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A Python-based Snap Tap program with adjustable Tap Groupings, Rebinds (Key Replacements), Macros (Aliases) and per key adjustable delay to imitate natural input


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Free Snap Tap: Universal Keyboard Snap Tap with Tap Groups, Rebinds (Key Replacements), Macros (Aliases) and custom adjustable delay for each key.

Works as of V0.8.0 without triggering Valve Anti Cheat (if delays are not set too short :-) )

Only works on Windows.

A minimalistic Python-based Snap Tapping program compatible with all keyboards and supports:

General (very short) overview of functionalities

  • This program main functionalities regarding the handling of Keys and key_events:
  1. [Tap_Groups] a, d: Keys with Snap Tap functionality
    • mutually exclusive Keys that will always prioritise the most recent key press and resend the previous pressed key if it is still pressed
    • the output will be the idealized version of the real input
    • delays for simulanious key events are applied on default
  2. [Rebinds] trigger_group : replacement key_event or Key: when a trigger_group is activated the key_event / Key will be played instead of trigger
    • The important destinctions from Macros are that Rebinds only support a single Key or key_event as the played part (output part) and that this resulting output (key_event) will be able to trigger macros
  3. [Macros] trigger_group :: key_group: the key_group will be played when the trigger_group is activated; trigger will be suppressed
    • delay per key setable
  4. [Macro_Sequences] trigger_group :: key_group 1 : key_group 2 : ...
    • multiple macro key groups playable in sequence with the same trigger key on repeated reactivation of the same macro trigger.
    • can be reseted by itself via reset key_event or by other macros or rebinds with the use of reset_*number of macro* key_event
      • IDEA: or the function invocation (reset(number of macro)) TODO: implemented it
  5. [Delays] supported for Tap_Groups in general and in Macros in general and on a per key basis with option to be random in min, max limits
  6. [Focus Apps] activates and deactivates the functionality based on set focus app names. Multiple focus app defineable with different settings and Tap Groups, Rebinds and Macros for each focus app
  7. [Configuration] everything can be configurated in a single text file
# default groups are defined before he first <focus> and will always be 
# active and also applied if a focus app is recognised


#Tap Groups
a, d
w, s

# Counter Strike focus group - everything following <focus> will activate when an active
# window matches the name or has the part of the name in itself that is given after <focus>

<arg>-tapdelay=8,2        # random delay between 2 and 8 ms
<arg>-aliasdelay=10,4     # default delay for macros between each key event (press, release) bet 4 and 10 ms

# Example Config file: for testing remove most of the explaining comments - something the program is not liking xD
# Tap Groups
# a,d                     # already applied in default part of the file
# w,s                     # already applied in default part of the file

# Rebinds
left_windows : left_control
< : left_shift
caps_lock : shift
c : ^left_control         # toggle for left control on c
v : suppress  

# Macros
# automatic counter strafing when w key released
# will not trigger if crouched (!ctrl), jumping (!space) or opposite key is pressed
# (tr("+w")>100): will only trigger if movement key was pressed for at least 100 ms
# (cs("+w")): counterstrafe will be dynamically adjusted based on time of pressed movement key 
# cs() is a hard coded function that uses a polynomial function to approximate the acceleration
#    ingame and calculate the needed length for a counterstrafe to come to a stop
+w|(tr("+w")>100), !s, !ctrl, !space  ::  +w|15|5, -s|(cs("+w")), +s|0|0
+s|(tr("+s")>100), !w, !ctrl, !space  ::  +s|15|5, -w|(cs("+s")), +w|0|0
+a|(tr("+a")>100), !d, !ctrl, !space  ::  +a|15|5, -d|(cs("+a")), +d|0|0
+d|(tr("+d")>100), !a, !ctrl, !space  ::  +d|15|5, -a|(cs("+d")), +a|0|0

# jump with crouch: will not trigger if ctrl is pressed (!ctrl)
# will only trigger if space press was 125-400 ms long and the crouch will go at most to 600 ms after the initial space press
+space|(125<tr("+space")<400), !ctrl :: +space, -ctrl|(600-tr("+space")), +ctrl|0|0 

# automatic application of healing syringe and switch back to last weapon
# (125<tr("+x")<900): will not be triggered if tapped really quickly or hold over 900 ms
# the longest it will be waiting to release x is 900ms after x was pressed (900-tr("+x")) to make sure it is equipped fully
+x|(125<tr("+x")<800) :: +x|(1000-tr("+x")), -left_mouse|700|700, +left_mouse|0|0, q

#Horizon - Forbidden West (with some examples I use)
<focus> Horizon

<arg>-aliasdelay=50,50        # horizon does not like it when 2 key events are to close - so set to constant 50 ms delay

# focus groups for Horizon Forbidden West
+shift|(dc()<900) : +suppress            # supress shift release on double tap shift by supressing the release of shift
alt: ^alt                                # toggle alt on alt press (I use alt for concentration mode ingame)
u : v|(toggle_repeat(6500))|(last("-v")>5000)    # automatic scanning every 6.5 seconds
v : v|(reset_timer())                            # when v is hit manually for a scan, reset timer of the repeated keys

# Macros
-left_mouse, -right_mouse :: -left_mouse|900, -alt|(p("right_mouse"))

-c :: -c|50, +shift|50                           # macro sequence [0] for crouching and stop running when crouched  
    : -c|50, -shift|50                           # run again if crouch endet
-shift :: -shift, -reset_1                       # shift resets the crouch sequence
i :: -f|50, space|50, +f                         # automatic usage of special ability with only hitting one key instead of 2

-mouse_x2 :: -mouse_x2|50, +shift|50, -shift|50, +mouse_x2         # when evade, toggle running on
+mouse_x2 : +suppress

-mouse_x1 :: -mouse_x1|50, +shift|50, -shift|50, +mouse_x1         # when melee attacking, toggle running on
+mouse_x1 : +suppress

# mod macro sequence [0]
+left_mouse, -right_mouse :: +left_mouse, +alt, reset_0        # reset the macro [0] when left mouse button released
+right_mouse, -left_mouse :: +right_mouse, +alt, reset_0       # reset the macro [0] when right mouse button released

+v|(tr("+v")>500) : v|(stop_repeat())        # stop v repetition if v is long pressed and scan mode activated

# Space Marine 2 :-D
<focus> Marine 2

# focus groups for Space Marine 2 

Function documentation (Version 1.0.1):

General overview

This program offers ways to interacts with real input in the form of key_events (a button press or release). It interpretes the real input (of keyboard and mouse) and according to defined rules sends out simulated key_events or/and supresses real key_events. It offers Tap_Groups as a Snap Tap alternative for every keyboard and key combination, Rebinds to adjust keyboard keys free from game or keybind support, macros to play more complex key inputs with a single key press and/or release, timed repeated keys to automate recurring refreshes of buffs in games and resetable macro sequences with changing key outputs on the same trigger key.

