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1. Sprendžiamo uždavinio aprašymas

1.1. Sistemos paskirtis

Projekto tikslas – sukurti informacinę sistemą, leidžiančią smulkioms įmonėms ar verslams (kirpykloms, odontologijos kabinetams, grožio salonams ir t.t.), kurių biudžetas neleidžia turėti nuosavos IS, registruoti būsimus vizitus, o jų klientams – rezervuoti pasirinktą vizito laiką.

Šią informacinę sistemą sudarys dvi esminės dalys – aplikacijų programavimo sąsaja (angl. API) bei grafinė naudotojo sąsaja, realizuota kaip WEB aplikacija.

Įmonė ar verslas, norėdamas pradėti naudotis informacine sistema ir suteikti galimybę savo klientams rezervuoti vizito laikus, iš pradžių turės užsiregistruoti – nurodyti veiklos pavadinimą, rūšį, kontaktus. Atlikusi šiuos veiksmus įmonė turės sulaukti administratoriaus patvirtinimo. Gavusi patvirtinimą įmonė galės pridėti savo teikiamas paslaugas (paslaugos iš esmės galėtų būti ir tokios pačios, tiesiog skirtųsi tas paslaugas suteikiantys specialistai) – kiekvienai jų reikės nurodyti aprašymą, tą paslaugą suteikiančio specialisto darbo laiką, specialisto kontaktus. Klientas, norėdamas atlikti laiko rezervaciją tam tikroje įmonėje, tam tikrai paslaugai, turės taip pat užsiregistruoti nurodydamas savo asmeninius duomenis – vardą, pavardę, el. paštą, telefono numerį. Atlikęs pasirinkto laiko rezervaciją klientas turės sulaukti patvirtinimo iš įmonės, o vėliau, esant poreikiui, tiek klientas, tiek įmonė rezervaciją galės atšaukti.

1.2. Funkciniai reikalavimai

Neregistruotas sistemos naudotojas (svečias) galės:

  1. Peržiūrėti įmonių sąrašą
  2. Peržiūrėti informaciją apie konkrečią įmonę
  3. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės teikiamas paslaugas
  4. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės ir konkrečios paslaugos sukurtas rezervacijas (laisvus vizitų laikus)
  5. Užsiregistruoti kaip klientas
  6. Užsiregistruoti kaip paslaugas teikianti įmonė

Registruotas sistemos naudotojas (įmonė) galės:

  1. Prisijungti
  2. Atsijungti
  3. Pridėti teikiamą paslaugą
  4. Peržiūrėti paslaugos informaciją
  5. Atnaujinti paslaugos informaciją
  6. Ištrinti teikiamą paslaugą
  7. Peržiūrėti savo įmonės teikiamų paslaugų sąrašą
  8. Peržiūrėti informaciją apie konkrečią rezervaciją
  9. Peržiūrėti konkrečios paslaugos rezervacijų sąrašą
  10. Atnaujinti įmonės informaciją

Registruotas sistemos naudotojas (klientas) galės:

  1. Prisijungti
  2. Atsijungti
  3. Peržiūrėti įmonių sąrašą
  4. Peržiūrėti informaciją apie konkrečią įmonę
  5. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės teikiamas paslaugas
  6. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės ir konkrečios paslaugos sukurtas rezervacijas (laisvus vizitų laikus)
  7. Sukurti rezervaciją
  8. Atšaukti (ištrinti) konkrečią rezervaciją
  9. Atnaujinti rezervacijos duomenis
  10. Peržiūrėti savo visų rezervacijų sąrašą

Registruotas sistemos naudotojas (administratorius) galės:

  1. Prisijungti
  2. Atsijungti
  3. Peržiūrėti įmonių sąrašą
  4. Peržiūrėti informaciją apie konkrečią įmonę
  5. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės teikiamas paslaugas
  6. Peržiūrėti konkrečios įmonės ir konkrečios paslaugos sukurtas rezervacijas (laisvus vizitų laikus)
  7. Patvirtinti įmonės registraciją
  8. Pašalinti įmonę

2. Sistemos architektūra

2.1. Pasirinktos technologijos

Sistemą sudarys dvi dalys:

  • Serverio pusė (aplikacijų programavimo sąsaja) – ji bus realizuota su Go programavimo kalba. Duomenų bazės valdymo sistema buvo pasirinkta PostgreSQL.
  • Kliento pusė – ji bus realizuota su JavaScript biblioteka React.

