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JS library to wrap a Function with an ES6 Proxy Object; proxied method returns a Promise.


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As we all know, Node.js uses the convention of passing a callback function as the final parameter to functions that perform asynchronous tasks; the result (or error) is returned at a later time via this callback.

Many of us prefer Promises over callbacks.
Prior to ES6, we relied upon polyfill libraries (ex: Q, Bluebird, etc).
Now that ES6 is (mostly) supported, native Promises are available.

This small library uses ES6 features to "denodeify" functions that obey Node.js conventions.
The module includes two functions:

  • denodeify
  • denodeify_net_request


npm install --save @warren-bank/node-denodeify


proxy = denodeify(function):

  • Summary:
    • accepts a Function and returns a Proxy
    • when the Proxy is called, a Promise is returned
  • Input parameters:
    • {Function} required
    • {Object} optional: 'this' context for calls to Function
  • Return value:
    • {Proxy}
  • Characteristics of Function:
    • last input parameter is a callback function(error, result)
  • Changes to signature of Function (via the Proxy):
    • input:
      • the last parameter (callback function) is removed
    • output: Promise

proxy = denodeify_net_request(function):

  • Summary:
    • accepts a Function and returns a Proxy
    • when the Proxy is called, a Promise is returned
  • Input parameters:
    • {Function} required
    • {Object} optional: this context for calls to Function
  • Return value:
    • {Proxy}
  • Characteristics of Function:
    • makes a network request
    • Signature of Function:
      • input: (RequestOptions[, callback])
      • output: Request object
    • Signature of callback:
      • input: (ResponseObject)
    • Request object is a writable stream
    • Response object is a readable stream
  • Changes to signature of Function (via the Proxy):
    • input: (RequestOptions[, PostData, configs])
      • PostData
        • type: {string} | {Object} | {Buffer} | {stream.Readable} | {Array<Object>}
        • {string} value
          • when Content-Type header is undefined
            • Content-Type header is given the value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        • {Object} value
          • is serialized to a {string} value based on the value of Content-Type header
            • 'application/json':
              • converted to JSON
            • otherwise:
              • converted to querystring format
              • ex: "a=1&b=2"
          • when Content-Type header is undefined
            • Content-Type header is given the value: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
        • {Buffer} | {stream.Readable} values
          • when Content-Type header is undefined
            • Content-Type header is given the value: 'application/octet-stream'
        • {Array<Object>} value
          • Content-Type header is given the value: 'multipart/form-data'
          • {Object} value required attributes:
            1. name
              • type: {string}
            2. value
              • type: {string} | {number} | {Buffer} | {Object}
              • {string} | {number} | {Buffer} values
                • sent verbatim
              • {Object} value attributes:
                1. file
                  • type: {stream.Readable}
                2. filename
                  • type: {string}
                  • when file is undefined:
                    • required
                    • value is an absolute filepath to a file that exists and is readable
                  • when file is defined:
                    • optional
                    • value only needs a filename
                3. mime or mime-type or content-type or headers.content-type
                  • type: {string}
                  • prioritized as given, in descending order
                  • highest priority value sets the Content-Type header for the file
                  • when no value is defined:
                    • if filename is defined:
                      • file extension in filename is used to infer the Content-Type header for the file
                    • otherwise:
                      • Content-Type header for the file is given the value: 'application/octet-stream'
      • configs
        • user-configurable options (with sane defaults)
        • acceptable format: {Object}
        • keys:
          • binary
            • type: {Boolean}
            • default: false
            • notes:
              • if false: data is read into a {String} (utf8 encoding)
              • if true: data is read into a {Buffer}
          • stream
            • type: {Boolean}
            • default: false
            • notes:
              • if false: Promise resolves to a buffered data structure ({Buffer} or {String}) that contains the entire data file in memory
              • if true: Promise resolves to a Readable stream, chunks of data ({Buffer} or {string}) can be retrieved as they become available
          • validate_status_code
            • type: {Function}
            • input:
              • {number} code
              • {Object} ResponseHeaders
            • example:
              • { validate_status_code: function(code, ResponseHeaders){} }
              • { validate_status_code: false }
            • default value:
              • {Function}
                • throws Error if code is not 200
                • error.statusCode = code
                • error.location = ResponseHeaders['location']
            • notes:
              • Error thrown in function is caught and passed to the Promise
              • a falsy {non-Function} value disables the option
    • output: Promise
      • depending on configs, the resolved value can be any of the following data types:
      • all data types are normalized to include the following object attributes:
        1. "headers"