Often used terms:

  • key_event or short ke: -a: a key_event is a press -a or release +a/!a of the a Key.
  • Key a: a Key (without prefix +, - or !) is a short form for a key_tap: 2 key_events consisting of a press and a release.
    • This destinction is important for the following definition of rules to interpret the input and how output is send.
  • key_group a, b, c, ...: a key_group is a collection of key_events and Keys that serves as a trigger_group to determine when a rebind or macro will be activated and as macro key_groups that includes every key_event that will be played when a trigger_group is activated.
    • Keys will be always interpreted as 2 key_events of press and release a = -a, +a
  • trigger_group: trigger, constraint1, constraint2, ... consists of the trigger key_event and constraint key_events. Only the trigger key_event can trigger rebinds or macros.
    • trigger_group/trigger: is the real ke/Key that can activate a rebind or macro
    • trigger_group/constraint: is a ke that determines if a trigger can be activated. e.g. -shift = shift must be pressed
  • replacement key_event/Key: output/result of a rebind
  • suppression of a key - key will be intercepted and behave as if it was not pressed
  • key_strings is the alphabetical representation of the keys we use and will be translated into vk_codes via the dictionary in Key_strings can be edited to fit preferences or actual keyboard layout by simply editing the file and adding or changing the key-strings that you want to use.
  • vk_code is the number presentation that a key has internally and is used to identify the right key to be send
  • prefix/modifier -key_event, +key_event, !key_event, ^Key: the prefix is the sign before a key_event or Key. If -, -, ! are present it will define a key_event of press or release. ^ defines a toggled Key and is the only prefix for a Key. If there is no prefix, it will be handled as a Key (press + release).
  • suffix key_event|suffix|suffix|... are written behind key_events or Keys and are interpreted as:
    • suffix/delays ke|*time in ms* time after a key_event that will be waited before next will be played. Delay is defined by if the suffix is a number (time in ms for delay) or can be evaluated to a number.
    • suffix/constraints ke|-ke|+kedefines when to trigger or send a key_event based on True or False statements
    • suffix/evaluations ke|(evaluation) can result in a constraint if evaluated to True/False or as delay when evaluated to a number
    • suffix/function invocation ke1 :: ke2|(repeat_toggle(10000)) a function that will always evaluate to False and so supresses the actual ke, but will start the function defined in it
      • in this example: trigger ke1 will start a repeated sending of the ke2 every 10 seconds until ```ke1` is pressed again and stop it
  • focus app name is a part or the full name of the active window the program will be looking for to activate or change tap groups, rebinds and macros
    • focus group are all the start arguments, tap groups, rebinds, macros that are applied when a focus app is recognised


  • Toggle Pause: Press the ALT + DELETE key to pause or resume the program.
    • resuming will reload key and tap groups from files
  • Stop Execution: Press the ALT + END key to stop the program.
  • Return to Menu: Press the ALT + PAGE_DOWN key to return to the menu.

You can change the control key combinations in the py file under # Control key combination.

More in depth functionality

  • Each function has to be added to the FSTconfig.txt as a single line.
  • Comments usable with # for line comments, commenting out single keys and comments after a definition.
  • All usable key strings are included in the file. Key strings can be edited or added freely so simplify to ease usage.


  • Notation: a, d simple listing of Keys seperated by commas
  • 2 or more Keys usable
  • key_event notation -a, -d will be interpreted as Keys 'a,d' instead
  • delays are usable via the start argument tap_delay=min_time,max_time
  • simulated keys from Macros can not interfere with real key states (current pressed keys) that are defined in tap_groups
  • Rebinds that have as replacement a key in a Tap_Group will be treated as normal real key events and will not be ignored.


  • Notation: trigger_group : replacement key_event or Key
  • internally it only works with key_events. Usage of Keys is offered to simplify press and release rebinds.
  • replacements of rebinds can trigger macros and be used in Tap_Groups
  • replacements will be played immediately - there is no delay and given delays will be ignored
  • support notation with key_events and Keys
    • key_event : key_event
      • will be used as is
    • Key : Key
      • will be interpreted as 2 key_event : key_event rebinds
      • e.g. a : b -> -a : -b and +a, +b
    • !Attention: if only one Key is present in the notation as trigger or replacement, both will be interpreted as Keys
      • -caps_lock, shift -> caps_lock, shift
  • supports suppression of key_events and Keys
    • windows_left : suppress will suppress the left windows key
    • +shift : +suppress will only suppress the release of shift

For further functionality of how it will be triggered, usage of constraints, evaluation and function invocation see [Rebinds + Macros + Macro_Sequences]


  • Notation: trigger_group :: key_group
  • support of custom delays per key_event/Key (for usage of custom delay see [Suffix/Delays] and for general delay see #### Delays in general)
    • Notation:
      • key_event/Key|*time* -> will result in a static delay of length time in ms
      • key_event/Key|*time1*|*time2* -> will result in a random delay of length between time1 and time2 in ms
  • support of key_groups (multiple Keys and/or key_events) to be played
  • will be played in its own thread to not interfere with real input while waiting for the delays
    • macro playback WILL BE INTERRUPTED by retriggering of the macro if it is still in playback and waiting for a delay, the old playback will be stopped and replaced by the new retriggered macro playback
  • Only supports notation for the trigger of the trigger_group as key_event, to prevent double triggering with one key_tap
    • if a Key is given it will be interpreted as a pressed key_event -key_event

