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Slack Bot

A simple bot for Slack. It an be used as a starting point to build your own Slack Bot. This project is also a testing facility for the slack-hook-framework.


How does it work?

  • It installs as a PHP application on your web server.
  • Through a "Slash Commands" Slack integration, it receives requests.
  • Posts the results to an "Incoming WebHooks" Slack integration in the originator's channel or private group (yeah, private group!).

Current Features

  • Commands supported:
  • All slack-hook-framework commands.
  • trade: Get trade classifications for Marc Miller's Traveller T4 RPG


  • PHP >= 5.4 with cURL extension,
  • Slack integrations (see install).


On Slack

  • Create a new "Slash Commands" integration with the following data:

  • Command: /bot (or whatever you like)

  • URL: the URL pointing to the index.php of your slack-bot install

  • Method: POST

  • Token: copy this token, we'll need it later.

  • Create a new "Incoming WebHooks" slack integration:

  • Post to Channel: Pick one, but this will be ignored by slack-bot.

  • Webhook URL: copy this URL, we'll need it later.

  • Descriptive Label, Customize Name, Customize Icon: whatever you like.

  • Go to Slack API and copy the authentication token for your team.

On your web server

Go to you public folder and clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd slack-bot

Install composer inside slack-bot dir and then run:

$ php composer.phar update

Edit index.php and add the following configuration parameters:

 * token sent by slack (from your "Slash Commands" integration).
$config->token =              "vuLKJlkjdsflkjLKJLKJlkjd";

 * URL of the Incoming WebHook slack integration.
$config->slack_webhook_url =  "";

 * Slack API authentication token for your team.
$config->slack_api_token =    "xoxp-98475983759834-38475984579843-34985793845";

 * Log level threshold. The default is DEBUG.
 * If you are done testing or installing in production environment,
 * uncomment this line.
//$config->log_level =           LogLevel::WARNING;

 * logs folder, make sure the invoker have write permission.
$config->log_dir =            "/srv/api/slack-bot/logs";

 * Database folder, used by some commands to store user related temporal information.
 * Make sure the invoker have write permission.
$config->db_dir = "/srv/api/slack-bot/db";

 * Custom commands definition. Use this file if you wish to add new commands to be
 * recognized by the framework.
$config->custom_cmds = "/srv/api/slack-bot/custom_cmds.json";

Give permissions to your logs/ and db/ folder to your web server process. If you are using apache under linux, it is usually www-data:

$ sudo chown -R :www-data logs/
$ sudo chown -R :www-data db/
$ sudo chmod g+w logs/
$ sudo chmod g+w db/


This is a list of common errors:

  • "I see some errors about permissions in the apache error log".
  • The process running slack-bot (usually the web server) needs write permissions to the folder configured in you $config->log_dir parameter.
  • For example, if you are running apache, that folder group must be assigned to www-data and its write permission for groups must be turned on.
  • change to your slack-bot dir
  • chown -R :www-data logs/
  • chmod -R g+w logs/
  • "I followed the steps and nothing happens, nothing in web server error log and nothing in the app log".
  • If you see nothing in the logs (and have the debug level setted), may be the app is dying in the process of validating the slack token. slack-bot validates that the request matches with the configured token or the app dies at the very beginning.
  • "There is no error in the web server error log, I see some output in the app log (with the debug log level), but i get nothing in my channel/group".
  • Check in the app log for the strings "[DEBUG] Util: group found!" or "[DEBUG] Util: channel found!" . If you can't see those strings, check if your slack authentication token for your team is from an user that have access to the private group you are writing from.
  • I just developed a new command but I am getting a class not found error on CommandFactory.
  • Every time you add a new command (hence a new class), you must update the composer autoloader. just type:
  • php composer.phar update
  • If you have any bug or error to report, feel free to contact me: luis at

Adding more Commands.

If You wish to add more commands, you can do so with the following (basic) steps: Inside slack-bot install dir, go to the Bot folder:

$ cd lib/Bot/

Create a new php file for your new command, for example CmdPing.php:


namespace Bot;

use SlackHookFramework\AbstractCommand;
use SlackHookFramework\SlackResult;
use SlackHookFramework\SlackResultAttachment;
use SlackHookFramework\SlackResultAttachmentField;

class CmdPing extends AbstractCommand {
	 * Factory method to be implemented from \SlackHookFramework\AbstractCommand .
	 * Must return an instance of \SlackHookFramework\SlackResult .
	 * Basically, the method returns an instance of SlackResult.
	 * Inside a single instance of SlackResult, several
	 * SlackResultAttachment instances can be stored.
	 * Inside a SlackResultAttachment instance, several
	 * SlackResultAttachmentField instances can be stored.
	 * The result is then formating according to the Slack
	 * formating guide.
	 * So you must process your command here, and then
	 * prepare your SlackResult instance.
	protected function executeImpl() {
		 * Get a reference to the log.
		$log = $this->log;
		 * Create a new instance to store results.
		$result = new SlackResult ();
		 * Output some debug info to log file.
		$log->debug ( "CmdPing: Parameters received: " . implode ( ",", $this->cmd ) );
		 * Preparing the result text and validating parameters.
		$resultText = "[requested by " . $this->post ["user_name"] . "]";
		if (empty ( $this->cmd )) {
			$resultText .= " You must specify at least one parameter!";
		} else {
			$resultText .= " CmdPing Result: ";
		 * Preparing attachments.
		$attachments = array ();
		 * Cycling through parameters, just for fun.
		foreach ( $this->cmd as $param ) {
			$log->debug ( "CmdPing: processing parameter $param" );
			 * Preparing one result attachment for processing this parameter.
			$attachment = new SlackResultAttachment ();
			$attachment->setTitle ( "Processing $param" );
			$attachment->setText ( "Ping $param !!" );
			$attachment->setFallback ( "fallback text." );
			 * Optional pretext
			$attachment->setPretext ( "pretext here." );
			 * Adding some fields to the attachment.
			$fields = array ();
			$fields [] = SlackResultAttachmentField::withAttributes ( "Field 1", "Value" );
			$fields [] = SlackResultAttachmentField::withAttributes ( "Field 2", "Value" );
			$fields [] = SlackResultAttachmentField::withAttributes ( "This is a long field", "this is a long Value", FALSE );
			$attachment->setFieldsArray ( $fields );
			 * Adding the attachment to the attachments array.
			$attachments [] = $attachment;
		$result->setText ( $resultText );
		$result->setAttachmentsArray ( $attachments );
		return $result;

Now go to slack-bot's install folder and edit the custom_cmds.json file and add a command definition for CmdPing:

	"commands": [
			"trigger": "ping",
			"class": "Bot\\CmdPing",
			"help_title": "ping <1 2 ...>",
			"help_text": "example command."
     . . .

Go to the slack-bot install dir and run:

$ php composer.phar update


Feel free to reach us at: contact at digitalicagroup dot com .

About Digitalica

We are a small firm focusing on mobile apps development (iOS, Android) and we are passionate about new technologies and ways that helps us work better.


A simple Bot for Slack









  • PHP 100.0%