2.2. Diegimo diagrama

2.1 pav. pavaizduota sistemos diegimo diagrama. Sistemos talpinimui bus panaudotas Amazon Web Services serveris, kuriame sistemos naudotojų užklausas HTTP protokolu apdoros Traefik atvirkštinis tarpinis serveris (angl. reverse proxy) – jis HTTP užklausas persiųs arba į aplikacijų programavimo sąsają (serverio dalį), arba į WEB aplikaciją (kliento dalį), tuomet sulauks atsakymo ir jį persiųs atgal sistemos naudotojui. Sistemos realizacijai prireiks duomenų bazės valdymo serverio, o komunikaciją su juo atliks aplikacijų programavimo sąsaja TCP/IP protokolu.

pav. 2.1 Sistemos diegimo diagrama

3. Naudotojo sąsajos projektas

Žemiau pateikiami projektuojamos sąsajos langų wireframe`ai ir juos atitinkančių realizacijų langų iškarpos.

3.1. Pradinis langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.2. Informacijos apie įmonę langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.3. Prisijungimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.4. Kliento registracijos langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.5. Įmonės registracijos langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.6. Naujos rezervacijos sukūrimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.7. Kliento rezervacijų sąrašo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.8. Kliento rezervacijos peržiūros langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.9. Kliento rezervacijos atnaujinimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.10. Administratoriaus pradinis langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.11. Įmonės informacijos atnaujinimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.12. Įmonės teikiamų paslaugų sąrašo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.13. Įmonės paslaugos atnaujinimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.14. Įmonės naujos paslaugos sukūrimo langas


Realizacijos langas:

3.15. Įmonės paslaugų rezervacijų sąrašo langas


Realizacijos langas:

4. API specifikacija

General types


Field Type Description
name string Error code name
message string Error message

General errors

Not found

name message HTTP status code
not_found Not found 404


name message HTTP status code
forbidden Forbidden 403


name message HTTP status code
unauthorized Unauthorized 401

Faulty token

name message HTTP status code
faulty_token Faulty token provided 400

Invalid token

name message HTTP status code
token_invalid_or_expired Token is invalid or expired 401

Bad request

name message HTTP status code
bad_request Bad request 400

Internal server error

name message HTTP status code
internal_server_error Internal server error 500

Invalid input

name message HTTP status code
invalid_input Input could not pass the validations 400


name message HTTP status code
unknown Unknown error 500

General response

Field Type Null? Description
error Error on success If response is unsuccessful, error code will be non null
data any on error The data type is specific to each endpoint


You can authenticate using JWT token. Token must be provided in the HTTP Authorization header.


Authorization: Bearer <accessToken>

POST /api/v1/users/authenticate

Authentication endpoint. Returns JWT token if authentication is successful.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
email string yes User's email address less than or equal to 200 chars
password string yes User's password between 8 and 100 chars Secret444!

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
accessToken string no JWT access token
refreshToken string no JWT refresh token

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
invalid_credentials Invalid credentials 401

Example request

POST /api/v1/users/authenticate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "email": "",
    "password": "Secret444!"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Njg3MTMyMjcuNzMzMjM1LCJpYXQiOjE2Njg3MTAyMjcuNzMzMjQyLCJpc3MiOiJyZXNlcnZpbyIsInVzZXJJRCI6IjdiNTYyNGMyLTc3MTMtNGJiMy1iOGQ1LWVhMjliNTc5MjExNSIsInJvbGUiOiJjb21wYW55IiwicnRJRCI6IjY3MWVmNTNmLWY1YWYtNDM0NS05ODQzLWJhMzZkOThkNzlkYiJ9.YzCdBuLYFohulk50yF-hWguSPWR41H2pwqgGXPpnE5Q",
        "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Njg3MTc0MjcuNzMzMTc0LCJpYXQiOjE2Njg3MTAyMjcuNzMzMTgyLCJpc3MiOiJyZXNlcnZpbyIsInJ0SUQiOiI2NzFlZjUzZi1mNWFmLTQzNDUtOTg0My1iYTM2ZDk4ZDc5ZGIifQ.aJ20LIyi1M5dXm3RbhKx26WK85q07EamUik0QGd8CqA"

POST /api/v1/tokens

Refresh token endpoint. Returns new JWT token if refresh token is valid.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role any