For further functionality of how it will be triggered, usage of constraints, evaluation and function invocation see [Rebinds + Macros + Macro_Sequences]


  • Notation: trigger_group :: key_group1 : key_group2 : key_group3 : ...
  • can have 2 or more key_groups
  • each key_group will be played in sequence with each retrigger of the trigger key if the constraints of the trigger group are still valid
  • macro sequence will reset itself automatically if every key_group was played and thus will start anew
  • can be reseted by the use of the key_event reset in the trigger group or any of the key_groups
    • !Attention: always use -reset or +reset or else it will be handled like a Key (press and release) and checked (trigger group) or exeuted (key_group) 2 times. One time on -reset and another on +reset.
    • reset will only reset the actual macro sequence it will be used in
    • reset can be used with constraints or evaluations to only activate it under certain conditions (like elapsed time or key pressed at the same time)
  • to reset other macro sequences there are other reset_*number of macro* key_events (from reset_0 to reset_30 atm) that can be used to reset a specific macro sequence.
    • the number of a macro is determined by the order of macros in the config file and starts with 0
  • IDEA TODO: reset as function invocation of a trigger to check at press of a trigger if macro sequence should be reseted and then start the macro sequence at the start or continue. this (reset(number of macro)) should always evaluate to True to not hinder the trigger to be triggered

For further functionality of how it will be triggered, usage of constraints, evaluation and function invocation see [Rebinds + Macros + Macro_Sequences]

[Rebinds + Macros + Macro_Sequences]

  • the trigger supports constraints in a trigger_group trigger, constraint1, constraint2, ...
    • the trigger (first element in trigger group) is the only part of the trigger_group that can activate the rebind/macro/macro_sequence
    • constraints are key_events with prefix/modifier and can also as suffixes further constraints, evaluation or function invocation
    • trigger and constraints also supports constraints a suffixes: trigger|constraint_of_trigger|..., constraint_of_trigger|constrain_of_constraint_of_trigger|..., ...
    • suffixes of trigger and constraints will only be checked/activated if trigger and constraint (without suffix) will in itself check for True, then the suffixes will be checked in order of placement in trigger_group

Delays in general

  • default delay for Tap_Groups and Macros is set to a random time between 2 and 10 ms
  • in Tap_Groups:
    • used for simulated keys that would idealized be executed together - to get a more natural input behavior
    • default delays for Tap_Groups are changeable via the start argument -tap_delay=*min_delay*,*max_delay*
  • in Macros/Macro_Sequences:
    • custom delay usable for each key of a key_group that will be executed AFTER the key_event
      • for Keys with delays, the delay will be executed after the press AND the release
    • default delays for Macros are changeable via the start argument -macro_delay=*min_delay*,*max_delay*
  • delay can be suppressed entirely with the start argument -no_delay For further functionality of how it will be triggered, usage of constraints, evaluation and function invocation see [Rebinds + Macros + Macro_Sequences]

On Prefixes and Suffixes


Every key event supports prefixes prefix/modifier

  • -key_event: defines the pressed (down) state of a key
  • +key_event and !key_event - defines the released (up) state of a key
  • ^Key: toggle a key - on key press key will be toggled between press and release; key release will be suppressed
    • key after prefix ^ will always be interpreted as a Key instead of a key_event


  • every key_event supports suffixes (constraints, evaluation, function invocation)
    • as constraints: -ke, +ke/!ke: e.g. ke1|-ke2|-ke3 : ... is functionally the same as trigger group: ke1, -ke2, -ke3 : ...
  • suffixes in trigger_group will only be checked/activated when trigger and constraints all check for True


  • Notation:
    • key_event/Key|*time* -> will result in a static delay of length time in ms
    • key_event/Key|*time1*|*time2* -> will result in a random delay of length between time1 and time2 ms


  • supports evaluation as suffix
    • evaluation to an integer which will be used as a constant delay (all following function returns a length of time in ms)

      • |(tr("ke")): timing of length of time for presses and releases of Real key events
        • for tr("-ke") get the length of time of a key press to release (read like: when I press ke (-ke) then give me the length of time since the last ke release)
        • for tr("+ke") returns the length of time from last key press to actual key release
      • |(ts("ke")) timing of length of time for presses and releases of Simulated key events (also includes Tap Groups due to handling of them internally)
      • |(ta("ke")) timing of length of time for presses and releases of All key events
      • ke1|(last("ke2")) timing of length since last -ke press or +ke release (especially useful to check on other keys than the suffixed key)
      • |(dc("ke")) dc short for double click: return time on press since the last press, or time of release since the last release
      • |(cs("key")): counterstrafing especially for CounterStrike: returns a time of length a key must pressed based on the pressed key to return the optimal time of length for a counterstrafe to come to a stop. Uses an internal function to approximate the acceleration time of the counter movement key.
      • |(csl("ke")): some as above only uses a linear function to estimate the counter strafing time
    • evaluation to bool (True/False)

      • supports standard python notation and inbuilt functions
        • use of , commas in multi parameter functions is not supported atm. (e.g. pow(20,3) does not work)
      • every above time function can be used as a comparison evaluate it to bool
        • e.g. (dc("-ke") < 500) -> results to True if a double click (as time of the press) was made in less than 500 ms, else it will evaluate to False


  • supports function invocation as suffix in replacement key of rebinds or played key groups of macros

  • !ATTENTION: when function invocation is used on trigger and/or constraints of a trigger_group

    • the trigger and all constraints must check for True BEFORE their evaluations/trigger invocations will be checked
    • some invocations will result in False, so if used in a trigger_group, the following rebind or macro will likely never be activated
  • ke/Keys that are suffixed with an invocation will never be played directly but instead will be played at the start of the repetition. So if you trigger a repeat and nothing is happening, then most likely the repeat did not start correctly or some other evaluations of the repeated ke/Key prevented the immediate execution

  • repeated ke's/Keys are not able to trigger other macros/rebinds even when started on a replacement of a rebind

  • main functionality atm is to define repeated keys that will be send indefinitely with a defined time separation, until stopped again.

