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Getting Started in Visual Studio

Angular 2 documentation includes a "Getting Started" chapter in TypeScript

The instructions are good but not aimed at the Visual Studio 2015 developer.

Here is a repo that ports the sample (with extra 2-way binding!) to the Visual Studio 2015 world.

Confession: I took an existing Getting Started project and jammed it into VS which isn't the best way to proceed.


  1. CREATE a Visual Studio solution name "angular2-getting-started"

  2. DELETE the generated index.html, and app stuff.

  3. IGNORE the src level in the instructions; just put everything in the project root

    • node_modules
    • typings
    • index.html
    • package.json
    • tsconfig.json (more on that in a moment)
  4. DO install the npm packages from the command line.

    DO NOT include node_modules in your project or you will be very sorry.

  5. COPY node_modules/traceur/bin/traceur-runtime.js to another location.

    IIS refuses to serve anything from a directory named bin which means you'll get a 404 later if you try to reference this. I put my copy in node_modules/traceur/traceur-runtime.js.

  6. UPDATE the traceur script source in index.html to match the copy location.

  7. EXPECT VS to ignore tsconfig.json. It uses settings in the .csproj

  8. OPEN the properties of the project (Alt Enter) a. pick "Module System | commonJS" b. check "Generate source maps" c. check (leave checked) "Compile on save". This is nice!

  9. EDIT the .csproj file in a text editor !!!

    Two critical settings are not exposed in Visual Studio. Add them by hand next to the similarly named settings.

  10. RUN it (without debugging) by pressing Ctrl-F5


Getting Started w/ Angular 2 in Visual Studio 2015






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