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AnyCubic Kossel with SKR 2.0 (B), TMC2209 drivers, Wifi Module and Marlin firmware.

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I have an AnyCubic Kossel Pulley 3D printer since April 2017. It has been working well. However, in August 2021, the 8-bit Trigorilla board died, hence initiating a motherboard replacement. On the same month, I got hold of an SKR 2 Rev B board, four TMC2209 v1.2 stepper motor drivers and a BTT ESP8266 WIFI Module ESP-12S. Everything else has remain more or less the same.

Below were the changes that I made to the relevant configuration files to get the printer set up and all the bugs flushed out. Hope this helps someone, as I was helped many times by other contributors.

Marlin Configuration - for AnyCubic Kossel Pulley DELTA Printer

  1. Marlin Firmware
    1.1 Marlin BugFix 2.0.x firmware from Marlin Website,
    1.2 Configuration Samples version date: 30-11-2021, extracted from:
    1.3 UPDATE: 23-02-2022 - I have since updated to Marlin NEW LINK here==>

  2. Changes made to the following:
    A. Configuration.h
    B. Configuration_adv.h (no changes yet - just review)
    C. platformio.ini
    D. pins_BTT_SKR_V2_0_common.h
    E. Wiring of my existing Delta's Mechanical Endstops
    F. Installation of the BTT ESP8266 ESP-12S Module
    G. Compilation of BTT ESP8266-ESP-12S Wifi module [4MB]
    H. ESP3D-WEBUI / ESP3D-2.1.1 Setup
    I. ESP3D Wireless Access Bonus

A) For Configuration.h, the following were done:
** line numbers are closely approximate.

line 33 #define ANYCUBIC_PROBE_VERSION 2
line 113 #define SERIAL_PORT 3 (for Wifi module)
     - wifi won't work if reversed with serial_port_2
line 134 #define SERIAL_PORT_2 -1 (enabled for USB Connection)
line 135 #define BAUDRATE_2 250000 (enabled for USB Connection)
line 154 #define CUSTOM_MACHINE_NAME "ANYCUBIC Kossel SKR2"
line 797 //#define DELTA_HOME_TO_SAFE_ZONE (default is ENABLED)
     - to prevent printhead from going down 70mm after homing (in my case)
line 813 #define DELTA_CALIBRATION_DEFAULT_POINTS 6 (from 4 to 6)
line 848 #define DELTA_HEIGHT 296.20 (from 320 to 296.20, via manual calibration)
     - after manually "paper-level" the height, the auto calibration grid works
line 958 #define X_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
line 959 #define Y_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
line 960 #define Z_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
line 969 #define E0_DRIVER_TYPE TMC2209
line 1068 #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 2000
line 1070 #define DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION 2000
line 1137 //#define Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN
     - DISABLED in order to use V2 Probe on PE4 else it crashes into BED
line 1315 #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 0, 0, -16.80 } (actual=-16.73)
line 1473 #define INVERT_X_DIR false (default is ) true
line 1474 #define INVERT_Y_DIR false (default is ) true
line 1474 #define INVERT_Z_DIR false (default is ) true
line 1483 #define INVERT_E0_DIR false (default is ) true
line 1681 #define AUTO_BED_LEVELING_BILINEAR (default)
     - at this particular Bugfix version, using Bilinear, my Pronterface can't access the printer
     - however, when I switched over to AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL, Pronterface is able to communicate with the printer!!!
     - anyway, I will not be using the LEVELING_UBL as it generates thermal faults (printer HALT) for both extruder and bed,
     - just by enabling the option itself. Maybe in future versions.
     - USB access (Pronterface) is good in tandem with the ESP-12S WIFI module only if LEVELING_UBL is enabled.
line 1728 #define ENABLE_LEVELING_FADE_HEIGHT (default=disable)
line 1750 #define GRID_MAX_POINTS_X 9 (default is 9)
line 1778 #define BILINEAR_SUBDIVISIONS 5 (default is 3)
line 1901 #define HOMING_FEEDRATE_MM_M { (50*60), (50*60), (50*60) }
line 2018 #define PREHEAT_2_TEMP_HOTEND 230 (from 240)
line 2019 #define PREHEAT_2_TEMP_BED 100 (from 110)

B) For Configuration_adv.h, the following were noted/changed.
       Guideline from
line 501 #define USE_CONTROLLER_FAN (enable this controller for the TMC2209 drivers cooling fan)
line 503 #define CONTROLLER_FAN_PIN FAN2_PIN (enable & set to FAN2_PIN. default -1)
     - this means I am using PB5. You can type in PB5 or FAN2_PIN
line 507 #define CONTROLLERFAN_SPEED_ACTIVE 180 (default = 255)
     - I am setting about half-strength so that it is not too noisy (old fan)
line 509 #define CONTROLLERFAN_IDLE_TIME 20 (default is 60)
line 589 #define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN FAN1_PIN (for Hotend FAN1, see line 601)
     - using FAN1_PIN instead of PB6 is easier to read
     - as FAN_PIN is default defined for FAN0 -Parts Fan BUT
     - make sure Cooling Fan Number in Cura is set to "0" otherwise no fan during print
     - I have an enclosure yet still need to enable 100% FAN0 else soggy printing.
     - COOLER_AUTO_FAN_PIN is for laser fan use only
line 601 #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE 50 (default value)
line 602 #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_SPEED 255 // 255 == full speed (default value)
line 1142 #define MICROSTEP_MODES { 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16 } // [1,2,4,8,16] unchanged
line 2598 #define X_CURRENT 800 unchanged
line 2616 #define Y_CURRENT 800 unchanged
line 2634 #define Z_CURRENT 800 unchanged
line 2697 #define E0_CURRENT 950 from 800

line 4044 //#define WIFISUPPORT (default)