    • I use it mainly for repeated buffing/activating abilities with effect times in games to not bother to remember to renew it. :-)
    • due to implementation each key_event will be automated separately and has to be stopped separately
    • each invocation only applies to the Key or ke of it is suffixed to

function invocations right now:

  • (toggle_repeat(*time in ms*)) evaluates always to False, so ke/Key will not be played
    • one press+release will start a repeat of ke/Key it is suffixed to and the second will stop the repeat
    • length of delay between press and release will be dependent on your press and release timing; the press will start the repeating of press and release will start it for release
  • (stop_repeat()) evaluates always to True, so ke/Key will be played if all other constraints are also True
  • (reset_repeat()) evaluates always to True, so ke/Key will be played if all other constraints are also True
    • resets the interval of the ke/Key and starts the interval anew


  • ke :: ke|(toggle_repeat(10000)) start the repetition of ke in an interval of 10000 ms #

  • Key : Key|(toggle_repeat(10000)) will start -ke and +ke of the Key in an interval of 10 s (Keys will always be interpreted as 2 key_events (ke))

  • good way to use stopping and reseting of repeating keys without triggering any rebinds or macros is to just use them on a trigger for the key you want to repeat

    • Key1 : Key2|(toggle_repeat(10000))
    • Key2|(reset_repeat()) : any Key <--
    • Key2|(stop_repeat()) : any Key <--
    • invocation will always evaluate to False, so the rebind is never activated, but on the check the invocation will be run and thus started for the suffixed Key
  • more complex sequences need more effort because of the implemention as suffix for a ke or Key:

    • trigger :: -shift|(toggle_repeat(10000)), h|(toggle_repeat(10000)), i|(toggle_repeat(10000)), +shift|(toggle_repeat(10000)) --> results in a repeated written HI every 10 seconds
  • the repeated ke/Key can have suffixes after the function invocation

    • the repeated ke/Key inherits the suffixes following AFTER the invocation of (toggle_repeat())
      • e.g. u : v|(toggle_repeat(6500))|(last("-v")>5000) will create a repeated Key (-ke, +ke) with interval 6,5 seconds and will only send it when the time last press of the real v key is bigger than 5 seconds.
      • normal suffix constraints or other evaluation are usable


  • text file can be changed from default "FSTconfig.txt" to any file you want to, with the help of the startargument -file=*file_name*
  • all startarguments can be used either with a .bat file, by adding them to the link to the .exe or .py file, or by including them in the config file with <arg>*start_argument*, e.g. <arg>-nomenu
  • focus app names can be defined in the config file via <focus>*name of the app*
    • everything BEFORE the first <focus> will be seen as default start arguments and groupings and applied in general (evene outsite of focus apps) and to all following focus app groupings
    • everything following this <focus> definition up until the next <focus> will be applied when the focus app name given is found in the current active window
### Counter Strike focus group


# Tap Groups

# Rebinds

[Start Arguments]

Start Options: (add to the bat(ch) file or in a link after the path\free_snap_tap.exe)

  • -nomenu skips the menu and will be directly active
  • -file="filename": (with or without "): custom save file
  • -debug: print out some debug info
  • -nocontrols: to start it without the controls on DEL, END and PAGE_DOWNkeys enabled- start -
  • -tapdelay="number, number": sets the default min and max delay of "number,number" ms for Tap_Groups
  • -aliasdelay="number, number": sets the default min and max delay of "number,number" ms for Macros/Aliases
  • -crossover="number": sets the probability of "number" percent for a crossover (can be set in a range of 0-100)
    • A crossover is key event reversal with delay - press and release are overlapping the time of delay
  • -nodelay: deactivates delay and crossover


Current Version Information

NEW V1.0.1:

  • all settings in one file (except start arg: -file=... to define from which file to load at start)
    • all start arguments supported via <arg>*startargument*
    • multi focus apps with own groups via <focus>*name of focus app*
      • all start arguments and groups before first <focus>... will be interpreted as default and applied to all focus app settings
      • every start argument and groups until the next <focus> will be added to the current focus name and applied AFTER the default start arguments and groups
      • e.g. tap group a, d before first <focus> will be applied to all focus groups
  • adapted cli output of groups to always show the currently active groups
  • if a ke/key had more then one suffix, following suffixes of a ke or a trigger_group were not checked/executed as soon as one suffix evaluated to False (was a measure to prevent unnecessary checks) - fixed, now all will be checked
  • starting times for keys was set to start time - now will be set 1000 seconds in the past, to guarantee first time execution of macros/rebinds with boolean time evaluations
    • my cause problems in delay times if the key was not pressed before a time evaluation for a delay of this key
  • reset_repeat() and repeat_stop() now evaluates to True
  • file now supports multi line macro sequences, when new lines starts with : it will be added to the line above

NEW V1.0.0:

  • macro playback interruption and replaying by retriggering the same macro
  • macro sequences and reset functionality
  • macro notation now with :: instead of :
  • mouse buttons now also tracked,
    • right_mouse, left_mouse, middle_mouse, mouse_x1, mouse_x2 now usable as constraints, and in suffixes
  • repeating keys at set interval and management of the repeating function
    • function invocation (similar to evaluations but will always return False, but execute the function to manage the repetition of the suffixed key_event or Key)
      • toggle_repeat()
      • stop_repeat()
      • reset_repeat()
  • added evaluations:
    • last(): returns time since last press or release
    • dc(): "double click": on press returns time since last press, on release returns time since last release
  • many other smaller improvements :-)

How Free Snap Tap Works

Snap Tapping is a feature that enhances your keyboard's responsiveness by prioritizing the most recent key input when multiple keys are pressed simultaneously. Here’s how it operates:

  1. Intercepting Keyboard Input: The program monitors the keys defined in the Tap Groupings. When you press any of these keys, the program intercepts the input.
  2. Suppressing Original Input: Instead of allowing the original key press to be sent directly to your computer, the program suppresses it. This means the original input is not immediately processed by your system or application.
  3. Sending Idealized Input: The program then determines the ideal input based on the most recent key press. For example, if you press A and then D without releasing A, the program will prioritize D and if you release D, A will be pressed again as long it is pressed. This idealized input is then sent to your system, ensuring that the most recent direction is registered.

