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Library for defining containers within Enum Python classes.



$ pip install namespaced_enums


Library provides two special descriptors for Enum classes:

  • EnumContainer
  • StrictEnumContainer

as well as an additional enum-subclass:

  • NamespacedEnum


This allows for defining arbitrary containers within Enum classes, e.g.

from enum import Enum
from namespaced_enum import EnumContainer

class Color(Enum):
    RED = 1
    GREEN = 2
    BLUE = 3
    LIGHT_RED = 4
    LIGHT_BLUE = 6
    DARK_RED = 7
    DARK_GREEN = 8
    DARK_BLUE = 9
    light_colors = EnumContainer([LIGHT_RED, LIGHT_GREEN, LIGHT_BLUE])
    dark_colors = EnumContainer([DARK_RED, DARK_GREEN, DARK_BLUE])

>>> print(Color.RED.value in Color.light_colors)  # False
>>> print(Color.DARK_BLUE.value in Color.dark_colors)  # True

# Caution!
# Values within containers are of enum value types
>>> print(Color.dark_colors)  # prints [7, 8, 9] and not [DARK_RED, DARK_GREEN, DARK_BLUE]!

StrictEnumContainer and NamespacedEnum

StrictEnumContainer accepts only dict containers. Using this descriptor within a class inheriting from NamespacedEnum will enforce that the provided dictionary contains all enum possible values:

from namespaced_enums import NamespacedEnum, StrictEnumContainer

class Food(NamespacedEnum):
    spam = "spam"
    eggs = "eggs"
    foo = "foo"

    reactions = StrictEnumContainer(
            spam: "I like it",
            eggs: "I don't like it...",
            foo: "I like?",


>>> print(Food.reactions[Food.spam])  # "I like it"

# Caution!
# Unlike the `EnumContainer` this one converts dict keys to enums!
>>> print(list[Food.reactions.keys()])  # prints [<Food.spam: spam>, <Food.eggs: eggs>, < foo>]

Forgetting to provide all possible enum values within a strict container will raise a RuntimeError:

from namespaced_enums import NamespacedEnum, StrictEnumContainer

class Food(NamespacedEnum):
    spam = "spam"
    eggs = "eggs"
    foo = "foo"

    reactions = StrictEnumContainer(
            spam: "I like it",
            eggs: "I don't like it...",
            # missing foo in the dict


>>> # Trying to start the program raises a `RuntimeError`:
# The following Food fields do not contain all possible enum values: ['reactions']


It's a common practice to use enums in a project as a way to denote "characteristics" of certain objects.

Consider the following example:

from enum import Enum

class DogBreed(Enum):
    BULLDOG = 'bulldog'
    PUG = 'pug'
    SHIBA = 'shiba'

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, breed: DogBreed) -> None:
        self.breed = breed
    def size(self) -> int:
        """Returns size of the dog (in centimeters)."""
        if self.breed == DogBreed.BULLDOG:
            return 40
        elif self.breed == DogBreed.PUG:
            return 30
        elif self.breed == DogBreed.SHIBA:
            return 35
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown dog breed: {self.breed}")

The Dog.size property implementation poses a threat when it comes to further additions to the DogBreed enum:

  • programmers would have to remember to update it every time they add a new breed support. What if there are more such properties like color, weight or tail length?
  • the if-elif-else chain is hard to test as the last else clause would require injecting some arbitrary value into the DogBreed enum during runtime in order to ensure proper coverage. In my experience, most developers would prefer to add # pragma: no cover instead.
  • the size characteristic should arguably be not part of the Dog class as it is more specific to the DogBreed enum - the Dog class should be aware of how to retrieve that data.

That's why I decided to create a NamespacedEnum class that allows for writing self-contained enums, that can help in maintaining the integrity of the written code. The example above could be rewritten in a following manner:

from namespaced_enums import NamespacedEnum, StrictEnumContainer

class DogBreed(NamespacedEnum):
    BULLDOG = 'bulldog'
    PUG = 'pug'
    SHIBA = 'shiba'

    size = StrictEnumContainer({
        BULLDOG: 40,
        PUG: 30,
        SHIBA: 35,

class Dog:
    def __init__(self, breed: DogBreed) -> None:
        self.breed = breed

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Returns size of the dog (in centimeters)."""
        return DogBreed.size[self.breed]