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{"tag":"auto publish, github, github action","priority":5,"itemId":"0.41906486295267453","createdAt":"2020-08-07T05:40:27.077Z","version":"2020-08-07T05:49:07.580Z","content":"\nThis project provides an automatic publishing solution based on monorepo, presented in the form of Github Action. Action will analyze the user's Git Commit, and then publish the c…

{"tag":"auto publish, github, github action","priority":5,"itemId":"0.41906486295267453","createdAt":"2020-08-07T05:40:27.077Z","version":"2020-08-07T05:49:07.580Z","content":"\nThis project provides an automatic publishing solution based on monorepo, presented in the form of Github Action. Action will analyze the user's Git Commit, and then publish the corresponding module according to the regulations. The specific regulations are as follows: \n- Action acts on branches master, next, alpha, beta, N.x, N.N.x \n- Branch naming rules: \@@\ \n- commit follows SemVer, in the form of "\: \@@\ \n- Commit type has "init", "feat", "fix", "breaking change" \n- workspace is the module to be published \n- If the workplace is not set, the action publishes for the entire project\n- The publishing action follows the judgment table in the plan page\n","url":"","issueNumber":3,"completeness":0.5,"endDate":"2020-08-07T00:00:00.000Z","itemStatus":"active"}