Easy Usage

  • Download the executable from the actual releases.
  • Start via free_snap_tap.exe or the provided bat(ch) file and a Command Line Interface will open with further explanations.
  • to customize the start with many options see # Configuration. Example batch file can also be found there.
  • To start from the menu hit [Enter].
  • Have fun. :-)

AntiVir False Positives

  • The exe is offered to simplify the usage, it may get a false positive from some antivirus tools and be detected as a Trojan. The reason for that seems to be the packaging as an executable that triggers these antivirus software and leads to false positives. See Discussion #12.
    • Option 1: if recognized as Trojan - whitelist it in your antivir.
    • Option 2: instead use the py file - See # Installation for more info


  1. Install Python: Ensure Python 3.6 or higher is installed on your system. You can download it from
  2. Install pynput Package: Open your terminal or command prompt and run:
pip install pynput

or navigate to the Free-Snap-Tap repo folder and type in:

pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Starting the Program:

    3.1 Option A: directly: By clicking/executing the example_batch_file.bat file.

    3.2 Option B: via Command Line: Start a Command Line/Terminal, navigate to the folder containing the .py file and use one of the following commands:


or navigate to the Free-Snap-Tap repo folder and type in:

python ./

On Linux

Not working due to no support of selective key suppression in Linux OS.

On MacOS - Not supported atm

Compared to Linux the selective event suppression is possible, but it uses another listener constructor and gets other data than the win32_event_filter which is used here. Since this conversion/switch/alternative is not implemented yet, the program will not work on MacOS. But there might be a fix for that in the future.

On Feedback:

Feel free to give feedback. This program is a fun project to me to get more comfortable with GitHub and testing out some things in Python. :-) If you have wishes or ideas what to add, just create a issue or start a discussion with a description and use cases of the feature.

Version History


  • NEW:

    • formula evaluation now extended to rebind trigger
      • c|(p("0")) : ctrl - only rebind c to ctrl if 0 is pressed
        • in combination with toggle function 0 : ^0 the 0 key can be toggled and the rebinds for a set of keys then change with just one key press or while just holding the key. (that is a functionality I always wanted to have in MMOs :-) - rebind everthing with a button press)
    • 2 new evaluation functions to be usable
      • p("key") - checks if the key is Pressed (current real key press)
      • r("key") - checks if the key is Released - literally not p()
    • multiple formula can now be added to any key and will be evaluated
      • +w|(not p("s"))|(tr("+w")>100) - only trigger on +w if +s is not pressed and w was pressed for at least 100 ms
    • False/True Evaluation now also usable in played keys of macro
      • +s|(not p("s"))|100|100 - only release s if s is not pressed (current real key press) and if played will delay for 100 ms (100ms max and 100 ms min)
        • delays can still be added as numbers but only the first 2 will be used for min and max random delay
      • -s|(r("w"))|(cs("+w")) - only press s if w is released (current real key state) and then use custom delay defined by the function cs("+w")
  • Bugfixes:

    • Macros triggered with every key event when trigger was fulfilled even if key event was not part of the trigger - bug introduced in V0.9.3 by fixing non evaluation of formula if there was only one key in trigger group
    • If time of a key in a formula was not pressed before could lead to an undefined state - will now return 0/False if no valid value for time pressed or time released exist yet
  • QOL:

    • removed '"unknown start argument: ", arg' outputs if start arguments were commented out in batch file. Now ':' or '#' will be seen as commenting out and the argument that is still received will not be printed out any more
    • toggle modifier '^' was not shown in display of rebinds
    • toggle state will now be overwritten by actual manual input of the same key - behavior is now no longer independent of real key press/release state as before
    • toggle states will be reseted and toggled keys released if manual paused or focusapp paused


  • See: #### New with 9.3: dynamic evaluation of delays - programmable delays dependent on key press and release times


  • See: #### New with 9.2: toggle option (^ modifier) in rebinds and macros


  • Bugfix: Tracked released keys were not removed from states list and every key event could trigger macros that used key releases as triggers.


  • NEW: Key combinations for Macros/Aliases

  • NEW: Key prohibition via ! notation for trigger key combination of a macro

    • see example down below
  • NEW: simplified CLI Menu

    • now with option to directly open the config file in your default txt editor
    • (didn't want to further support that cumbersome edit option) :-)
  • NEW: One file now for all settings

    • NEW: start argument -file=*filename*
    • start argument -tapfile= and -keyfile= removed
  • NEW: Changed formatting of rebinds and macros

    • now uses : to differentiate between key groups
      • for Rebinds: left_windows : ctrl
      • for Macros: +w, !left_control : +w|15|5, -s|100|100, +s|0|0
  • NEW: Controls are now default activated per ALT+Control key combination

  • NEW: nearly completely rewritten :-)

  • probably some more things I have just forgotten to mention ^^


    • +d, !ctrl, !space: +d|15|5, -a|100|100, +a|0|0: when d is released and control and space are not pressed then release d, wait 5-15ms, make counter strafe by pressing a for 100 ms and then releasing without further delay after
      • the fun part is now you could define +d, -space, !ctrl: +d|15|5, -a|150|150, +a|0|0 with different counter strafe duration which will only be applied if you jump and release the movement key


  • NEW: Tap Groups have always priority before Alias execution
    • Alias will be played as normal but only key events that are not interfering with the actual state of the tap group will be send
    • following example does now work without interfering with actual real input and the function of the tap group
+w, +w|5|2, -s|25|15, +s|0|0   #stop_forward
+s, +s|5|2, -w|25|15, +w|0|0   #stop_back
+a, +a|5|2, -d|25|15, +d|0|0   #stop_left
+d, +d|5|2, -a|25|15, +a|0|0   #stop_right
  • Tap delay and Alias delay can now be adjusted separately via the 2 start arguments:
    • -tapdelay=8,2 and -aliasdelay=8,2 (min delay 2ms and max delay 8 ms)
    • replaces -delay=
  • To easier find the name name for -focusapp: if focusapp (with any name) is activated and the evaluation of key events is auto paused then the active windows name will be printed into the command line and updated with every change of the active window.


