writing =\Kappa=, results in: \Kappa
,- Writing =\kappa=, results in: \kappa
,- Writing =\Lambda=, results in: \Lambda
,- Writing =\lambda=, results in: \lambda
,- Writing =\Mu=, results in: \Mu
,- Writing =\mu=, results in: \mu
,- Writing =\nu=, results in: \nu
,- Writing =\Nu=, results in: \Nu
,- Writing =\Xi=, results in: \Xi
,- Writing =\xi=, results in: \xi
,- Writing =\Omicron=, results in: \Omicron
,- Writing =\omicron=, results in: \omicron
,- Writing =\Pi=, results in: \Pi
,- Writing =\pi=, results in: \pi
,- Writing =\Rho=, results in: \Rho
,- Writing =\rho=, results in: \rho
,- Writing =\Sigma=, results in: \Sigma
,- Writing =\sigma=, results in: \sigma
,- Writing =\sigmaf=, results in: \sigmaf
,- Writing =\varsigma=, results in: \varsigma
,- Writing =\Tau=, results in: \Tau
,- Writing =\Upsilon=, results in: \Upsilon
,- Writing =\upsih=, results in: \upsih
,- Writing =\upsilon=, results in: \upsilon
,- Writing =\Phi=, results in: \Phi
,- Writing =\phi=, results in: \phi
,- Writing =\Chi=, results in: \Chi
,- Writing =\chi=, results in: \chi
,- Writing =\acutex=, results in: \acutex
,- Writing =\Psi=, results in: \Psi
,- Writing =\psi=, results in: \psi
,- Writing =\tau=, results in: \tau
,- Writing =\Omega=, results in: \Omega
,- Writing =\omega=, results in: \omega
,- Writing =\piv=, results in: \piv
,- Writing =\partial=, results in: \partial
,- Writing =\alefsym=, results in: \alefsym
,- Writing =\ETH=, results in: \ETH
,- Writing =\eth=, results in: \eth
,- Writing =\THORN=, results in: \THORN
,- Writing =\thorn=, results in: \thorn
,- Writing =\dots=, results in: \dots
,- Writing =\hellip=, results in: \hellip
,- Writing =\middot=, results in: \middot
,- Writing =\iexcl=, results in: \iexcl
,- Writing =\iquest=, results in: \iquest
,- Writing =\shy=, results in: \shy
,- Writing =\ndash=, results in: \ndash
,- Writing =\mdash=, results in: \mdash
,- Writing =\quot=, results in: \quot
,- Writing =\acute=, results in: \acute
,- Writing =\ldquo=, results in: \ldquo
,- Writing =\rdquo=, results in: \rdquo
,- Writing =\bdquo=, results in: \bdquo
,- Writing =\lsquo=, results in: \lsquo
,- Writing =\rsquo=, results in: \rsquo
,- Writing =\sbquo=, results in: \sbquo
,- Writing =\laquo=, results in: \laquo
,- Writing =\raquo=, results in: \raquo
,- Writing =\lsaquo=, results in: \lsaquo
,- Writing =\rsaquo=, results in: \rsaquo
,- Writing =\circ=, results in: \circ
,- Writing =\vert=, results in: \vert
,- Writing =\brvbar=, results in: \brvbar
,- Writing =\sect=, results in: \sect
,- Writing =\amp=, results in: \amp
,- Writing =\lt=, results in: \lt
,- Writing =\gt=, results in: \gt
,- Writing =\tilde=, results in: \tilde
,- Writing =\slash=, results in: \slash
,- Writing =\plus=, results in: \plus
,- Writing =\under=, results in: \under
,- Writing =\equal=, results in: \equal
,- Writing =\asciicirc=, results in: \asciicirc
,- Writing =\dagger=, results in: \dagger
,- Writing =\Dagger=, results in: \Dagger
,- Writing =\nbsp=, results in: \nbsp
,- Writing =\ensp=, results in: \ensp
,- Writing =\emsp=, results in: \emsp
,- Writing =\thinsp=, results in: \thinsp
,- Writing =\curren=, results in: \curren
,- Writing =\cent=, results in: \cent
,- Writing =\pound=, results in: \pound
,- Writing =\yen=, results in: \yen
,- Writing =\euro=, results in: \euro