C) For platformio.ini, this was updated:
line 17 default_envs = BIGTREE_SKR_2

D) For pins_BTT_SKR_V2_0_common.h [Marlin/src/pins/stm32f4]

  1. Commented out line 41 "#define FLASH_EEPROM_EMULATION"
         - This causes Marlin to use back the internal SD card as the persistent storage, with the file EEPROM.dat
         - my time there were bugs. Maybe it is okay to use this in future (store in EEPROM rather than on EEPROM.dat)
  2. I added #define Z_MIN_PIN Z_STOP_PIN below (line 129 ~135)
    line 129 //
    line 130 // Z Probe (when not Z_MIN_PIN)
    line 131 //
    line 132 #ifndef Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN
    line 133 #define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN PE4
    line 134 #define Z_MIN_PIN Z_STOP_PIN
    line 135 #endif

E) Wiring of my existing Delta's Mechanical Endstops
Common and NC (default Anycubic 2017) wiring, therefore I am using GND/PC1(X), GND/PC3(Y), GND/PC0(Z) on the SKR 2.0 board

F) Installation of the BTT ESP8266 ESP-12S Module

  1. Switch off the power to the Delta printer
  2. Follow the colour code of RED and BLACK and plug into the WIFI receptor

G) Compilation of BTT ESP8266-ESP-12S Wifi module [4MB]

  1. You may download the latest ESP3D firmware version here:
         - which comes with the ESP3D-WEBUI as well.

  2. Go to Installing PlatformIO IDE Extension on VS Code, if you have not done so.

  3. Go further down to create a New Project or add New Folder
         - this is to make sure you do not mix this project with the SKR2 motherboard project

  4. For Board: Espressif ESP8266 ESP-12E
         - although I am using a ESP-12S BTT module

H) ESP3D-WEBUI / ESP3D-2.1.1 Setup

  1. Compile the source code
         - make sure it is error-free

  2. Copy firmware.bin file to the mSDCard      - ESPD >ESPD3D-2.1.1 >.pioenvs >esp8266

  3. Rename the firmware.bin to esp3d.bin

  4. Insert mSDcard into SKR2 mSDcard slot and re-boot the SKR2 board

  5. Check the new WiFi SSID and connect your PC to it

  6. Load your browser and Type in
         - the password for the SSID is 12345678 (default)
         - at this point, the printer's LCD panel shows "New Client"
         - you will see a non-complete GUI menu with "index.html" or "index.html.gz file" missing message

  7. Click on the "Interface" at the web menu
         - it brings you to Github. Do not panic
         - download the ESP3D-Webui source code (at the bottom of the screen)
         - unzip the

  8. Look out for the index.html.gz file at the root folder of this unzipped folder
         - Upload it to the ESP-12S module
         - within the same ESP3D web menu, there are "Select" / "Upload" functions
         - upload the "index.html.gz"

  9. Refresh the same ESP3D page.
         - A whole new WEBUI screen appears (because of the index.html.gz"
         - Click the Configuration tab, SSP3D Setting tab.

  10. Here, make some important changes,
         - Select "client station"
         - Input your inhouse wifi SSID and Password
           (this is so that your Delta's wifi module now accesses your local network as a client, rather than having its own AP ip address)
         - Make other changes, if you want to, such as DHCP or Static IP address
         - It is important that you configure the AP parameters and password as in future you might
           need this module to act as an AP, for some reasons, securely (see appendix (I))
         - you should be able to connect to your Delta within your own network

Finally ESP3D-WEBUI set up.

I) ESP3D Wireless Access Bonus

  1. If you have a PC or laptop that has a wired LAN & Wifi ports and it is near to your 3D printer (maybe because you shifted the 3D printer)
  2. If your router's wireless reach is too far and your 3D printer can't reach the router's Wifi SSID (maybe because you shifted the 3D printer)
         - Boot up your 3D printer as usual. LCD panel will display "Connecting.. Disconnected...", then " No SSID..."
         - Eventually, it should display its own assigned ip address, or
           whatever its default ip address, since it can't access the router's wifi
         - It has now become an independant AP and will act as a DHCP server
         - Let it be
         - On your PC, select the ESP3D wireless connection (802.11g, 2.4Ghz,
         - On your browser, type in
            Your PC will get a new IP address (and become a client of the ESP3D)
         - You should be able to access your 3D printer and do the usual configurations/access the printer, if needed
         - And because your PC is also connected to the wired LAN, you should also be able to access your Internet
         - Best of both world.


AnyCubic Kossel with SKR 2.0 (B), TMC2209 drivers, Wifi Module and Marlin firmware.







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