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{"tag":"introduction","priority":5,"itemId":"0.9713860875544263","createdAt":"2020-08-10T15:44:12.376Z","version":"2020-08-11T18:38:32.632Z","content":"The purpose of this project is to implement a common CI process, which will perform some operations of the parasitic project itself. The parasitic project is usually a project generated by a project templa…

{"tag":"introduction","priority":5,"itemId":"0.9713860875544263","createdAt":"2020-08-10T15:44:12.376Z","version":"2020-08-11T18:38:32.632Z","content":"The purpose of this project is to implement a common CI process, which will perform some operations of the parasitic project itself. The parasitic project is usually a project generated by a project template, which generates a configuration file suitable for the ci process. The project should be suitable for monorepo, and diverse development languages.","url":"","issueNumber":2,"completeness":1,"endDate":"2020-08-15T00:00:00.000Z","itemStatus":"active"}

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