,- Writing =\EUR=, results in: \EUR
,- Writing =\EURdig=, results in: \EURdig
,- Writing =\EURhv=, results in: \EURhv
,- Writing =\EURcr=, results in: \EURcr
,- Writing =\EURtm=, results in: \EURtm
,- Writing =\copy=, results in: \copy
,- Writing =\reg=, results in: \reg
,- Writing =\trade=, results in: \trade
,- Writing =\minus=, results in: \minus
,- Writing =\pm=, results in: \pm
,- Writing =\plusmn=, results in: \plusmn
,- Writing =\times=, results in: \times
,- Writing =\frasl=, results in: \frasl
,- Writing =\div=, results in: \div
,- Writing =\frac12=, results in: \frac12
,- Writing =\frac14=, results in: \frac14
,- Writing =\frac34=, results in: \frac34
,- Writing =\permil=, results in: \permil
,- Writing =\sup1=, results in: \sup1
,- Writing =\sup2=, results in: \sup2
,- Writing =\sup3=, results in: \sup3
,- Writing =\radic=, results in: \radic
,- Writing =\sum=, results in: \sum
,- Writing =\prod=, results in: \prod
,- Writing =\micro=, results in: \micro
,- Writing =\macr=, results in: \macr
,- Writing =\deg=, results in: \deg
,- Writing =\prime=, results in: \prime
,- Writing =\Prime=, results in: \Prime
,- Writing =\infin=, results in: \infin
,- Writing =\infty=, results in: \infty
,- Writing =\prop=, results in: \prop
,- Writing =\proptp=, results in: \proptp
,- Writing =\not=, results in: \not
,- Writing =\neg=, results in: \neg
,- Writing =\land=, results in: \land
,- Writing =\wedge=, results in: \wedge
,- Writing =\lor=, results in: \lor
,- Writing =\vee=, results in: \vee
,- Writing =\cap=, results in: \cap
,- Writing =\cup=, results in: \cup
,- Writing =\int=, results in: \int
,- Writing =\there4=, results in: \there4
,- Writing =\sim=, results in: \sim
,- Writing =\cong=, results in: \cong
,- Writing =\simeq=, results in: \simeq
,- Writing =\asymp=, results in: \asymp
,- Writing =\approx=, results in: \approx
,- Writing =\ne=, results in: \ne
,- Writing =\neq=, results in: \neq
,- Writing =\equiv=, results in: \equiv
,- Writing =\le=, results in: \le
,- Writing =\ge=, results in: \ge
,- Writing =\sub=, results in: \sub
,- Writing =\subset=, results in: \subset
,- Writing =\sup=, results in: \sup
,- Writing =\supset=, results in: \supset
,- Writing =\nsub=, results in: \nsub
,- Writing =\sube=, results in: \sube
,- Writing =\nsup=, results in: \nsup
,- Writing =\supe=, results in: \supe
,- Writing =\forall=, results in: \forall
,- Writing =\exist=, results in: \exist
,- Writing =\exists=, results in: \exists
,- Writing =\empty=, results in: \empty
,- Writing =\emptyset=, results in: \emptyset
,- Writing =\isin=, results in: \isin
,- Writing =\in=, results in: \in
,- Writing =\notin=, results in: \notin
,- Writing =\ni=, results in: \ni
,- Writing =\nabla=, results in: \nabla
,- Writing =\ang=, results in: \ang
,- Writing =\angle=, results in: \angle
,- Writing =\perp=, results in: \perp
,- Writing =\sdot=, results in: \sdot
,- Writing =\cdot=, results in: \cdot
,- Writing =\lceil=, results in: \lceil
,- Writing =\rceil=, results in: \rceil
,- Writing =\lfloor=, results in: \lfloor
,- Writing =\rfloor=, results in: \rfloor
,- Writing =\lang=, results in: \lang
,- Writing =\rang=, results in: \rang
,- Writing =\larr=, results in: \larr
,- Writing =\leftarrow=, results in: \leftarrow
,- Writing =\gets=, results in: \gets
,- Writing =\lArr=, results in: \lArr