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
refreshToken string yes JWT refresh token - eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Njg3MTc0MjcuNzMzMTc0LCJpYXQiOjE2Njg3MTAyMjcuNzMzMTgyLCJpc3MiOiJyZXNlcnZpbyIsInJ0SUQiOiI2NzFlZjUzZi1mNWFmLTQzNDUtOTg0My1iYTM2ZDk4ZDc5ZGIifQ.aJ20LIyi1M5dXm3RbhKx26WK85q07EamUik0QGd8CqA

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
accessToken string no JWT access token

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code

Example request

POST /api/v1/tokens HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "refreshToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Njg3MTc0MjcuNzMzMTc0LCJpYXQiOjE2Njg3MTAyMjcuNzMzMTgyLCJpc3MiOiJyZXNlcnZpbyIsInJ0SUQiOiI2NzFlZjUzZi1mNWFmLTQzNDUtOTg0My1iYTM2ZDk4ZDc5ZGIifQ.aJ20LIyi1M5dXm3RbhKx26WK85q07EamUik0QGd8CqA"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE2Njg3MTc0MzAuNDQ0MjcyLCJpYXQiOjE2Njg3MTQ0MzAuNDQ0Mjc5LCJpc3MiOiJyZXNlcnZpbyIsInVzZXJJRCI6IjdiNTYyNGMyLTc3MTMtNGJiMy1iOGQ1LWVhMjliNTc5MjExNSIsInJvbGUiOiJjb21wYW55IiwicnRJRCI6IjY3MWVmNTNmLWY1YWYtNDM0NS05ODQzLWJhMzZkOThkNzlkYiJ9.Y2BovB5Tuq3_FLiDdjGUj0XYQB_cG0umWpNJSEfpy9Q"

POST /api/v1/users/logout

Logout endpoint. Invalidates refresh token.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role any

Request parameters


Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code

Example request

POST /api/v1/users/logout HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

POST /api/v1/clients

Create client endpoint. Creates new client and returns its data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
email string yes Client email address less than or equal to 200 chars
password string yes Client password between 8 and 100 chars Secret444!
firstName string yes Client first name between 3 and 50 chars John
lastName string yes Client last name between 3 and 50 chars Devo
phone string yes Client phone number e164 standart +37061354544

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Created user ID
email string no Client email address
firstName string no Client first name
lastName string no Client last name
phone string no Client phone number

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
email_already_exists Email already exists 422

Example request

POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "email": "",
    "password": "Secret444!",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Devo",
    "phone": "+37061354544"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "3b218c3f-b443-4c15-8984-33654aa16a82",
        "email": "",
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Devo",
        "phone": "+37061354544"

GET /api/v1/clients/:clientID/reservations

Returns all client reservations.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Client

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:clientID string yes Client ID - d662e339-6fd0-4de3-b3d2-7118ce70ee53

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
reservations Reservation[] no Array of reservations

Reservation type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Reservation ID
service Service no Reservation service
date string no Reservation date
comment string yes Reservation comment

Service type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Service ID
company Company no Service company
title string no Service title
description string no Service description
specialistName string yes Service specialist name
specialistPhone string yes Service specialist phone
visitDuration number no Service visit duration
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> no Service work schedule

Weekday type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
string no One of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday

DaySchedule type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
from string no Day start time (eg. 10:30)
to string no Day end time (eg. 18:00)

Company type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Company ID
email string no Company email address
name string no Company name
address string no Company address
description string no Company description
approved boolean no Is company approved by admin?

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
client_not_found Client not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/clients/d662e339-6fd0-4de3-b3d2-7118ce70ee53/reservations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "reservations": [
                "id": "4ee0457e-e7ff-45bc-9d86-9623ce3e9d15",
                "service": {
                    "id": "cba4fef6-490b-4d56-af12-eb153c97893d",
                    "company": {
                        "id": "7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115",
                        "email": "",
                        "name": "Automobilių servisas",
                        "address": "Ozo g. 10, Vilnius",
                        "description": "Automobilių servisas Vilniuje",
                        "approved": true
                    "title": "Padangų keitimas",
                    "description": "Pigus automobilio padangų keitimas",
                    "specialistName": "Jonas",
                    "specialistPhone": "+37064343332",
                    "visitDuration": 30,
                    "workSchedule": {
                        "monday": {
                            "from": "08:00",
                            "to": "16:00"
                        "thursday": {
                            "from": "10:00",
                            "to": "14:00"
                        "tuesday": {
                            "from": "11:30",
                            "to": "17:00"
                        "wednesday": {
                            "from": "08:00",
                            "to": "17:00"
                "date": "2022-11-17 12:30",
                "comment": "Okaya"

