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GlobalConfig (Global Configuration)

The global configuration defines the globally shared configurations, mainly including container and environment-related configurations.

Configuration Details

Configuration Domain Configuration Name Configuration Type Default Value Deprecated Configuration Explanation
global namespace string None No Environment type, divided into formal (Production) and informal (Development) types, supporting customizations
global env_name string None No Environment name, the name of multiple environments in an informal environment
global container_name string None No Container name
global enable_set string None No Whether to enable set-based routing, not enabled by default, Y to enable
global full_set_name string None No Set name
global ext map None No Global extended parameters

ServerConfig (Server Configuration)

The server configuration defines the server-related configurations, management configurations ( AdminConfig), and service mapping list configurations (ServiceConfig). The service mapping configuration (ServiceConfig) also includes service exposure list configurations (ProviderConfig).

ServerConfig (Server Configuration)

The server configuration defines server-related configurations, management configurations ( AdminConfig), and service mapping list configurations (ServiceConfig). Service mapping configuration (ServiceConfig) also includes service exposure list configurations (ProviderConfig).

Configuration Details

Configuration Domain Configuration Name Configuration Type Default Value Deprecated Configuration Explanation
server app string None No Application name of the business
server server string None No Service name of the business
server local_ip string No Local IP address
server nic string None No Local network card (e.g., eth1), used to obtain local IP, generally configured with IP
server server_listener string list None No Register server-side general Listener, class implementing the ServerListener interface, configure the full path of the implementation class
server close_timeout int 30000ms No Timeout for closing the service (server-side global)
server request_timeout int 2147483647 ms No Request timeout (server-side global)
server worker_pool string trpc_provider_biz_def No Name of the worker thread pool, default value
server filters string list None No Filter list configuration
server enable_link_timeout boolean false No Whether to enable full link timeout, not enabled by default
server config_center string None No Configuration center used [nacos]
server admin map None No Admin management background configuration
server service map None No Exposed service configuration
server.admin admin_ip string None No Management background IP
server.admin admin_port int None No Management background port
server.service name string None No Used for name service addressing
server.service version string v1.0.0 No Service version number
server.service group string normal No Service group
server.service impls list None No List of exposed service implementations, find the interface according to the implementation
server.service.impls impl string None No Service implementation
server.service.impls worker_pool string None No Thread pool name
server.service.impls request_timeout string None No Timeout
server.service.impls filters string None No Filter list
server.service.impls enable_link_timeout string None No Full link timeout
server.service ip string None No Local IP
server.service nic string None No Used to obtain local IP, generally configured with IP
server.service port int None No Port
server.service network string tcp No Network connection protocol, [tcp, udp]
server.service protocol string trpc No Communication protocol, [trpc, http, rest]
server.service base_path string trpc No Base path, prefix path
server.service serialization string pb No Serialization protocol, [pb, json, jpb (Java pb)]
server.service compressor string none No Compression method, [none, gzip, snappy]
server.service compress_min_bytes int 65535 No Minimum number of bytes for compression, default 64KB, even if compression is enabled, if the body is smaller than this byte, it will not be compressed
server.service transporter string netty No Transporter server side, [netty, jetty], jetty needs to be used with protocol=http
server.service charset string utf8 No Character set
server.service keep_alive boolean true No Whether to keep the connection alive
server.service max_conns int 1024 * 20 No Maximum number of connections
server.service backlog int 1024 No Backlog size, corresponding to Netty's so_backlog
server.service send_buffer int 16384 No Send buffer
server.service receive_buffer int 16384 No Receive buffer
server.service payload int 10485760(10M) No Package size limit
server.service idle_timeout int 180000ms No Idle time
server.service request_timeout int 2147483647 ms No Request timeout
server.service lazyinit boolean false No Whether to delay initialization
server.service io_mode string epoll No IO mode [epoll]
server.service io_thread_group_share boolean true No Whether the IO thread is shared
server.service io_threads int cpus * 2 No Number of IO threads
server.service boss_threads int 1 No Number of boss threads, the default number of threads accepting requests is 1, which is the optimal solution, and can also be set according to the actual scenario
server.service ext_map map None No Extended configuration
server.service worker_pool string trpc_provider_biz_def No Thread pool name
server.service registrys map None No Multi-registry configuration
server.service filters string list None No Filter list configuration
server.service enable_link_timeout boolean false No Whether to enable full link timeout, not enabled by default
server.service reuse_port boolean false No Whether to enable the reusePort option
server.service is_batch_decoder boolean true No Whether to enable batch decoding
server.service explicit_flush_after_flushes int 2048 No High throughput flush

ClientConfig (Client Configuration)

The server configuration defines client-related configurations (such as netty), and client mapping list configurations (BackendConfig).

