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How to use Turbine to test flows in

File metadata and controls

106 lines (79 loc) · 3.38 KB

How to use Turbine to test Flows in Android.

19th May 2024

Testing flows can get challenging. Specifcially, when we to test each item that is sent through the flow. Here this amazing library called Tubrine comes to rescue. Is is developed by CashApp.

So here is how it works.

Suppose you have this ProfileViewModel which have a function that loads the user. It emits the state using a data class called ProfileState:

data class ProfileState(
    val profile: Profile? = null,
    val isLoading: Boolean = false,
    val errorMessage: String? = null

And the function that loads this profile looks like this:

class ProfileViewModel(private val repo: Repository){

    private val _state = MutableStateFlow(ProfileState())
    val state = _state.asStateFlow()

    fun loadProfile(){
            _state.update{it.copy(isLoading = true)}

            val profile = repo.getProfile("someID);

                    profile = result.getOrNull(),
                    isLoading = false,
                    errorMessage = profille.exceptionOrNull()?.message

It just loads the data and updated the state flow.

Writing Unit Test for this.

As usual we will create a test class in the Unit Test Resource directory and call it ProfileViewModelTest

class ProfileViewModelTest{
    private lateinit var viewmodel: ProfileViewModel
    private lateinit var repository: Repo 

    fun setup(){
        repository = FakeRepo()
        viewmodel = ProfileViewModel(repository)

        val testDispatcher: TestDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher() //why
        Dispatchers.setMain(testDispatcher) //why

    //question why we use runTest?
    fun `Test loading state update`() = runTest{
        //this is how flow testing starts
            //first we make sure that it shows correct state
            val emission1 = awaitItem() 
            //above will suspend the execution until an item in viewmodel.state is observer
            //once program proceeds we are sure that emission1 will have the first emission
            //so we test that first

            //now we load the profile and see if the state updates accordingly

            //now we get the next Item using the same function
            val emission2 = awaitItem()

            //test that
            assertThat(emission2.isLoading).isTrue() //it should be true

            //final emission
            val emission3 = awaitItem()



NOTE: assertThat, isTrue etc comes from AssertK Library but you can use any library for validation

NOTE: TestDispatcher and StanderdTestDispatcher comes from kotlin-coroutine-test library

FINAL NOTE: Will also explain in future all the whys in the code.


PS: The follow repos could be helpful: