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A easier react state manager, based immer and useSyncExternalStore, provide two kinds of selector and friendly typescript support.

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Quick start with two examples

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { createImmerExternalStore } from 'immer-external-store'

// [1]. create store
const Store = createImmerExternalStore({
  count: 0,
  list: ['hallo!', 'bro', 'and', 'sis'],
  increment: () => Store.dispatch((draft) => draft.count++),

// [2]. selector what you want
function Count() {
  console.log(, 'render')

  const [count, list, dispatch] = Store.useState('count', (s) => s.list)
  return (
      <li>count: {count}</li>
      <li>list: {list.join(' ')}</li>

// [3]. dispatch as immer draft
function SimpleCounterDemo() {
  console.log(, 'render')
  const [increment, dispatch] = Store.useState('increment')
  return (
      <Count />
      <button onClick={() => Store.dispatch((draft) => draft.count++)}>count increment</button>
      <button onClick={increment}>count increment(from store)</button>

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(<SimpleCounterDemo />)
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/client'
import { createImmerExternalStore } from 'immer-external-store'

const Store = createImmerExternalStore(() => {
  return {
    count: 0,
    hallo: 'hallo-world',
    users: [{ name: 'luffy' }, { name: 'mingo' }, { name: 'zoro' }],
    nested: {
      place: ['Skypiea', 'Water7', 'Fishman Island', 'Dressrosa', 'Shabondy'],

function StringPathSelector() {
  console.log(, 'render')

  const [hallo, count, users1Name, dispatch] = Store.useState('hallo', 'count', '')
  return (
      <li>hallo: {hallo}</li>
      <li>count: {count}</li>
      <li> {users1Name}</li>

function FunctionSelector() {
  console.log(, 'render')

  const [usersAndPlace, hallo, dispatch] = Store.useState(
    (s) => ({
      users: s.users,
    (s) => s.hallo,
  return (
      <li>users: {, i) => i + ':' +'\t')}</li>
      <li>hallo: {hallo}</li>

function StringPathAndFunctionSelector() {
  console.log(, 'render')

  const [users1Name, place0, dispatch] = Store.useState('', (s) =>[0])
  return (
      <li> {users1Name}</li>
      <li>place0: {place0}</li>

function Textarea() {
  const [state, dispatch] = Store.useState() // get all state
  const onBlur = (e) => dispatch((draft) => Object.assign(draft, JSON.parse(
  return <pre contentEditable onBlur={onBlur} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: JSON.stringify(state, null, 2) }} />

function ComplexDemo() {
  console.log(, 'render')
  return (
      <StringPathSelector />
      <FunctionSelector />
      <StringPathAndFunctionSelector />
      <button onClick={() => Store.dispatch((draft) => draft.count++)}>click to increment count</button>
      <button onClick={() => Store.dispatch((draft) => draft.users.reverse())}>click to reverse users</button>
      <Textarea />

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root') as HTMLElement).render(<ComplexDemo />)


npm i immer-external-store
yarn add immer-external-store
pnpm add immer-external-store



A store must be created before using. createImmerExternalStore accept two types of parameters for initialState, and return store instance.

  1. If received common object

    import { createImmerExternalStore } from 'immer-external-store'
    const instance = createImmerExternalStore(YourStateObject)
  2. If received function or async/await promise, will be executed and updated nextTick, it means there is "undefined" before update. AsyncDemo

    import { createImmerExternalStore } from 'immer-external-store'
    const instance1 = createImmerExternalStore(() => YourStateObject)
    const instance2 = createImmerExternalStore(async () => YourStateObject)


Determine the return tuple according to the input parameters, [...state, dispatch]. Designed to be used in React.useState.

  1. If received empty, return full-state and dispatch

    const [fullState, dispatch] = instance.useState()
  2. If received DotPath string rest, return value rest and dispatch

    const [firstName, lastName, dispatch] = instance.useState('', '')
  3. If received Selector function rest, return selected rest and dispatch

    const [firstName, lastName, dispatch] = instance.useState(
      (fullstate) => fullstate.firstName,
      (fullstate) => fullstate.LastName,


It is based immer.produce, . if you don't know what immer is, this way please

instance.dispatch((draft) => draft.count++) // do anything you want, recommend this way

instance.dispatch({ count: 11 }) // based Object.assign, only 1 depth
instance.dispatch(async (draft) => {
  await Promise.resolve() // support async/await
  draft.hallo = 'world'
// unlike immer, it is not possible to perform state replace by return value. only revise draft is effective
instance.dispatch((draft) => ({ hallo: 'world' }))


Return full state



Refresh whole state, the initialState is used by default. PS: you can give a new initialState if you want

store.refresh() // store.refresh(anotherInitialState)


If you find a bug, please create an issue providing instructions to reproduce it. It's always very appreciable if you find the time to fix it. In this case, please submit a PR.

If you're a beginner, extremely grateful for your attention and contribution.

When working on this codebase, please use pnpm. Run yarn examples to run examples.


MIT © wangzishun