Configuration Details

Configuration Domain Configuration Name Configuration Type Default Value Deprecated Configuration Explanation
client namespace string None No Environment type, divided into formal (Production) and informal (Development) types, not configured when using global configuration
client request_timeout int 1000ms No Client-side global request timeout
client protocol string trpc No (Client-side global) Request communication protocol [trpc, http]
client network string tcp No (Client-side global) Request connection protocol [tcp, udp]
client serialization string PB No (Client-side global) Serialization protocol [pb, json, jpb (Java pb)]
client compressor string none No (Client-side global) Compression method [none, gzip, snappy]
client compress_min_bytes int 65535 No (Client-side global) Minimum number of bytes for compression, default 64KB, even if compression is enabled, if the body is smaller than this byte, it will not be compressed
client charset string UTF-8 No (Client-side global) Character set encoding format
client send_buffer int 16384 No (Client-side global) Send buffer size
client receive_buffer int 16384 No (Client-side global) Receive buffer size
client keep_alive boolean true No (Client-side global) Whether to keep the connection alive
client io_thread_group_share boolean true No (Client-side global) Whether the IO thread is shared
client io_threads int cpus * 2 No (Client-side global) Number of IO threads
client transporter string netty No (Client-side global) transporter
client idle_timeout int 180000 ms No (Client-side global) Idle timeout
client lazyinit boolean false No (Client-side global) Whether to delay initialization
client conns_per_addr int 2 No (Client-side global) Number of connections per addr
client conn_timeout int 1000ms No (Client-side global) Client connection timeout
client worker_pool string trpc_consumer_biz_def No (Client-side global) Thread pool ID
client filters string list None No (Client-side global) Interceptor list
client interceptors string list None No (Client-side global) ClusterInvoker interceptor, intercept before filters
client cluster_config_map map None No TRPC client cluster configuration, implemented in code
client caller_service_name string None No (Client-side global) Main service name for Polaris addressing
client service map None No TRPC client configuration
client.service name string "@BackendConfig(" + nameGeneratorIndex.getAndAdd(1) + ")" No Backend cluster name (used for lookup by TRpcProxy)
client.service version string v1.0.0 No Service version number
client.service group string normal No Service group
client.service interface string None No TRPC client-specific interface
client.service naming_url string None No Route discovery @Alias(target), Java recommends using .naming configuration, direct connection ip://ip:port, name service: polaris://trpc.TestApp.TestServer.Greeter?key=value&key=value l5://mid:cmid cmlb://id
client.service naming_map map None No Extended parameters
client.service namespace string None No Environment type, divided into formal (Production) and informal (Development) types, not configured when using global configuration
client.service callee string serviceName No Main call information
client.service network string tcp No Network connection protocol, [tcp, udp]
client.service protocol string trpc No Communication protocol, [trpc, http]
client.service serialization string pb No Serialization protocol, [pb, json, jpb (Java pb)]
client.service compressor string no No Compression method, [none, gzip, snappy]
client.service compress_min_bytes int 65535 No Minimum number of bytes for compression, default 64KB, even if compression is enabled, if the body is smaller than this byte, it will not be compressed
client.service transporter string netty No Transporter server side, [netty, jetty], jetty needs to be used with protocol=http
client.service charset string utf8 No Character set
client.service keep_alive boolean true No Whether to keep the connection alive
client.service max_conns int 1024 * 20 No Maximum number of client connections
client.service send_buffer int 16384 No Send buffer
client.service receive_buffer int 16384 No Receive buffer
client.service payload int 10485760(10M) No Package size limit
client.service idle_timeout int 180000ms No Idle time
client.service request_timeout int 10000ms No Request timeout
client.service conn_timeout int 1000ms No Client connection timeout
client.service conns_per_addr int 2 No Number of client connections
client.service lazyinit boolean false No Whether to delay initialization
client.service io_thread_group_share boolean true No Whether the IO thread is shared
client.service io_threads int cpus * 2 No Number of IO threads
client.service ext_map map None No Extended configuration
client.service naming_map map None No Polaris extended configuration
client.service.naming_map metadata map None No Polaris metadata configuration
client.service mock boolean false No Whether to mock, default false
client.service mock_class string None No Mock class
client.service worker_pool string trpc_consumer_biz_def No Thread pool name
client.service filters string list None No Filter list configuration
client.service is_batch_decoder boolean true No Whether to enable batch decoding
client.service explicit_flush_after_flushes int 2048 No High throughput flush
client.service caller_service_name string None No Main service name for Polaris addressing

PluginConfig(Plugin Configuration)

Plugin configuration is responsible for loading all framework plugin configurations

Configuration Details

First, list the supported plugins, followed by the specific configuration parameters for the plugins.

Plugin List

Configuration Domain Configuration Name Configuration Type Default Value Deprecated Configuration Explanation Implemented
plugins worker_pool map None No Thread pool thread
plugins config string None No Remote configuration nacos
plugins filter string None No filter opentelemetry
plugins selector string None No Route selector polaris, ip, zookeeper
plugins registry string None No Registry polaris
plugins telemetry string None None Link tracking opentelemetry
plugins limiter string None None Rate limiting sentinel

worker_pool (Thread Pool)

Configuration Domain Configuration Name Configuration Type Default Value Deprecated Configuration Explanation
plugins.worker_pool 'name'-Thread pool name map None No Thread pool name and specific project configuration _type string None No Fill in the name of the plugin to find the plugin, [default, thread, forkJoinPool], when this item is not configured, the name is used as the plugin name to find the plugin core_pool_size int 0 No Number of core threads maximum_pool_size int core_pool_size No Maximum number of threads keep_alive_time_seconds int 60s No Maximum thread idle time queue_size int 0 No Queue size, 0 means unlimited allow_core_thread_timeout boolean true No Whether to recycle core threads on timeout name_prefix string None No Thread name prefix in thread pool deamon boolean true No Whether it is a daemon thread close_timeout int 10s No Timeout use_fiber boolean false Whether to use coroutines fiber_parallel int cpus The scheduling thread pool parallelism level of the coroutine share_schedule boolean true Whether the coroutine pool shares the scheduler
plugins.worker_pool.forkJoinPool parallel int 2 No Number of parallel threads
plugins.worker_pool.forkJoinPool timeoutMs int 2000 No Thread pool shutdown timeout, in milliseconds