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This project is about using specific application of automata in verification

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.



  1. cygwin32
  2. spin
  3. C-compiler and C-preprocessor
  4. iSpin GUI (recommended)
  5. ActiveTcl
  6. graphviz-2.38 (recommended)


  1. be familiar with automata
  2. know to code with promela model language


  1. Please note that all required files is in

Installation step: spin version 6.4.7

  1. Install cygwin32
  • step 1: install cygwin32 using setup-x86.exe file
  • step 2: after 5 next steps, select first site and click next
  • step 3: after 6 next steps, "Select Packages" window opened, install all necessary packages for spin: bison(devel), yacc(devel), gcc-core: GNU Compiler Collection, gcc-g++: GNU Compiler Collection, libgcc1, gdb: The GNU Debugger, make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility, WindowMaker: GNUstep window manager
  • step 4: create new search path to bin folder of cygwin32
  1. Install spin
  • step 1: in pc_spin647, copy spin.exe to bin folder of cygwin32
  1. Install C-compiler and C-preprocessor
  • not needed if you have followed all above steps
  • needed to run model checker generated by spin
  • (recommended): GNU gcc compiler
  • can be installed using cygwin32 setup above.
  • after step 3, it's done if you don't want to use graphical user interface
  1. Install iSpin - graphical user interface for spin
  • step 1: in pc_spin647, copy ispin.tcl to any where you plan to work (recommended C:\Program Files (x86) folder)
  • step 2: to start ispin, you need Tcl/Tk programming language
  1. Install ActiveTcl: one distribution of Tcl PL
  • step 1: in Final, open ActiveTcl*.exe
  • step 2: following step to insatll ActiveTcl
  • now ispin.tcl will be recognized by system as wish file, so that ispin starts when you double click the ispin*.tcl file
  • open ispin.tcl using wish command line: -- cd "ispin directory" (cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\pc_spin647" for example) -- wish -f ispin.tcl
  1. Install graphviz-2.38 for automata view
  • Since the setup.exe file is about 34 mb, so you need to go on google and download it yourself
  1. Configure ispin
  • open ispin.tcl using any text editor
  • in line 20: change set GCC gcc to set GCC "C:/cygwin/bin/gcc.exe"
  • in line 21: change set DOT dot to set DOT "C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz2.38/bin/dot.exe
  1. Create search path: to
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin
  • C:\cygwin64\bin
  • C:\ActiveTcl\bin
  1. Use ispin
  • open ispin by double click on its icon, open promela (.pml) file and use it to check model
  • if error was thrown, try opening ispin using command line as indicated above.s

Installation problems

  1. Problem 1: gcc, ispin is not recognized as internal command Solution:
  • create search path
  1. Problem 2: gcc-3, gcc-4 not recognized as internal command. Solution:
  • create gcc-3.exe, gcc-4.exe using gcc.exe in cygwin/bin/gcc.exe by using copy, paste
  • open ispin.tcl using an text editor
  • in line 26, 27: change gcc-3, gcc-4 to gcc
  1. Problem 3: ,delete cygwin from pc Solution: following the below steps:
  • open cmd as administrator
  • using commands: -- command 1: takeown /f "c:\cygwin" /r /d Y -- command 2: icacls "c:\cygwin" /T /Q /C /reset -- command 3: rd "c:\cygwin" /s /q

Running the tests - Example

  1. With finalTermProject: simulate this program with arbitrary seed (123, 10000 time step by default), we can see that there are no deadlock encountered during run process. But it just a guess. Now go to step 2 command: spin -p -s -r -X -v -n123 -l -g -u10000 finalTermProject.pml
  2. Check for invalid endstates and run, the result should be : No errors found. So no pan.trail have been created so far command: -> spin -a finalTermProject.pml -> gcc -o pan pan.c -> ./pan
  3. Now change program a little bit, my modified version is available in modifiedFinalTermProject.pml
  4. Do the same thing and the result should be:
  • pan:1: invalid end state (at depth 1)
  • pan: wrote modifiedFinalTermProject.pml.trail
  • State-vector 16 byte, depth reached 2, errors: 1
  •     3 states, stored
  •     0 states, matched
  •     3 transitions (= stored+matched)
  •     0 atomic steps
  • hash conflicts: 0 (resolved)
  • -> it says that deadlock occured and the error is writed to modifiedFinalTermProject.trail
  • -> simulate program: we can see with 10000 steps, it stop at second step:
  • 0: proc - (:root:) creates proc 0 (A)
  • 0: proc - (:root:) creates proc 1 (B)
  • 1: proc 0 (A:1) modifiedFinalTermProject.pml:7 (state 1) [b0 = 1]
  • 2: proc 1 (B:1) modifiedFinalTermProject.pml:14 (state 1) [b1 = 1] timeout '#processes: 2' 2: proc 1 (B:1) modifiedFinalTermProject.pml:15 (state 2) 2: proc 0 (A:1) modifiedFinalTermProject.pml:8 (state 2) 2 processes created

--> Because there are a deadlock at state (t0, t1)



  1. systemModel.pml->(spin)->model checker in c file, simulation


  1. Using promela (process meta language) to model a system in C script-liked language. My example model is of a concurrent program from page 164, section 8.3 in Automata theory, an algorithmic approach of Javier Esparza

  2. Open file finalTermProject.pml

  • using ispin: open file like normal explorer
  • using cygwin terminal: cd "finalTermProject.pml directory"
  1. Check syntax and redundancy (only available on GUI ispin)
  • click on to icon "Syntax Check" and "Redundancy Check"
  1. take a overlook at this program by using simulator
  • using ispin: open second tab, choose appropriate properties and click Run
  • using cygwin termial: input command -- spin -[properties] [filename with extension] -- properties: p, g, l, r, s (check for additional information) -- filename: finalTermProject.pml
  1. create analyzer and verify this program -- using ispin: open third tab, choose appropriate properties and click Run. -- using cygwin terminal: input command: -- generate a verifier: spin -a [filename with estension]: it will create 6 C files, named pan.[cbhpmt] -- compile file pan.c to produce analyzer (.exe file): gcc -o pan pan.c -- execute the analyzer to produce analyses: ./pan -[properties] or just use ./pan for default print -- if error occurs in program: like assertion violation, unspecified reception or encountered deadlock: it will generate a pan.trail file. To invoke pan.trail file, input command: spin -t finalTermProject.pml

Built With

  • Cao Tan Minh
  • Ho Sy Thanh


Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


version 1.0


Name: Loi Nguyen Van Email: Email:

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Hat tip to anyone who's code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc


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