POST /api/v1/companies

Create company endpoint. Creates new company and returns its data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
email string yes Company email address less than or equal to 200 chars
password string yes Company password between 8 and 100 chars Secret444!
name string yes Company name between 3 and 100 chars My company
address string yes Company address between 5 and 200 chars Vilnius, Lithuania
description string yes Company description greater than or equal to 200 chars Very good company

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Created company ID
email string no Company email address
name string no Company name
address string no Company address
description string no Company description
approved boolean no Is company approved by admin? When created, equals to false

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
email_already_exists Email already exists 422

Example request

POST /api/v1/companies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "email": "",
    "password": "Secret444!",
    "name": "My company",
    "address": "Vilnius, Lithuania",
    "description": "Very good company"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "07c35941-0af3-4011-b42e-40bca152f2b8",
        "email": "",
        "name": "My company",
        "address": "Vilnius, Lithuania",
        "description": "Very good company",
        "approved": false

GET /api/v1/companies

Returns all registered companies. When requested by admin, returns all companies, otherwise returns only approved companies.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters


Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
companies Company[] no Array of companies

Company type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Company ID
email string no Company email address
name string no Company name
address string no Company address
description string no Company description
approved boolean no Is company approved by admin? If request is made not by admin, always equals to true

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "companies": [
                "id": "7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115",
                "email": "",
                "name": "Automobilių servisas",
                "address": "Ozo g. 10, Vilnius",
                "description": "Automobilių servisas Vilniuje",
                "approved": true
                "id": "e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15",
                "email": "",
                "name": "Plovykla",
                "address": "Vilniaus g. 17, Kaunas",
                "description": "Automobilių plovykla Kaune",
                "approved": true

GET /api/v1/companies/:companyID

Returns company data by its ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Company ID
email string no Company email address
name string no Company name
address string no Company address
description string no Company description
approved boolean no Is company approved by admin?

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115",
        "email": "",
        "name": "Automobilių servisas",
        "address": "Ozo g. 10, Vilnius",
        "description": "Automobilių servisas Vilniuje",
        "approved": true

PATCH /api/v1/companies/:companyID

Updates company data by its ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Company or Admin

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115
Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
name string no Company name. Can only be set by company. between 3 and 100 chars My company
address string no Company address. Can only be set by company. between 5 and 200 chars Vilnius, Lithuania
description string no Company description. Can only be set by company. greater than or equal to 200 chars Very good company
approved boolean no Is company approved? Can only be set by admin. - true

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
nothing_to_update Nothing to update 400

Example request

PATCH /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "name": "My company",
    "address": "Vilnius, Lithuania"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /api/v1/companies/:companyID

Deletes company by its ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Admin

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404

Example request

DELETE /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

POST /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services

Create service endpoint. Creates new company service and returns its data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Company

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115
Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
title string yes Service title between 3 and 100 chars Men's haircut
description string yes Service description greater than or equal to 5 chars Cheap men's haircut
specialistName string no Service specialist name between 5 and 100 chars John
specialistPhone string no Service specialist phone e164 standart +37064343333
visitDuration number yes Service visit duration greater than 0 30
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> yes Service work schedule size greater than 0 { "monday": { "from": "08:00", "to": "17:00" } }

Weekday type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
string yes Work schedule week day One of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday friday

DaySchedule type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
from string yes Day start time time format HH:mm 10:30
to string yes Day end time time format HH:mm 18:00

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Service ID
companyID string no Company ID
title string no Service title
description string no Service description
specialistName string yes Service specialist name
specialistPhone string yes Service specialist phone
visitDuration number no Service visit duration
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> no Service work schedule

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404

Example request

POST /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115/services HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "title": "Men's haircut",
    "description": "Cheap men's haircut",
    "specialistName": "John",
    "specialistPhone": "+37064343333",
    "visitDuration": 30,
    "workSchedule": {
        "monday": {
            "from": "08:00",
            "to": "17:00"
        "tuesday": {
            "from": "11:45",
            "to": "17:00"
        "wednesday": {
            "from": "08:00",
            "to": "17:00"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
        "companyID": "e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15",
        "title": "Men's haircut",
        "description": "Cheap men's haircut",
        "specialistName": "John",
        "specialistPhone": "+37064343333",
        "visitDuration": 30,
        "workSchedule": {
            "monday": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "17:00"
            "thursday": {
                "from": "10:15",
                "to": "14:00"
            "tuesday": {
                "from": "11:45",
                "to": "17:00"