,- Writing =\Leftarrow=, results in: \Leftarrow
,- Writing =\uarr=, results in: \uarr
,- Writing =\uparrow=, results in: \uparrow
,- Writing =\uArr=, results in: \uArr
,- Writing =\Uparrow=, results in: \Uparrow
,- Writing =\rarr=, results in: \rarr
,- Writing =\to=, results in: \to
,- Writing =\rightarrow=, results in: \rightarrow
,- Writing =\rArr=, results in: \rArr
,- Writing =\Rightarrow=, results in: \Rightarrow
,- Writing =\darr=, results in: \darr
,- Writing =\downarrow=, results in: \downarrow
,- Writing =\dArr=, results in: \dArr
,- Writing =\Downarrow=, results in: \Downarrow
,- Writing =\harr=, results in: \harr
,- Writing =\leftrightarrow=, results in: \leftrightarrow
,- Writing =\hArr=, results in: \hArr
,- Writing =\Leftrightarrow=, results in: \Leftrightarrow
,- Writing =\crarr=, results in: \crarr
,- Writing =\hookleftarrow=, results in: \hookleftarrow
,- Writing =\arccos=, results in: \arccos
,- Writing =\arcsin=, results in: \arcsin
,- Writing =\arctan=, results in: \arctan
,- Writing =\arg=, results in: \arg
,- Writing =\cos=, results in: \cos
,- Writing =\cosh=, results in: \cosh
,- Writing =\cot=, results in: \cot
,- Writing =\coth=, results in: \coth
,- Writing =\csc=, results in: \csc
,- Writing =\det=, results in: \det
,- Writing =\dim=, results in: \dim
,- Writing =\exp=, results in: \exp
,- Writing =\gcd=, results in: \gcd
,- Writing =\hom=, results in: \hom
,- Writing =\inf=, results in: \inf
,- Writing =\ker=, results in: \ker
,- Writing =\lg=, results in: \lg
,- Writing =\lim=, results in: \lim
,- Writing =\liminf=, results in: \liminf
,- Writing =\limsup=, results in: \limsup
,- Writing =\ln=, results in: \ln
,- Writing =\log=, results in: \log
,- Writing =\max=, results in: \max
,- Writing =\min=, results in: \min
,- Writing =\Pr=, results in: \Pr
,- Writing =\sec=, results in: \sec
,- Writing =\sin=, results in: \sin
,- Writing =\sinh=, results in: \sinh
,- Writing =\tan=, results in: \tan
,- Writing =\tanh=, results in: \tanh
,- Writing =\bull=, results in: \bull
,- Writing =\bullet=, results in: \bullet
,- Writing =\star=, results in: \star
,- Writing =\lowast=, results in: \lowast
,- Writing =\ast=, results in: \ast
,- Writing =\odot=, results in: \odot
,- Writing =\oplus=, results in: \oplus
,- Writing =\otimes=, results in: \otimes
,- Writing =\checkmark=, results in: \checkmark
,- Writing =\para=, results in: \para
,- Writing =\ordf=, results in: \ordf
,- Writing =\ordm=, results in: \ordm
,- Writing =\cedil=, results in: \cedil
,- Writing =\oline=, results in: \oline
,- Writing =\uml=, results in: \uml
,- Writing =\zwnj=, results in: \zwnj
,- Writing =\zwj=, results in: \zwj
,- Writing =\lrm=, results in: \lrm
,- Writing =\rlm=, results in: \rlm
,- Writing =\smile=, results in: \smile
,- Writing =\smiley=, results in: \smiley
,- Writing =\blacksmile=, results in: \blacksmile
,- Writing =\sad=, results in: \sad
,- Writing =\clubs=, results in: \clubs
,- Writing =\clubsuit=, results in: \clubsuit
,- Writing =\spades=, results in: \spades
,- Writing =\spadesuit=, results in: \spadesuit
,- Writing =\hearts=, results in: \hearts
,- Writing =\heartsuit=, results in: \heartsuit
,- Writing =\diams=, results in: \diams
,- Writing =\diamondsuit=, results in: \diamondsuit
,- Writing =\Diamond=, results in: \Diamond
,- Writing =\loz=, results in: \loz

