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Strati Functional

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Strati functional is a set of functional classes intended to make the Java development experience more intuitive and less cumbersome. One of the main purposes of this library is to allow types to communicate side-effects via highly compositional types. The library currently exposes the following types:

  1. Optional - container for handling nullable values (composable alternative to java.util.Optional)

  2. Try - container for handling failures (based on scala.util.Try)

  3. LazyTry - compose failable actions in a lazy manner (i.e. defer execution)

  4. CircuitBreaker - improve stability and resilience by preventing your system from repeatedly trying to execute an operation that is likely to fail

These types can be used to make (commonly implicit) effects explicit in the type signatures of your code. This allows much more safety and readability since the types tell a larger part of the story as to what happens when particular methods are invoked.


For example take the following method signature:

public <T> T getFirst(Collection<T> collection)

The intent of this method is to return only the first element from the collection that is given as input. When we read the method signature it tells us that the method takes a Collection<T> as input and it returns a value of type T. But what happens when the given collection is empty? The method signature only tells us what happens in the "happy path". In most cases developers choose to simply return null when there is no value that can be returned. Returning null is an example of an implicit effect that isn’t represented in our type signature. To make this nullable effect explicit we can change the method signature as follows:

public <T> Optional<T> getFirst(Collection<T> collection)

Notice that the return type now explicitly states that the method will "optionally" return a value of type T. An Optional can be either an instance of Present (which contains a value) or an instance of Empty (which contains no value).

public abstract class Optional<T> { ... }
final class Present<T> extends Optional<T> { ... }
final class Empty<T> extends Optional<T> { ... }

Let’s look at an example of how we can use this type to refactor code that handles nullable values.

Person person = personCache.find(name);
if (person != null) {
    Address address = person.getAddress();
    if (address != null) {
        City city = address.getCity();
        if (city != null) {

The above example shows how multiple levels of null checks need to be nested in order to account for all the possible null values that might occur at runtime. If we change the return types to utilize Optional<T> to make the nullable effect explicit we might naively rewrite the above example to the following:

Optional<Person> person = personCache.find(name);
if (person.isPresent()) {
    Optional<Address> address = person.get().getAddress();
    if (address.isPresent()) {
        Optional<City> city = address.get().getCity();
        if (city.isPresent()) {

The benefit of switching to Optional is that the calling side is now forced to perform the check, the nullable effect is no longer implicit. However we haven’t gained much in terms of code style as the code still looks quite similar to the first version. This brings us to the next great benefit of using an explicit type to encode side-effects: composability! Since Optional is just an ordinary type it comes with many convenience methods that allow us to abstract away many common patterns that we encounter when dealing with nullable values. These methods are composable in that they allow us to "wire" together multiple nullable values and actions without leaving the typesafe Optional context. To illustrate this, the proper way to rewrite the above example is as follows:


Firstly notice that Optional allows for a functional style (i.e. expression-based rather than imperative statement-based). This is of course a matter of taste and not enforced, you’re still free to split up the expression into multiple statements if that’s your preference. Another interesting fact to notice is that by using the compositional methods flatMap and ifPresent the code becomes much more concise and easily readable (granted, it might take some time to get used to this functional expression-based style). Even more interestingly, our code is now completely safe from null pointers (and hence from NullPointerExceptions) but we haven’t written a single null check ourselves! The methods defined on Optional abstract the details of null handling away from us in a type-safe container. All we need to do is compose the appropriate actions together within the Optional context.

Pro tip: Make maximum use of the composable methods and avoid calling Optional.get() as much as possible!

Why a custom Optional?!

By now you might be thinking: the JDK already comes with the java.util.Optional implementation, why did we decide to implement our own custom version? The answer is simply because java.util.Optional isn’t composable enough. Especially in cases where you want to specify actions to take when no value is present, i.e. in the Empty optional case, java.util.Optional doesn’t help us out and forces us to write imperative manual checks again. For example, we want to eliminate the need for code like the following:

Optional<Foo> opt = getSomeOptional();
if (opt.isSuccess()) {
} else {

In favor of:


There are many other reasons that we considered but composability is by far the most important one.

An overview of the differences between our Optional and java.util.Optional:

  • ifPresent returns Optional instead of void so that expressions don’t have to be broken up in order to do side-effects (i.e. perform actions)

  • added isEmpty()

  • added ifEmpty(Runnable runnable), for performing side-effects in the empty case (also returns Optional).

  • flatMap returns empty if mapper function returns null instead of throwing NullPointerException.

  • added orElseMap(Supplier<? extends T> mapper), to allow mapping a value in the empty case (like Try.recover).

  • added orElseFlatMap(Supplier<? extends Optional<? extends T>> mapper), to allow flatMapping in the empty case (like Try.recoverWith).

  • added stream(), to convert to a Stream that contains 0 or 1 elements, mainly for easier composition with Stream API.

  • added toTry to convert to Success if a value is present, otherwise Failure with NoSuchElementException.

Note: This implementation is backwards compatible with java.util.Optional in order to facilitate easy adoption.


Whereas Optional<T> helps us to deal with nullable values, the Try<T> type helps us to deal with computations/actions that can potentially fail. Our aim is again to provide a type that makes this effect explicit and allows compositional methods that abstract common patterns away from the user.

