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The Gorilla framework which provides distributed in-memory data management service

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Related paper

Wang, Zhe, et al. "Staging based task execution for data-driven, in-situ scientific workflows." 2020 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). IEEE, 2020.


Gorilla framework is a in-memory data management servie. The name of the framework comes from the brand "gorilla glue", since we are basically gluing different components together. It mainly supoorts follwing capabilities:

(1) suppot M:N data put/get for data based on grid mesh.

(2)User can use customized trigger to express the logic flow of the task executions. The implementation of in-memory data storage service layer is inspired by the DataSpaces and the ADIOS projects. [adios test case is deprecated]

(3)There is specific event queue binded with the trigger to support the data-driven task executions, the properties of the data can be captured and client can acquire the metadata of the raw data by poll events. The idea of data driven approach mainly comes from the OSTI technical report.

More key design strategies can be found at the designDoc/

Compiling and running the server

this is an eample to compile the gorilla server on cori cluster

source ~/.gorilla
cmake ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=CC -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cc -DVTK_DIR=~/cworkspace/src/VTK/build/ -DUSE_GNI=ON

If the paraveiw is used for particular test

old one
cmake ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=CC -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cc -DVTK_DIR=$SCRATCH/build_paraview_matthieu_release/ -DUSE_GNI=ON -DParaView_DIR=$SCRATCH/build_paraview_matthieu/ -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DAMReX_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/zw241/build_amrex/install/lib/cmake/AMReX
new one (the cray based MPI can be detected and used in this case when we use the cc and CC)
cmake ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/ -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=CC -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cc -DVTK_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/zw241/build_vtk/lib64/cmake/vtk-9.0 -DUSE_GNI=ON

this is the content of the ~/.gorilla_cpu file on cori cluster:


source ~/.color
module load cmake/3.18.2
module load spack
#spack load cmake@3.18.2%gcc@8.2.0

module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
# ssg works well for gcc 9.3.0
module swap gcc/8.3.0 gcc/9.3.0

spack load -r mochi-thallium%gcc@9.3.0
#spack load mochi-cfg
spack load -r mochi-abt-io%gcc@9.3.0

export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
# we do not use GPU and vtkm for this version
cd $SCRATCH/build_Gorilla_cpu

# get more mercury info
export HG_NA_LOG_LEVEL=debug

# avoid argobot thred pool issue, and set this to 2M
# this may helps avoid segfault when we use the processing and IO in large amount
# export ABT_THREAD_STACKSIZE=2097152
# to make sure ther eis enough stack and not oom

refer to the ./scripts dir to check exmaples of running multiple servers. The configuration of the server contains item such as protocol used by communication layer, the log level, the global domain and if the trigger is started and so on. The example of the configuration is in ./server/settings.json

build on gpu nodes

this is the content of the ~/.gorilla_gpu file on cori cluster:

source ~/.color

source ~/cworkspace/src/spack/share/spack/
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
module swap gcc/8.3.0 gcc/9.3.0
# cuda can not use this cray-mpich
module unload cray-mpich/7.7.10
module load cgpu cuda openmpi
module load cmake/3.20.5

# jump to the gpu node
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 8 -G 1 -q interactive

cd $SCRATCH/build_Gorilla_gpu

# for thallium
spack load -r mochi-thallium%gcc@9.3.0
spack load -r mochi-abt-io%gcc@9.3.0

export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic


(associated vtkm accelarator should be enabled when building vtk in this case) (we do not need extra vtkm build when there is vtk integration?) (we use vtkm associated with vtk)

cmake ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/ -DCMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER=nvcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DVTKm_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/zw241/build_vtkm/lib/cmake/vtkm-1.6 -DVTK_DIR=/global/cscratch1/sd/zw241/build_vtk/lib64/cmake/vtk-9.0 -DUSE_GNI=ON -DUSE_GPU=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DVTKm_ENABLE_CUDA=ON -DVTKm_CUDA_Architecture=volta

example to run the test

srun -C gpu -n 1 --gpus-per-task=1  nvprof ./test/test_insitu_ana

Using the spack env

if we use the spack env, it means that we do not set the public packages.yaml file. We also need to set the customized spack env for the Gorilla repo.

set up env (we use the spack installed by the colza-experiments)

source $SCRATCH/colza-experiments/cori/vtk/sw/spack/share/spack/
spack env create gorilla ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/spack.yaml
spack repo add --scope env:gorilla /global/cscratch1/sd/zw241/colza-experiments/cori/vtk/sw/mochi-spack-packages/
spack env update gorilla 
spack install -y

if the spack env is installed successfully

source ~/.color

source $SCRATCH/colza-experiments/cori/vtk/sw/spack/share/spack/
module swap PrgEnv-intel PrgEnv-gnu
module swap gcc/8.3.0 gcc/9.3.0
# cuda can not use this cray-mpich
module unload cray-mpich/7.7.10
module load cgpu cuda openmpi
module load cmake/3.20.5

# activate env for the thallium
spack env activate gorilla

# jump to the gpu node
salloc -C gpu -t 60 -c 8 -G 1 -q interactive

cd $SCRATCH/build_Gorilla_gpu

export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic


exmaple on cori

srun -C haswell -n 8 ./unimos_server ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/server/settings_gni.json

remember to set the env if MPICH is used


simple example to put the data

srun -C haswell -n 16 ./example/gray-scott-stg ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/example/gssimulation/settings.json gni

simple example to get the data for further processing

srun -n 4 ./example/isosurface ~/cworkspace/src/Gorilla/example/gssimulation/settings.json 10 0.5 gni

Version info


M:N put get for Cartesian grid

memory and file backend (file backend will be used when there is not enough mem space)

in-memory data trigger (experimental)

related issue

/usr/bin/ld: /global/common/sw/cray/sles15/x86_64/mesa/18.3.6/gcc/8.2.0/qozjngg/lib/ undefined reference to `del_curterm@NCURSES6_TINFO_5.0.19991023'

try this:


refer to


make -j may hide some potential cmake mistakes, try to use make if there is specific link issue


The Gorilla framework which provides distributed in-memory data management service






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