* Some special cases

,In case nothing matches, the string is returned as is.

,\for \example \this \wont \break


IMPLEMENTED Unordered lists


* Nested lists

, - You can have nested lists
, - This is first-level
,   - This is a nested item
,   - This is another nested item
, - Back to the first level
, - Another first level item
,   - This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list
,   - This is another numbered item


* Plus sign can be used instead of hyphen

, + You can have nested lists
, + This is first-level
,   + This is a nested item
,   + This is another nested item
, + Back to the first level
, + Another first level item
,   + This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list
,   + This is another numbered item


* Asterisk can be used for lists

 * You can have nested lists
 * This is first-level
   * This is a nested item
   * This is another nested item
 * Back to the first level
 * Another first level item
   * This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list
   * This is another numbered item

IMPLEMENTED Ordered lists

IMPLEMENTED with 1., 2., 3., etc…

* Lists can also be numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc..

, 1. You can have nested lists
, 2. This is first-level
,    1. This is a nested item
,    2. This is another nested item
, 3. Back to the first level
, 4. Another first level item
,    1. This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list
,    2. This is another numbered item

IMPLEMENTED with 1), 2), 3), etc…

* Lists can also be numbered as 1), 2), 3), etc..

, 1) You can have nested lists
, 2) This is first-level
,    1) This is a nested item
,    2) This is another nested item
, 3) Back to the first level
, 4) Another first level item
,    1) This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list
,    2) This is another numbered item

IMPLEMENTED Definition lists

IMPLEMENTED with definition

* Definition items can be used inside a list

,- Regular list
, + Key :: Value (k1)
, + Key :: Value (k2)
, + Key :: Value (k3)

,- Semicolon as part of key
, - K::e::y :: Value (k1)
, - K::e::y :: Value (k2)

,- Paragraph break after key
, + Key ::
,   Value (k1)
, + Key ::
,   Value (k2)

,- Many semicolons in same line
, + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1)
, + Key :: Value :: Still value (k2)

,- Semicolon placement cases
, + Case 1
  * Key ::MoreKey :: Value (k1)
, + Case 2
  * Key:: MoreKey :: Value (k2)
, + Case 3
  * :: Key :: Value (k3)  

IMPLEMENTED without definition

* Definition List Item without Definition

,??? will be shown in this case

,- Example list
, + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1)
,   Paragraph :: with :: no value
, + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1) ::
,   Paragraph :: with :: no value ::
, + ::
,   Paragraph :: with :: no value

IMPLEMENTED exceptions

* Not definition lists

,The following cases will not be considered as definition lists
,but just regular lists.

, - Key:: Value (n1)
, - Key ::Value (n2)
, - Key::Value (n3)
, - Key::
,   Value (n4)
, - Key
,   :: Value (n5)

NOT_IMPLEMENTED Progress boxes

In Org mode, it is possible to display the progress of a set of tasks using the [/] combined with [ ] and [X] to mark them as done or not.







Only unsupported feature from Org mode is auto-recognizing URLs.

* Links implementation

,- [[]]
,- [[]]

,Note the last one *is not* a link, as the source doesn't include it in
,double-brackets and I don't auto-recognize URLs.

,I should also handle links with [[][helpful text]].

,Helpful addition from [[][punchagan]], we now
,recognize when the link goes to an image and make the link anchor be the
,image, like this:

,- [[]]

,Also, if you make the descriptive text be an image, then it will get formatted
,with an image tag, like so:

,- [[][]]

,Helpful addition from [[][wallyqs]]:

,While "naked" links don't work (like, angle links
,do work. This should look like a link: <>.

,It should be possible to use both kind of links on the same paragraph:

,This is an angle link <> and this is a bracket link [[][to a repository]].

,This is a bracket link [[][to a repository]] and this is an angle link <>.

,This is a bracket link [[][to a repository]] and this is a bracket link too  [[][to a repository]].

,This is an angle link <> and this is an angle link too <>.

IMPLEMENTED Linking to file:

* Links to other org files

,  This is a link to the file in the same
,  directory. In ~emacs~, if you click it, the other file opens. We
,  want the same behavior in the HTML export.

,  [[][Code Comment]]

IMPLEMENTED Linking to file: with search link

* Search links

,  This is a search link into

,  [[*Code%20Comment][Code Comment]]

IMPLEMENTED Linking to url

* Correct handling of .org URIs in HTML markup routine (thanks @rayl!)

,- [[][ website]]

,- [[][ website]]

,- [[][]]

,- [[http://localhost:4567/][localhost:4567/]]

IMPLEMENTED Converting extension to .html when link is .org file

* In these links, .org is converted to .html

,- [[][ label]]

,- [[file:notes/][file:notes/ label]]


Footnotes do not behave exactly the same as in the Org mode version.

Blocks [3/5]


IMPLEMENTED Code block within lists

* Code block within lists

,- List starts
, + Block without indentation
,puts "test"
,- List continues here
, + and finished here

IMPLEMENTED Code block indented in list

* Code block indented

,: - List starts
,:  + Block without indentation
,:    #+begin_example ruby
,:   puts "test"
,:    #+end_example
,: - List continues here
,:  + and finished here

,- List starts
, + Block without indentation
,  puts "test"
,- List continues here

IMPLEMENTED Code block indentation level

* Indentation level in example block

,- Indentation of a begin_example code block
,    (+ 3 5)

IMPLEMENTED Code blocks with unknown lang

This ones are treated as default source blocks.