Try is very similar to Optional in that an instance of Try can either be a Success or a Failure. If it’s a Success then it contains the value of type T, if it’s a Failure then it contains a Throwable to identify the cause of the failure.

public abstract class Try<T> { ... }
final class Success<T> extends Try<T> { ... }
final class Failure<T> extends Try<T> { ... }

Now you might be thinking: Why do I need the Try type? I can already make the failure effect explicit in my type signatures with throws clauses. Strictly speaking that is true, but unfortunately checked exceptions are a special construct in the Java language rather than a first-class citizen like ordinary types. This basically means that the only thing we can do with a method signature that specifies a throws clause is to wrap it in a try/catch block or re-throw it for the next caller to figure out what to do. This isn’t the compositional way of dealing with failures that we’re looking for. Having an ordinary type that represent failable computations/actions allows us to specify methods that abstract away common patterns of failure handling while providing a composable interface.

Let’s look at how we can use the Try type to make failure handling more convenient and maintainable.

User user = null;
try {
    user = getUserFromCache(userId);
} catch (NoSuchElementException nee) {
    try {
        user = getUserFromDatabase(userId);
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
        try {
            user = createUser(new User());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // now what? log? fail?
} finally {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // now what? log? fail?

In the above example we first want to try to get a user from some cache, if that fails we will try the database, and if that fails as well we will fall back to a dummy/default user instance. Finally we want to run some update logic on the user instance. This example (although a bit paranoid) shows how we compose failable actions when using the throws mechanism of the Java language. We end up with nested try/catch blocks and still we often hit cases where we don’t really know how to handle the failing situation at this point so we’re forced to either hide that situation or propagate the error to the caller via another throws clause. The example also demonstrates that this style of programming prevents us from focusing on "the essence" of what we’re trying to do because of all the boilerplate involved with failure handling.

When we adopt the Try type we can refactor the example above to the following:

Try.ofFailable(() -> getUserFromCache(userId))
   .recover(e -> getUserFromDatabase(userId))
   .recover(e -> createUser(new User()))
   .map(user -> update(user));

Again we notice that all the boilerplate is gone and the actual details of failure handling are abstracted away, we simply use the error handling methods that Try provides. Notice that in this refactoring we don’t even have to change the method signatures of the methods involved. We simply wrap the initial call in a Try via Try.ofFailable(). Of course it’s cleaner to refactor our existing method signatures to return a Try, but since that’s not always a possibility we can also refactor in a slightly less intrusive way.

Notice also that we have achieved a situation in which we have added failure handling in a type-safe way to our code, without actually doing any explicit failure handling ourselves. The code is a lot more readable from the perspective that we only express "the essence" of what we’re trying to accomplish and leave out all the boilerplate that’s involved in failure handling.


There are certain situations in which we would like to compose a chain of computations/actions without directly executing them. Although Try allows us to perform the composition, due to its eager nature a Try-based expression will be executed directly. To allow for the composition in a lazy manner the LazyTry type is supplied. Using LazyTry we are able to compose actions however we like, without actually executing them. Later on, when it’s actually required we can trigger the execution by calling This will execute the whole chain of actions and return the result in the form of a Try<T>. Essentially the LazyTry is a simple wrapper for the Try type which defers the actual execution until a later point.

Let’s look at an example of how LazyTry can used:

public LazyTry<Application> saveOrUpdate(final Application app) {
    return tagService.createTags(app.getTags())
                     .flatMap(() -> policyService.createPolicies(app.getPolicies()).run())
                     .flatMap(() -> catalogService.createCatalogs(app.getCatalogs()).run())
                     .flatMap(() -> ownerService.createOwners(evaluateOwners(app)).run())
                     .map(() -> dataService.saveOrUpdate(app));

The above example composes several database interactions in the context of a LazyTry. This essentially makes the saveOrUpdate method lazy in that invoking saveOrUpdate doesn’t actually do anything other than prepare some composition of actions to be executed at some later point in time:

LazyTry<Application> saveAction = saveOrUpdate(app);


This allows us to do interesting things, for example suppose that we want to perform some dynamic behaviour to perform this action in the context of some transaction (so that a failure at any point in the chain rolls back all other actions as well). We can implement that in a single class that takes a LazyTry, executes it in the context of the transaction, and returns the result as a Try.

LazyTry<Application> saveAction = saveOrUpdate(app);



Lazy evaluation/execution allows us to abstract away even more patterns that were much more difficult in the past.


Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern, proposed by Michael T. Nygard. This pattern is used to improve stability and resilience of an application. More specifically it’s used to prevent your application from repeatedly trying to execute operations that are likely to fail. The basic idea is to protect a failable action by wrapping it in a circuit breaker instance which monitors for failures. Once a given failure threshold is reached the circuit breaker will "open" (i.e. trip) so that subsequent calls will be blocked until a given amount of time has passed. The implementation and pattern are best described by the following state diagram:

Circuit Breaker state diagram

The circuit breaker has three states: CLOSED, HALF_OPEN and OPEN. In the CLOSED state the circuit breaker will allow all calls to the protected operation to go through normally while maintaining a failure count. Once the number of failures reaches a given threshold the circuit breaker will transition into the OPEN state. In this state all calls to the protected operation are blocked as they are likely to fail. Once a given amount of time has passed the circuit breaker goes into the HALF_OPEN state. The circuit breaker will allow a call to the protected operation to be made, on failure it will directly open the circuit again, on success it will directly go to the CLOSED state.

Usage example:

CircuitBreaker cb = CircuitBreakerBuilder.create()
        .stateChangeListener(() ->


cb.attempt(() -> someFailableOperation()).recover(e -> someFallbackOperation());


A lightweight collection of functional classes used to complement core Java.







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