  • NEW: Auto Focus on a active Window specified by part of the name of the app/game/program
    • script will only evaluate keyboard input when a window with this name is in focus
    • -focusapp=*part of the app name* - e.g. for Counterstrike, only Count is enough to recognize it
    • control on Del now also pauses Auto focus, so evaluation can be activated outside of app or deactivated in app.
    • auto focus will restart with restarting script from menu again
    • when resumed the tap and key group files will be reloaded and so changes in them applied
    • only active when this start argument is used


  • NEW: threading for Alias execution
    • prevents original key to be send because of long delay before actual suppression takes place
    • prevents interfering with real input
  • not much else :-D


  • delays were applied one key later - should now work correctly
  • removed my notes from py file :-)
  • now contains key codes
  • vk_code print (menu option 7) is now much more verbose and helpful :-D
  • when using controls:
    • resume will now reload tap and key files
    • (so tap out of game, change groups, save and resume in game will reload groups)


  • delay is now active as default
    • -nodelay start argument can be used to disable delay and crossover
  • min max delay per start argument settable
    • -delay=20,10
  • comments now work in the group files
    • use # to set a comment
    • line comment #.....
    • comment out some keys ..., h , #e, l, #l, o,... -> hlo
    • comment after key sequence a,d # sidestepping tap group
  • reverse now marked with ! instead of # (used now for commenting)
  • option to suppress key events via key group (with 2 keys only)
    • -n, suppress -> n press will be suppressed, n release still be send


Tested on new VAC policy and working so far without being kicked for input automation. Use delay of at least 5 ms, better a more to be on the save side and do not spam snap tap extremely often in 2 seconds or you will still be kicked. ;-)

  • NEW: updated random delay and crossover to tap_groups to simulate a more natural (or harder to detect) way to use snap tap

    • works with the new policy of Valve Anti Cheat (VAC)
    • start_argument -delay=*time_in_ms* will set the max delay to time_in_ms.
      • overwrites the default of max = 10 ms delay
      • min delay value of 2 ms can be changed in py file if needed
      • crossover will also use this as delay
    • start_argument -crossover=*probability* will set the probability of a crossover (release will be send now and based on delay the new key press will be send later)
      • to have another way to simulate a form of imperfect snap tap to circumvent VAC
  • NEW: introduces Aliases aka Null binds that are specifically designed with customizable random delays for each key event

    • to define in Key_Groups as groups with more than 2 keys.
    • mouse output for mouse_left, mouse_right, mouse_middle works
    • NEW: key event modifiers that changes how the key will be evaluated
    • - in front a the key - as first key, following keys will only executed when key pressed, else only send key press (no key release send)
    • + in front a the key - as first key, following keys will only executed when key released, else only send key release (no key press send)
    • - in front a the key - as first key, following keys will only executed when key pressed, else only send key press (no key release)
    • (nothing/empty/space) in front a the key - as first key, following keys will be executed on key press and release!!, else send a key press and release
    • NEW: delay per key (not for first key = trigger)
      • random delay will default to 2 ms min and 10 ms max (in py file changeable) and uses the same delay as defined by start_argument -delay=*time_in_ms*
      • +l, -left_shift|20|10, h|10,e|5,l|50,l,o, +left_shift will print HELLO when l is released with varying delay for key events: left_shift, h, e and l
        • *modifier**key*|*delay_in_ms* marks the delay that will be set as max delay
        • *modifier**key*|*delay1_in_ms*|*delay1_in_ms* marks the delay that will be set as max and min delay (order is free - uses the bigger one as max and smaller as min)

See ### Example Use Cases for Aliases (to show what is possible right now) for how it might look like

  • updated reverse key replacement

    • # in front a the key - does nothing to first key, as second key send a release when key pressed and a press when key released
  • activation of crossover now forces delay to be active (with default settings 2ms and 10 ms in py file)


  • fixed a bug due which the key replacement was never send

Some measures to lighten the precision of snap tap to maybe circumvent some Anti Cheat.

  • NEW: random delay for snap tap
    • Start argument -delay=50 for max delay of 50 ms (can be set in a range of 1-500)
    • Without the start argument no delay will be used
  • NEW: crossover of input for snap tap
    • Start argument -crossover=50 for a probability of 50% (can be set in a range of 0-100)
    • I call "crossover" the act of releasing one key before the press - but just simulated. In a way to simulate a too early release of one key before the press of the actual pressed key (immediate release of last key and delay of pressed key as result).
    • Same random delay used as defined by -delay="number"
    • Without the start argument no crossover will be used


  • NEW: Key Replacements will now be tracked in tap groups
  • NEW: Menu option: 7. Print vk_codes to identify keys
    • Will print out the corresponding vk_codes of a key event. Useful for finding your own vk_codes when used with different keyboard_layouts.
  • Added requirements.txt - see #19
  • Removed exe from repo and put it into releases: see #19
  • Some edits in


  • Fixed direct interpretation of number strings, e.g. 1, 2, ... as a vk_code. Fixed by first looking up in dict if a string entry for that number exists and if not then cast it as an int an use it directly as a vk_code.


