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When adding a new feature

wallyqs edited this page Nov 19, 2011 · 1 revision
$ rake -T

rake testcase                  # Alias for testcase:list
rake testcase:accept[case]     # Accept the current org-ruby output for the test case as correct
rake testcase:inspect[case]    # Look at the current org-ruby output for a test case
rake testcase:list             # List all of the current HTML test cases

Those are some of the useful rake tasks that Brian wrote to test the org-ruby output.

The flow for adding a new feature would be something like this:

  • Modify or add the org file with an example of the feature you want to add e.g. spec/html_examples/
  • Modify the spec file that describes that behavior. e.g. spec/parser_spec.rb
  • Have fun adding the feature :)
  • While developing, you can run the testcase:inspect[custom-todo] rake task to preview your changes
  • When your tests pass, run the testcase:accept rake task to update the spec’s output html file.
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