GET /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID

Get service endpoint. Returns service data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Service ID
companyID string no Company ID
title string no Service title
description string no Service description
specialistName string yes Service specialist name
specialistPhone string yes Service specialist phone
visitDuration number no Service visit duration
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> no Service work schedule

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
        "companyID": "e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15",
        "title": "Padangų keitimas",
        "description": "Pigus automobilio padangų keitimas",
        "specialistName": "Jonas",
        "specialistPhone": "+37064343333",
        "visitDuration": 45,
        "workSchedule": {
            "monday": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "17:00"
            "thursday": {
                "from": "10:15",
                "to": "14:00"
            "tuesday": {
                "from": "11:45",
                "to": "17:00"
            "wednesday": {
                "from": "08:00",
                "to": "17:00"

GET /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services

Get services endpoint. Returns all company services.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
services Service[] no Array of services

Service type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Service ID
companyID string no Company ID
title string no Service title
description string no Service description
specialistName string yes Service specialist name
specialistPhone string yes Service specialist phone
visitDuration number no Service visit duration
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> no Service work schedule

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "services": [
                "id": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
                "companyID": "e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15",
                "title": "Padangų keitimas",
                "description": "Pigus automobilio padangų keitimas",
                "specialistName": "Jonas",
                "specialistPhone": "+37064343333",
                "visitDuration": 45,
                "workSchedule": {
                    "monday": {
                        "from": "08:00",
                        "to": "17:00"
                    "thursday": {
                        "from": "10:15",
                        "to": "14:00"
                    "tuesday": {
                        "from": "11:45",
                        "to": "17:00"
                    "wednesday": {
                        "from": "08:00",
                        "to": "17:00"
                "id": "bc7f8382-0d87-40bd-910e-67efe1ae15f4",
                "companyID": "e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15",
                "title": "Išorės plovimas",
                "description": "Pigus automobilio išorės plovimas",
                "specialistName": "Virgis",
                "specialistPhone": "+37065678999",
                "visitDuration": 30,
                "workSchedule": {
                    "monday": {
                        "from": "08:00",
                        "to": "16:00"
                    "thursday": {
                        "from": "10:00",
                        "to": "14:00"
                    "wednesday": {
                        "from": "08:00",
                        "to": "17:00"

PATCH /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID

Update service endpoint. Updates service with given ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Company

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b
Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
title string no Service title between 3 and 100 chars Men's haircut
description string no Service description greater than or equal to 5 chars Cheap men's haircut
specialistName SpecialistNameUpd no Service specialist name - { "value": John }
specialistPhone SpecialistPhoneUpd no Service specialist phone - { "value": null }
visitDuration number no Service visit duration greater than 0 30
workSchedule Map<Weekday, DaySchedule> no Service work schedule size greater than 0 { "monday": { "from": "08:00", "to": "17:00" } }

SpecialistNameUpd type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
value string no Service specialist name value. If null, specialistName is set to null. between 5 and 100 chars John

SpecialistPhoneUpd type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
value string no Service specialist phone value. If null, specialistPhone is set to null. e164 standart +37064343333

Weekday type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
string yes Work schedule week day One of: monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday friday

DaySchedule type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
from string yes Day start time time format HH:mm 10:30
to string yes Day end time time format HH:mm 18:00

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404
nothing_to_update Nothing to update 400

Example request

PATCH /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "title": "Paslauga",
    "description": "Paslaugos aprasymas",
    "specialistName": null,
    "specialistPhone": {
        "value": "+37065787898"
    "workSchedule": {
        "monday": {
            "from": "11:55",
            "to": "15:55"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID

Deletes company service by its ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Company

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404

Example request

DELETE /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

POST /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID/reservations

Creates new reservation for service and returns its data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Client

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b
Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
date string yes Reservation date format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm 2022-10-17 10:00
comment string no Reservation comment between 5 and 200 chars This is my comment

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Reservation ID
companyID string no Company ID
serviceID string no Service ID
date string no Reservation date
comment string yes Reservation comment

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404
time_is_in_past Specified reservation time is in the past 400
invalid_time Invalid reservation time 400
service_not_available Service is not available at the specified time 400
reservation_already_exists Reservation already exists at the specified time 422

Example request

POST /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "date": "2022-11-21 11:55",
    "comment": "this is my comment"