  • Fixed not working -txt= start argument; changed it to:
    • -tapfile= replaces -txt=
  • NEW: Starting argument for custom key replacement file
    • -keyfile=
  • NEW: Control for returning to the menu on PAGE_DOWN key
  • NEW: Mouse Buttons (1: left, 2: right, 4: middle) can now be the output key of a key replacement pair
  • NEW: key replacements can now reverse there output
    • declared by just using a - before any or both keys in the key pair
    • (e.g. k, -k or -k, -k would reverse the press of k to a release and vise versa)
      • originally intended for the right mouse button (looking around) in MMO's
        • e.g. k, 2 / k, mouse_right to simulate a right mouse click with a keyboard key k
        • e.g. k, -2 then reverses to output and lets me lock the right mouse button on release of key k
      • but can also be used for toggling auto movement on and off with another key (e.g. left_windows, -w)
  • removed implementation parts of the attempt to make it work on Linux
    • most of the functionality was not working due to the Linux limitation of not being able to suppress events


  • NEW: Management of key replacements
    • I had the functionality to suppress keys, so why not replace some.
    • Managed in the same manner as the tap groupings
  • Better or more complete error handling in the menu
    • if someone still finds a way to crash the program via the menu, then congratulations :-D
  • Linux user will not see the new key replacement options
    • selective key suppression is simply not working on Linux


  • bug fix where program control were not working due to changed key up and down recognition introduced in V0.36
  • first Linux test implementation
    • feedback needed - might not work due to still using win32_event_filter, but now without suppression of key events for Linux


  • corrected a bug where the ALT key and (ALT GR) changes the msg values for up and down keys (really weird behavior)


  • fixed bug that disabled snap tapping in V0.34


  • added start argument -nocontrols to start it without the controls DEL and END enabled


  • added option to load and save tap groupings to custom files.
    • add -txt= followed with filename (e.g. -txt=starcitizen.txt) to the bat file or the link to the execution file
  • small edits in py file
  • some comments


  • added small fixes
    • no handling of a single key in multiple tap Groups any more - resulted in strange behavior
  • added option to start without menu
    • just ad -nomenu or use prepared bat file to start directly with defined Tap Groupings in tap_groups.txt


  • Added CLI UI to manage tap groupings.
  • tap_groups.txt is used to save actual tap groupings, can be edited by hand if needed.


  • Renamed to Free Snap Tap.


  • Now special keys like Ctrl, Space, Alt, Win, Numpad keys, F-keys usable in Tap Groups.
  • Just use the string representation (found in py_file in vk_codes dict) or directly the vk-codes. Mixing of both in the same Tap Group is possible.
  • Added an icon! :-D (icons created by Vector Squad - Flaticon)

old readme:

A minimalistic Python-based Snap Tapping program compatible with all keyboards and supports:

  • Adjustable Tap Groups (mutually exclusive keys with Snap Tap functionality)
  • Key Rebinds/Replacements - replaced keys which can also be evaluated by Tap Groups/Macros
  • Macros (Aliases, Null binds) - supports key combinations, key prohibition and played keys have no interference with Tap Group Keys
  • Custom delay for every key event that helps to NOT be recognized as input automation because the input is not as perfect
  • With Autofocus option: to only be active if certain active windows are in focus (see # Configuration)
  • programmable delays and time constraints for macros
  • With simple Command Line Interface (CLI)

All Tap Groups, Rebinds and Macros/Aliases are saved in an external file (default FSTconfig.txt) and can be edited directly.

Tap Groups

  • Mutually exclusive keys - the most recent key press will always be prioritized; constantly pressed keys will be repressed if others keys are released again (snap tap).
  • Multiple Keys separated by commas - w,s,a,d or 1,2,3,4. Each key without modifiers.


  • Directly replaces one key with another and suppress the original key. Windows keys, caps_lock and other keys can be remapped. Helpful for games that do not or only partly support rebinding ingame.
  • 2 keys separates by :. c : ctrl, +p : +mouse_right. Replacement key will be evaluated in Tap Groups and in Triggers for Macros. Source/Trigger Key will be suppressed and not evaluated.


  • A trigger will play a sequence of key_events (presses, releases) with custom delay for each key. Supports key prohibition - key not allowed to be pressed to trigger the trigger combination.
  • 2 Key Groups (Keys separated by comma) separated by :.
  • First group will be the trigger combination (one key or more), second group is the key sequence to be played.

Comments work with # for line comment, single key commenting out and comment after key sequence. String representation or vk-codes (virtual keyboard codes — list in file) can also be used.

Examples for Tap Groups

  • Movement Left/Right (Tap Group a, d and/or left_arrow, right_arrow)
  • Movement Forward/Backward (Tap Group w, s and/or up_arrow, down_arrow)
  • Leaning to the sides (Tap Group e, q)
  • Fast weapon switching (Tap Group 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Flight/Space Sim:
    • Throttle Up/Down
    • Movement Up/Down (Tap Group r, f)
    • Yaw Left/Right
    • Pitch Up/Down
    • Roll Left/Right

Examples for Key Replacements

  • windows_left : left_control
  • < : left_shift
  • -t : +t , +t : -t - press t will be rebind to release t and release t to press t (input reversal) same as t : !t

Examples for Aliases (to show what is possible right now)

  • -k : p|10, o|5, i|15|3: when k is pressed , send p with a max delay of 10 ms, then o with max delay of 5 ms, then i with min delay of 3 ms and max of 10 ms (order of delays via | is free - it fetches the smaller one as min and the bigger one as max)
  • +o :r,e,v,e,r,s,e,d,-left_shift,w,o,r,l,d,+left_shift: when o is released -> writes/sends "reversedWORLD"
  • -- :-+,++,+mouse_left, +mouse_right: when - is pressed sends a + press and release, and only sends the release of mouse_left button and mouse_right button
  • +- :o,k # inline comments work also: when - is released -> writes/sends "ok"
  • h : h, e, #l, l, o # here key commented out: when h is pressed -> writes/sends "helo"
  • -n : suppress: n press will be suppressed, n release still be send

New with 9.0: key combinations and prohibited keys (e.g. !ctrl)

  • -space, !ctrl: -space|125|125, -ctrl|325|325, +ctrl|0|0, +space|0|0: when space is pressed and control is not pressed (e.g. crouched) will jump, delay 125ms, crouch for 325 ms and releases both (for counterstrike with default bindings)
    • useful to then add the single key tap groups ctrl and space - macros will not interfere with tap groups if the keys they play contradicts the state of a tap group
  • +d, !ctrl, !space: +d|15|5, -a|100|100, +a|0|0: when d is released and control and space are not pressed then release d, wait 5-15ms, make counter strafe by pressing a for 100 ms and then releasing without further delay after

