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In this repo a sample implementation of controlling NATS clusters routing configuration by using the Kubernetes API.

Example usage

For example, let's say that we have a cluster named nats running in K8S, that we have deployed as a StatefulSet:

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/nats-cluster-A.yaml
configmap/nats-config created
service/nats created
statefulset.apps/nats created

The pods in this cluster, will all be sharing a single nats-config ConfigMap that can be updated and reloaded at at anytime by the reloader sidecar in case it detects changes to it. This NATS cluster will have a leafnode connection to another external NATS Server so that it can be controlled remotely.

In order to do so, connected to the same NATS cluster, there will be a leaf-controller process that will expose a NATS based API that can be used to make updates to the remote ConfigMap from a NATS cluster.

To deploy this leaf-controller:

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/leaf-controller-A.yaml
serviceaccount/nats created created created
deployment.apps/nats-leaf-controller created

Now in order to make an update of the routes, we can send a message so that the reloader sidecar picks up the change and adds the route to all the pods from a cluster:

$ export CLUSTER_NAME="nats"
$ nats-req -s $SOME_NATS_SERVER _SAT.$CLUSTER_NAME.config.put '{
  "name": "CLUSTER_A",
  "routes": [

Eventually in the logs (it can take about a minute), there would be a message that the reload was successful:

$ kubectl logs nats-0 -c nats --follow
[6] 2020/08/18 21:36:40.859351 [INF] Cluster name updated to CLUSTER_A
[6] 2020/08/18 21:36:40.859360 [INF] Reloaded: cluster
[6] 2020/08/18 21:36:40.859425 [INF] Reloaded server configuration

Local Development

To run locally the leaf-controller with the local kubectl credentials:

KUBERNETES_CONFIG_FILE=~/.kube/config go run cmd/leaf-controller/main.go
INFO[2020-08-18T14:05:17-07:00] Starting NATS Leaf Controller v0.1.0         
INFO[2020-08-18T14:05:17-07:00] Go Version: go1.14.2  

Docker Image

To build the Docker image:

docker build -f docker/leaf-controller/Dockerfile -t wallyqs/satellite:latest .


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