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d",
        "serviceID": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
        "clientID": "d662e339-6fd0-4de3-b3d2-7118ce70ee53",
        "date": "2022-11-21 11:55",
        "comment": "this is my comment"

GET /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID/reservations/:reservationID

Get reservation endpoint. Returns reservation data.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Company or Client

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b
:reservationID string yes Reservation ID - b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Reservation ID
serviceID string no Service ID
client Client no Client data
date string no Reservation date
comment string yes Reservation comment

Client type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Client ID
firstName string no Client first name
lastName string no Client last name
phone string no Client phone number
email string no Client email address

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404
reservation_not_found Reservation not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b/reservations/b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "id": "b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d",
        "serviceID": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
        "client": {
            "id": "d662e339-6fd0-4de3-b3d2-7118ce70ee53",
            "firstName": "Jonas",
            "lastName": "Jonaitis",
            "phone": "+37065555455",
            "email": ""
        "date": "2022-11-21 11:55",
        "comment": "this is my comment"

GET /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID/reservations

Get reservations endpoint. Returns all service reservations. The response is different when the user is authenticated as a company or is not authenticated/authenticated as a different role.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? No

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b

Successful response

HTTP status code: 200


Name Type Can be null? Description
reservations Reservation[] no Array of reservations

Reservation type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Reservation ID
serviceID string no Service ID
client Client no Client data. Only provided when authenticated as company.
date string no Reservation date
comment string yes Reservation comment. Only provided when authenticated as company.

Client type:

Name Type Can be null? Description
id string no Client ID
firstName string no Client first name
lastName string no Client last name
phone string no Client phone number
email string no Client email address

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404

Example request

GET /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b/reservations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "error": null,
    "data": {
        "reservations": [
                "id": "b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d",
                "serviceID": "fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b",
                "client": {
                    "id": "d662e339-6fd0-4de3-b3d2-7118ce70ee53",
                    "firstName": "Jonas",
                    "lastName": "Jonaitis",
                    "phone": "+37065555455",
                    "email": ""
                "date": "2022-11-21 11:55",
                "comment": "this is my comment"

PATCH /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID/reservations/:reservationID

Update reservation endpoint. Updates reservation with given ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Client

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b
:reservationID string yes Reservation ID - b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d
Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
date string no Reservation date format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm 2022-10-17 10:00
comment CommentUpd no Reservation comment - { "value": "This is my comment" }

CommentUpd type:

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
value string no Service comment value. If null, comment is set to null. between 5 and 200 chars This is my comment

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404
reservation_not_found Reservation not found 404
time_is_in_past Specified reservation time is in the past 400
invalid_time Invalid reservation time 400
service_not_available Service is not available at the specified time 400
reservation_already_exists Reservation already exists at the specified time 422
nothing_to_update Nothing to update 400

Example request

PATCH /api/v1/companies/e91f4c92-1371-48a1-a745-7d66d2178e15/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b/reservations/b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
    "date": "2022-10-17 8:45",
    "comment": {
        "value": null

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

DELETE /api/v1/companies/:companyID/services/:serviceID/reservations/:reservationID

Delete reservation endpoint. Deletes reservation with given ID.

Resource url

Resource information

Response formats JSON
Requires authentication? Yes
Required role Client

Request parameters

Name Type Required? Description Validations Example
:companyID string yes Company ID - 7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115
:serviceID string yes Service ID - fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b
:reservationID string yes Reservation ID - b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d

Successful response

HTTP status code: 204

Possible errors:

name message HTTP status code
company_not_found Company not found 404
service_not_found Service not found 404
reservation_not_found Reservation not found 404

Example request

DELETE /api/v1/companies/7b5624c2-7713-4bb3-b8d5-ea29b5792115/services/fda84995-0755-40e3-8ed4-129fc774125b/reservations/b484f566-39ce-4422-8dcb-22734792e05d HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

Example response

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json

5. Išvados

Šio modulio metu pavyko sėkmingai įgyvendinti užsibrėžtus projekto tikslus - sukurti backend API, ją tinkamai apsaugoti panaudojant JWT token authentifikacijai ir autorizacijai, be to, sukurti naudotojo sąsajos dalį, viską patalpinti debesyje, jog būtų galima išorinė prieiga prie sistemos, bei galiausiai, parengti galutinę ataskaitą. Tiesa, projektas nėra visiškai užbaigtas ir jį dar reikėtų nemažai patobulinti norint paleisti į rinką.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published