New with 9.2: toggle option (^ modifier) in rebinds and macros

  • Rebind: left_shift: ^left_shift - each press of shift will on one press toggle shift to pressed state and with another press to released state
  • Macro: r, !left_shift: ^right_mouse - r will toggle the right mouse between pressed and released with each tap (press and release) - will not be triggered if shift is pressed
    • if macro only has one element as sequence there will be no delay used even if given
    • can also be used in key sequences r, !left_shift: ^ctrl|50|50, ^left_mouse|50|50, ...
      • but if that is useful is an entire different question ;-)

New with 9.3: dynamic evaluation of delays - programmable delays dependent on key press and release times

# Example Config file: for testing remove most of the explaining comments - something the program is not liking xD
# Tap Groups

# Rebinds
left_windows : left_control
< : left_shift
caps_lock : shift
c : ^left_control     # toggle for left control on c
v : suppress  

# Macros
# automatic counter strafing when w key released
# will not trigger if crouched (!ctrl), jumping (!space) or opposite key is pressed
# (tr("+w")>100): will only trigger if movement key was pressed for at least 100 ms
# (cs("+w")): counterstrafe will be dynamically adjusted based on time of pressed movement key 
# cs() is a hard coded function that uses a polynomial function to approximate the acceleration ingame and calculate the needed length for a counterstrafe to come to a stop
+w|(tr("+w")>100), !s, !ctrl, !space  :  +w|15|5, -s|(cs("+w")), +s|0|0
+s|(tr("+s")>100), !w, !ctrl, !space  :  +s|15|5, -w|(cs("+s")), +w|0|0
+a|(tr("+a")>100), !d, !ctrl, !space  :  +a|15|5, -d|(cs("+a")), +d|0|0
+d|(tr("+d")>100), !a, !ctrl, !space  :  +d|15|5, -a|(cs("+d")), +a|0|0

# jump with crouch: will not trigger if ctrl is pressed (!ctrl)
# will only trigger if space press was 125-400 ms long and the crouch will go at most to 600 ms after the initial space press
+space|(125<tr("+space")<400), !ctrl : +space, -ctrl|(600-tr("+space")), +ctrl|0|0 

# automatic application of healing syringe and switch back to last weapon
# (125<tr("+x")<900): will not be triggered if tapped really quickly or hold over 900 ms
# the longest it will be waiting to release x is 900ms after x was pressed (900-tr("+x")) to make sure it is equipped fully
+x|(125<tr("+x")<800) : +x|(1000-tr("+x")), -left_mouse|700|700, +left_mouse|0|0, q
  • Dynamic evaluation is instead used of set delays behind the | of a key. e.g. +w|(tr("+w")>100)
  • Evaluation defined by a formula in brackets ()
    • As a part of the trigger combination will check if the condition in the evaluation is True
      • Will be handled separately from attached key and both checked separately
    • As part of the played key sequence it has to return a number that will be used as delay in ms
      • If result is negative will return 0
    • "" or '' are needed -> tr("+w") will give out the length of the last key press for key w, and tr("-w") will give out the length of time between a release and a press - so length of release/ time since it was last activated
  • Time functions
    • tr() - Callable for last real key press and release time with tr("+/-key").
      • also rebinds are here - only the replaced keys without the trigger/source key
    • ts() - Only observes simulated keys (keys send by macros)
      • (tap groups in real and simulated due to there handling in the program)
    • ta() - Combines both real and simulated input to generate a combined times for "all" key events
  • Other function:
    • cs() - Counterstrafe based on a polynomial function - everything over 500 ms is handled as max velocity and returns 100 ms as delay for the counterstafe.
    • csl() - Counterstrafe based on a linear function (polynomial works better in my opinion)
  • All normal python code is able to be evaluated:
    • so keep in mind: all Trigger functions must evaluate to bool (True or False) and all played keys must result in a number

Key Modifier explanation:

for rebinds and macros

  • `` nothing in front of a key is synchronous input (press is a press, release is a release)
  • - in front of a key is a press (down without up)
  • + in front of a key is a release (up without down)
  • # in front of a key, comments that key out and will not be used
  • ^ in front of a key, will toggle the key state between pressed and released on key_down (rebind) or on trigger activation (macro)

only for rebinds

  • ! in front of a key is a release and a key (reversed synchronous input)

only for macros

  • ! in front of a key in the first key group means (trigger group) will be seen as prohibited key - if that key is pressed, the trigger will not trigger ^^
  • | after a key is the the max delay for this single key (e.g. -k|10 -> press k with a max delay of 10)
  • |*max*|*min* after a key defines min and max delay (e.g. -k|10|2 or -k|2|10 -> press k with a max delay of 10 and min delay of 2)
  • |(formula) after a key:
    • as part of a trigger group must result in True or False and forms a time constraint that needs to be fulfilled before activating
    • as part of a played key sequence (macro) it has to return a number that will be used as a set delay
    • time functions usable: tr(), ts(), ta()
    • e.g. as trigger: +w|(tr("+w")>100) - evaluated to: (tr("+w")=(length of pressed time for w key) must be > 100 ms to be activated
    • e.g. as played key: -ctrl|(600-tr("+space")) - control will be pressed and then the delay will wait for 600-tr("+space")=(length of time space was pressed) ms

Key Modifiers do not work in Tap groups and will be ignored.


  • Delays are random between a min and a max time in ms
  • Default delays for the Tap_Groups is set to 2 ms for min and 10 ms for max (py file)
    • Can be changed in py file or the min and max can be set via the start argument -delay="number, number".
  • Delays are used after each key event (press and release), so a key press has 2 delays
  • Aliases use the same delay as Tap_Groups per default
    • Only if the keys are given some other delay via *key*|*number*|*number* will these be overwritten for this specific key event (not this key in general).