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Releases: wassimj/TopologicSverchok

TopologicSverchok 2022-08-07 v.

07 Aug 22:29
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This release marks the start of the journey to refactor all the Sverchok nodes. So far, all the Vertex, Edge, and Wire nodes have been refactored. In addition, this release includes the first iteration of node classification for DGL.

TopologicSverchok 2022-07-22 v.

22 Jul 06:24
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This release contains bug fixes and new nodes:
New nodes include:

  1. CellComplex.Prism
    Bug Fixes to:
  2. DGL.TrainClassifier
  3. Topologic.Run (now passes an input value to the output
  4. Cell.Prism (more efficient slicing)
  5. Cell.Cone
  6. Cell.Sphere (fixed bug that created a Wire instead of a Cell)
    and many other minor bug fixes to other nodes.

TopologicSverchok 2022-07-04 v.

04 Jul 08:10
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This release contains major improvements and new nodes:

Topology.RemoveCoplanarFaces is now an order of magnitude faster
Topology.ClusterFaces: Clusters Faces based on their direction
Shell.ByFaces: Internal improvements
Face.ByPlanarShell: Creates a single Face from a planar Shell with many faces.
DGL nodes improvements.
Wire.RemoveCollinearEdges: This now works with both branching and non-branching Wires.
Wire.Split: This returns the non-branching portions of a branching Wire.
Face.IsCoplanar: Returns True if the Faces are co-planar, False otherwise.
Edge.IsCollinear: Returns True if the Edges are collinear, False otherwise.

TopologicSverchok 2022-06-24 v.

24 Jun 04:30
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In this new release several nodes have gained a "Level" input. This allows the node to consider the data in lists that are wrapped (lists within lists). The affected nodes are:

This release now activates without the need for Homemaker.

If you get an error regarding "UpdateTree" it means your sverchok version is out of date. You will need to update it. To do so:

  1. Go to
  2. Do NOT download a release... Instead:
  3. In the upper right corner there is a GREEN button titled "Code".. Click it then:
  4. Choose "Download ZIP"
  5. Do NOT unzip the downloaded file.
  6. Go to Blender, Preferences, Add-ons, and install sverchok from that ZIP file as usual.

TopologicSverchok 2022-06-14 v. alpha

14 Jun 05:00
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This experimental alpha pre-release for windows and linux includes many new features and bug fixes. Please test and report any errors.

TopologicSverchok 2022-05-29 v.

29 May 05:55
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This release requires BlenderBIM and Homemaker to be installed.

Release notes:

  1. Add two new Cell primitives (Sphere and Torus)
  2. Add U, V, W segmentation to Cell primitives (Prism, Cylinder, Sphere, Torus)
  3. Improve Topologic.Spin (creates lathed objects): Spun vertices create a wire, spun edges create shells, spun open wires create shells, spun closed wires create either shells or cells, spun faces create cellcomplexes.
  4. Improve Topology.BlenderGeometry: Now it updates, shows, and hides objects correctly.

TopologicSverchok 2022-05-26 v.

26 May 06:42
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This release of TopologicSverchok fixes several bugs and adds new nodes:

Bug Fixes:

New nodes:
BlenderBIM.ByIFC (Homemaker)
IFC.ByCellComplex (Homemaker)

TopologicSverchok 2022-05-12 v. Alpha

12 May 16:21
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This alpha pre-release includes the first experimental build of TopologicSverchok for Apple Silicon. If you have such a machine, please test and report back.

ToopologicSverchok 2022-05-08 v.

08 May 05:29
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This release fixes more bugs and adds more functionality. New and improved nodes inlcude:
Graph.ByTopology (added connections to contents of topologies)
Wire.Ellipse (new node creates an ellipse using several methods)
Graph.ExportToDGCNN (Exports a Graph to the DGCNN format for graph machine learning)
Graph.ByImportedDGCNN (Imports a DGCNN file into a Topologic Graph)

The windows version requires Blender 3.1.0, Sverchok, python 3.10, and is built against OCCT 7.6.0
The linux version is experimental. It requires Blender 3.1.0, Sverchok, python 3.7 or newer (including python 3.10) and is built against both OCCT 7.5.0 (for compatibility with FreeCAD) and against OCCT 7.7.0

TopologicSverchok 2022-04-19 OCCT 7.7 Linux Only

19 Apr 10:04
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This experimental alpha release is of TopologicSverchok v. which has been built against OPENCASCADE 7.7 on Linux (Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla 20.10. This only works with Blender 3.1 and python 3.10. Please test and report any bugs or issues.