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Type checker and evaluator for the course Capita Selecta of Programming Languages.

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Capita Selecta of Programming Languages: Homework

Code for the assignments of the Capita Selecta of Programming Languages course at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The first assignment was a simple type checker and evaluator for the language described in Chapter 8 of the book Types and Programming Languages by B. C. Pierce, with the addition of some language constructs. The second assignment asked for the extension of this with the simply typed lambda calculus as described in chapter 9. The final assignment is concerned with implementing System Fω as described in chapter 30. At this point we have also decided to radically change the syntax for clearer reading and less ambiguity. This is done by using Lisp-like syntax.


Versions mentioned are those used during development.

Reading the code


The lexer is defined in Parser.y. It takes the input string and turns it into a list of Tokens.


The parser is created by Happy according to the rules described in Parser.y. Happy uses them to creates a calc function that takes as input a list of tokens (the ones we got from the lexer) and outputs something of type [Exp], another type we define. The expected format that Happy requires to create a calc function is described in its documentation.

Running Happy on Parser.y creates Parser.hs which can then be used as any regular Haskell file.

Type checking

The type checker resides in Main.hs under the name findType. Though this simply immediately calls getTypeAll with a starting environment. At this point there is a list of expressions Exp. Actual analysis of each is done in getType. Following the rules as described in the book, this function finds out the type of an expression by recursively finding the types of the subexpressions that are of relevance. It is aided in this endeavour by getKind, which allows to find the kind of a type expression, and eqType which handles type equivalence.

As a very simple example, (if t1 t2 t3) will be of type T if t1 is of type Bool, t2 is of type T and t3 is of type T. So the types of the three arguments are checked to see if things add up. The base cases are true, false and 0 which are of type bool, bool and int, respectively.

If something is badly typed, an error is thrown.


The evaluator is also defined in Main.hs, under the name evalAll which, like getTypeAll does to getType, offloads the actual work to eval. Before evaluating an expression, it evaluates its terms as needed - in accordance with the rules as described in the book. Afterwards the actual evaluation takes place (computation rule).


A few substitution functions are present which are needed in both the type checker and the evaluator. Finally there is also a helper function which checks whether something is a value, as considered by the syntax definition.


The actual execution is handled by the main function in Main.hs. It takes input from standard input and parses it using first the lexer and then the calc function. This resulting expression is then analyzed first by the type checker (findType) and then evaluated by the evaluator (evalAll).

Output of each of these three steps is written to standard output.

Compiling the code

A Makefile is provided, so simply run make.

Running the code

The example program resides in exampleprogram.csopl. It can be fed into Main the usual way. However, since the output is rather lengthy, you are advised to either dump the result in a file or piping it to less.

./Main < exampleprogram.csopl > tmp

Main reads from the standard input, so you have some options to test a particular input of your liking (non-exhaustive list).

  1. Run ./Main, enter what you want parsed, press Enter, then CTRL+D to end your input.
  2. Run ./Main <<< "your input".
  3. Run echo "your input" | ./Main.
  4. Save your input in a file and feed it to Main as was done with the example program.


A quick overview of the syntax of the implemented language. Booleans are present as true and false. The number zero is simply 0. Successors and predecessors of a number n can be found by using (succ n) and (pred n). If statements appear as (if condition truebranch falsebranch).

Abstractions from term to term are introduced using (λ variable type body). Application of f on x via (f x). Type abstractions have slightly differing syntax to prevent confusion with regular abstractions: (Λ variable kind body). The same goes for application, which is done with [f x].

The type mentioned in the previous paragraph has as basis int and bool. These can be combined to arrow types described as (→ type₁ type₂). There is also operator abstraction which is rather similar in looks to regular abstraction, (λ variable kind body), with the same being true for operator application: (f x). The universal type finally can be entered as (∀ variable kind body).

Kinding is rather simple. It is either * or of the form (⇒ kind kind).

Finally at the top level one can use (define variable body) to bind variables similarly to how it would be done in an abstraction. Comments can be placed anywhere and start with a ;. They run till the end of the line.


Type checker and evaluator for the course Capita Selecta of Programming Languages.







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