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Ukuvota uses a cooperative and scalable process to help individuals reach collective decisions. The core process is score voting with additional features to make it more cooperative:

  • To "keep things the way they are" is always an option, never the default. Framing this option as a default position introduces a significant conservative bias—listing it as an option removes this bias and keeps a collective evolutionary.
  • To "look for other options" is always an option. If none of the other current options are good enough, people are able to choose to look for better ones—this ensures that there is always an acceptable option for everyone.
  • Every participant can express how much they support or oppose each option. Limiting people to choose their favorite or list their preference prevents them from fully expressing their opinions—scoring clarifies opinions and makes it much more likely to identify the best decision.
  • Acceptance (non-opposition) is the main determinant for the best decision. A decision with little opposition reduces the likelihood of conflict, monitoring or sanctioning—it is also important that some people actively support the decision to ensure it actually happens.

More about Ukuvota can be read on the homepage:

Technology used

The front-end is made using the Quasar Framework. The back-end is made using PouchDB.


# install quasar-cli globally
$ npm install -g quasar-cli@v0.6.5

# install yarn for dependencie management
$ npm install -g yarn

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ yarn

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ quasar dev

# build for production with minification
$ quasar build

# lint code
$ quasar lint


# clone the project
$ git clone

# build the project
$ quasar build

# run the server with default database location
$ node .

# run server with a custom database location
$ node . your/custom/path/to/database

# visit the project at


Deployment is managed using gitlab ci. The master branch will be tested and built and deployed to

Once you have verified that you haven't broken everything, then you can trigger the deployment to in the gitlab environments view.


We would be happy to accept PRs! If you want to work on something, it'd be good to talk beforehand to make sure nobody else is working on it. You can reach us on gitter or contacting the current main developer wolif.

A good place to start are the issues labelled "feature" or "help wanted".


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