const {denodeify, denodeify_net_request} = require('@warren-bank/node-denodeify')

const fs = {
  readFile: denodeify( require('fs').readFile ),
  writeFile: denodeify( require('fs').writeFile ),

  createWriteStream: require('fs').createWriteStream

const http = {
  get: denodeify_net_request( require('http').get ),
  request: denodeify_net_request( require('http').request )

const https = {
  get: denodeify_net_request( require('https').get ),
  request: denodeify_net_request( require('https').request )

const sep = {
  div: Array(40).join('-'),
  get L(){return this.div + "\n"},
  get R(){return "\n" + this.div + "\n"}

const log = function(){
  var args
  args = [...arguments, "\n"]
  args = args.join('')

// example: read a file, then display its data
fs.readFile('/etc/hosts', 'utf8')
.then((data) => {
  log(sep.L, '"hosts" file contents:', sep.R, data)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message)

// example: download a file, parse its JSON data, cherry pick the first object in a large array, then display the value of a particular key
.then((data) => {
  var all_releases, newest_release
  all_releases = JSON.parse(data)
  newest_release = all_releases.length ? all_releases[0] : {}
  log(sep.L, 'newest release of Node.js:', sep.R, newest_release.version)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message)

// example: request to download a file that doesn't exist, allow the default status code validation method to throw an Error, display the status code in the server Response
.then((data) => {
  log(sep.L, 'imaginary URL contents:', sep.R, data)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message, "\n", `error.statusCode === ${error.statusCode}`, "\n", `error.location === ${error.location}`)

// example: request to download a file that doesn't exist, disable status code validation, display the (HTML) data in the server Response
http.get('', '', {validate_status_code: false})
.then((data) => {
  log(sep.L, 'imaginary URL contents:', sep.R, data)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message, "\n", `error.statusCode === ${error.statusCode}`, "\n", `error.location === ${error.location}`)

// example: request a binary file, obtain the response in a Buffer, save to disk
https.get('', '', {binary: true})
.then((data) => {
  var filename = ''
  fs.writeFile(filename, data, 'binary')
  .then(() => {
    log(sep.L, 'Binary data Buffer saved to file:', sep.R, filename)
  .catch((error) => {
    log(sep.L, 'Error: Failed to save binary data Buffer to file:', sep.R, filename, sep.R, error.message)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message, "\n", `error.statusCode === ${error.statusCode}`, "\n", `error.location === ${error.location}`)

// example: request a binary file, obtain the response in a Readable stream, save to disk via a pipe
https.get('', '', {binary: true, stream: true})
.then((stream) => {
  var filename = ''
    .pipe( fs.createWriteStream(filename) )
    .on('finish', () => {
      log(sep.L, 'Binary data Stream saved to file:', sep.R, filename)
    .on('error', (error) => {
      log(sep.L, 'Error: Failed to save binary data Stream to file:', sep.R, filename, sep.R, error.message)
.catch((error) => {
  log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message, "\n", `error.statusCode === ${error.statusCode}`, "\n", `error.location === ${error.location}`)

// example: make a GET request, then follow all redirects
const make_net_request = function(url){
  var regex, proto
  regex = /^https/i
  proto = (regex.test(url)) ? https : http

  .then((data) => {
    log(sep.L, 'URL:', "\n  ", url, "\n\n", 'response data:', sep.R, data)
  .catch((error) => {
    if ((error.statusCode) && (error.statusCode >= 300) && (error.statusCode < 400) && (error.location)){
      log(sep.L, 'redirecting..', "\n  ", 'from:', "\n    ", url, "\n  ", 'to:', "\n    ", error.location)
    else {
      log(sep.L, 'Error:', sep.R, error.message, "\n", `error.statusCode === ${error.statusCode}`, "\n", `error.location === ${error.location}`)

Fun Fact:

  • the previous example: "make a GET request, then follow all redirects"
    inspired the library: node-request




JS library to wrap a Function with an ES6 Proxy Object; proxied method returns a Promise.




