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		<h1>Things I Do</h1>
		<h2>Progress details</h2>
		Questions and comments? <a href="">Email me</a>
			<li><a href="#fruitsilike">2015 year</a></li>
			<li><a href="#activitiesilike">2016 year</a></li>
			<li><a href="#updateLike">2017 year</a></li>
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			<li><s>Publish on <i>IIS web server</i></s> (10.10.2015)</li>
			<li><s>Greate system of <em>authentication</em> and <em>authefication</em> <i>=> SimpleMemberShip</i> with universal providers </s>(13.10.2015)</li>
			<li><s>Impelemnt <em>session object</em> in work (sync datepicker date between reloads)</s>(21.10.2015)</li>
			<li><s>Greate several basic report on <i>SSRS</i></s>(11.12.2015)</li>
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			<li><s>Write handdle exception behavior</s></li>
			<li><s>Fix domain engage (EF6)</s></li>
			<li><s>Work with Expression tree</s></li>
			<li><s>Work in general style</s></li>
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			<li><s>Migration on Windows mode <em>authentication and authefication</em> => (inner policy of system administator)(AD domain service) => aim: mix 2 kind of security approaches</s></li>
			<li>Beggining with Units tests (<em>Routing, Bussnes Logic, Auth ...etc</em>)</li>
			<li><s>Add login module (<u>"Scrolls"</u>)</s></li>
			<li><s>Complete study of <u><i>HTML5</i></u></s>(20.09.2016)</li>
			<li><s>Begin study <u>native <i>Javascript</i> => <i>JQuery</i></s>(21.09.2016) => <i>Angular js</i></u></li>
			<li>User write a announcement (check which app are need) => admin confirmed the righ (send email)</li>
			<li><s>Don't show pop up windows (custom behavior) 401 error(13.09.2016)</s></li>
			<li><s>Work with 065 code (count of operations)</s>(18.09.2016) These is not complete solusion in code. It needs complex work on DB level (aside Railway "Sapod" team)</li>
			<li><s>Recash git repository .gitignore(16.09.2016)</s></li>
			<li><s>Greate mechanism for join not condistional rows (drag & drop or modal windows with radio button) (16.09.2016)</s>(refusal => not need)</li>
		<summary>My experience:(13.09.2016)</summary>
				<li>In process work I know (work IIS (verstion 7.5, Use Negotiation ((Y)Kerberos or (T)NTML)</li>
				<li>When IIS config enable anonymous user, but in web.config app we have "<athorization><deny users="?"/></authoraztion>" then we have cortucumate=>
				not log in (anonymous) user inter to site and default redirect to log in page, 
				but some time later has 500 error (moreover all user have some error on this concrete page)</li>
				<li>When we work with Intergration mode windows we have instance of user object (IPrincipal => Windows Principal). 
				Through this object we have accese to some usefull propeties (name,IsRole,IsAuth etc) </li>
				<li>Find method for debuging on IIS (reason:  check Auth Active Directory)(14.09.2016)</li>
				<li>Asp.Net MVC in case on multyBundles uses wildcard order (by alphabet).To requer change this behavior we need implement IBundleOrderer</li>
				<li>Namespace collisions conflict JQuery UI and Bootsrap UI plugins was resolved throught .noConflict() method (.button, .tooltips)(28.09.2016)</li>
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			<li><s>Greate refactoring of app (move bussines logic in singe project separate from domain project (27.10.2016)</s></li>
			<li><s>Greate mechanism that will logging to txt/sql</s></li>
			<li><s>consider choise of replacing niject IoC to AutoFac etc... (.net framework 4.0)</s></li>
			<li><s/>Make client-side URL navigation (include IE8) with URL hashes or pushState</s>(refusal => single page routing)</li>
			<li>Considarate a possibility of using SingnalR(chating, update current state programm)</li>
		<summary>My experience:(28.10.2016)</summary>
				<li><s>Undestanding new concenpt of <a href = "">achitechure of app</a></s></li>
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			<li><s>Refactoring with knockount.js (Nomenclature part)</s></li>
			<li><s>Issue with bundling minification ( Maybe reason is *.min.js</s></li>
			<li>Extend knowliging about testing(moq, unit, rhino) and EF code first approach (migration etc.)</li>
		<summary>My experience:(31.12.2016)</summary>
				<li>Ajax-data with knockout ajax request (it needs some rebunding mechanism(with dom element))</li>
				<li>Problem with datepicker.js (Resolve: choose right js library )</li>
				<li><s>not find msvcr90.dll(Exclude bin folder from project)</s></li>
				<li><s>Virtual directory not found(Bindle => include directory must have ever though one js file)</s></li>
				<li>Implement "Heartbeat pattern" (Online user)</li>
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			<li><s>Migrate to MVC5 and WebAPI2</s></li>
			<li><s>Migrate to .net 4.5.1</s></li>
			<li><s>Resolve some problem with send mail (webClient, HttpClient). In some reason of security system administrator denied implementation auto-mail system (permission)</s></li>
			<li>To consider necessity of inject CORS functionality (Web API Cross-Origin)</li>
			<li>Coordinate SignalR and Ioc (Ninject)</li>
		<summary>My experience:(01.03.2017)</summary>
				<li>I encoutred some issue while was working with AD Account Meneger library. (1355 don't access to domain other then your's when he is not trust</li>
				<li>When i was migrating to .net 4.5.1 i had some ussie(BadImageFormatException (System.Runtime) => solve delete dependentAssembly System.Runtime from web.config (nuget bug)</li>
				<li>A lot work with knockout, Jquery and native js</li>
				<li>I got middle knowledge about iis (configuration, http.sys, was, asapi, w3c.exe ... etc</li>
				<li>Were Resolved some problems with migration from mvc4 to mvc 5 (validation validateIntegratedModeConfiguration="false", impesonation, glimpse, httpErrors errorMode="Detailed"  etc)</li>
		More Information:
		<a href="http://rail/Nomenclature">Scroll project link</a>
		<a href="http://rail">Railway project link</a>
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		&#169;2017, Railway Project. <a href="http://rail">Visit Railway project</a>


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