* Unknown block

#+BEGIN_SRC unknown
,defmodule Enum do
,  def map(collection, fun) do
,    Enumerable.reduce(collection, [], fn(x, acc) ->
,      [fun.(x, acc)|acc]
,    end) |> reverse
,  end

IMPLEMENTED Example block

This code blocks are not highlighted:


,    def initialize(output)
,      @output = output
,      @buffer = ""
,      @output_type = :start
,      @list_indent_stack = []
,      @paragraph_modifier = nil

,      @logger =
,      @logger.level = Logger::WARN
,    end


IMPLEMENTED Example lines with :

Lines that start with : will be collected and put within an example block.

* Example lines

,Here is an example
,: Some example from a text file.

,     Here is an example
,        : Some example from a text file.

NOT_IMPLEMENTED Code block with asterisks at the beginning

Emacs Org mode has some problems when an asterisk is used at the beginning of a block. As a workaround, it detects the these cases and adds a leading comma to the blocks, and then removes it when exporting.

In the following example, since there is a leading asterisk, after editing, Org mode would add a leading comma to it.

* Example with a leading comma

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output
,  puts "Hello world " \
,  ,* 8

NOT_IMPLEMENTED Code block omission when the #+RESULTS: is immediately before

In Emacs Org mode implementation, after executing code with org-babel, the result is printed along with a #+RESULTS: line, and the resulting block is not exported. In Org ruby this is not implemented and the result is exported.

* #+RESULTS: block from org-babel

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output
,puts "Hello " * 8

,: Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello 

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output
,puts "Hello\n" * 12


IMPLEMENTED Quote blocks

IMPLEMENTED Quote block without emphasis

* Quote block

,Testing that I can have block quotes:



,This is blockquote text.


,And now I'm back to normal text!

IMPLEMENTED Quote block with emphasis and headlines

These are particularly interesting, because they allow Org mode to be used witing the quote block.

* Quote block

,Testing that I can have block quotes:


,Quote begins, but then gets a headline:

* Example
** Subheadlines here

,: This is blockquote text.

** What happens with this?

#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output
,puts "Hello world"


IMPLEMENTED Center blocks

* Center block
,not center
,not center, again


* Raw html can be embedded

,The following will render the tag as is:

#+html: <code> Hello </code>

,And this will render some Javascript, and execute it.

#+html: <script> alert('hello') </script>

** HTML blocks

,They behave as follows:

,<p style="color:#cafe12; background-color:#999999">



NOT_IMPLEMENTED Comment blocks

* Commented blocks

,The following will not be rendered because it is a comment block.

,This should not be rendered?


Export settings in buffer [4/6]

The default export options can be modified slightly as documented here:

IMPLEMENTED #+TODO: Customize headline keywords


* DONE Default keyword
* CANCELED Custom keyword
* TODO Default keyword


This option creates a paragraph with the css class p.title.

#+TITLE:   Export Title

,This simple org document should get a title from the =TITLE= option at
,the front of the file.

IMPLEMENTED #+OPTIONS: todo:t Display headline keywords

In org-ruby, TODO keywords will not be displayed by default. In order to do this, it is necessary to specify it in the #+OPTIONS:.

#+OPTIONS: todo:t

* DONE Default keyword
* CANCELED Custom keyword
* TODO Default keyword


Anchor link output is not correct in this cases when compared to Emacs Org mode.

#+TITLE: Footnotes
#+OPTIONS: f:t

* Footnotes

,Using numbers [fn:0]

,Using letters and not defined in the footnote [fn:abc]

,Using letters and defined in the footnote [fn:abc:definition of abc]

,Defined in the footnote itself with markup [fn:1:*blub*]

,[fn:0] Definition of first footnote


#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: exclude noexport
#+TAGS: export noexport

,What happens when you exceed the number of headline levels to export?

* Shouldn't export                                     :noexport:

,  This text shouldn't be exported, right?

** Nor this subheading?

,   Or its text?

* Exclude me, too!                                                  :exclude:

* Headline 1                                        :READING:DVD:

** Headline 2

,   This bit of body *should* get exported.

*** Headline 3                                           :export:

,    This bit of body gets exported.

**** Headline 4 (include)

,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam
,     nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam
,     erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo
,     dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata
,     sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
,     amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor
,     invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
,     voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea
,     rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est
,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
,     consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor
,     invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
,     voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea
,     rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est
,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

**** Headline 4 (exclude)                              :noexport:

,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam
,     nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam
,     erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo
,     dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata
,     sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit
,     amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor
,     invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
,     voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea
,     rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est
,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
,     consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor
,     invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam
,     voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea
,     rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est
,     Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

***** This is not exported

,      This should not appear.

*** Another headline 3

,    This one *should* get exported!!

**** Another headline 4

,     This is also exported!!