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Monthly Pixel based Soil Moisture Balance

Bich N Tran edited this page Dec 23, 2019 · 7 revisions


Input Data

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType Mathematical symbol
Precipitation p monthly netCDF P
Actual Evapotranspiration et monthly netCDF ETa
Interception i monthly netCDF I
Number of Rainy Days nRD monthly netCDF n
Reference Evapotranspiration ret monthly netCDF ETr
WaPOR Land Cover Classification lcc yearly netCDF -
WA+ Landuse Categories luwa yearly netCDF -
Saturated Water Content thetasat static netCDF θsat

Look-up tables

Root depth look-up table (Yang et al., 2016)

WaPOR Land Cover Class Root depth (mm)
Shrubland 370
Grassland 510
Cropland, rainfed 550
Cropland, irrigated or under water management 550
Cropland, fallow 550
Built-up 370
Bare/sparse vegetation 370
Permanent snow/ice 0
Water bodies 0
Temporary water bodies 0
Shrub or herbaceous cover, flooded 0
Tree cover: closed, evergreen needle-leaved 1800
Tree cover: closed, evergreen broad-leaved 3140
Tree cover: closed, deciduous broad-leaved 1070
Tree cover: closed, mixed type 2000
Tree cover: closed, unknown type 2000
Tree cover: open, evergreen needle-leaved 1800
Tree cover: open, evergreen broad-leaved 3140
Tree cover: open, deciduous needle-leaved 1070
Tree cover: open, deciduous broad-leaved 1070
Tree cover: open, mixed type 2000
Tree cover: open, unknown type 2000
Seawater 0

Consumed fraction per land use class

Landuse/Land cover class Consumed fraction (f_consumed)
Natural land use classes 1.00
Rainfed crops 1.00
Irrigated crops 0.80

Intermediate variables

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType Mathematical Symbol
Rootdepth rd monthly xarray.DataArray zroot-zone
Maximum Rootzone soil moisture storage smax monthly xarray.DataArray Smax
Supply qsupply monthly xarray.DataArray Qsupply
Surface Runoff sro monthly xarray.DataArray Qsrorain
Incremental Surface Runoff sro_incr monthly xarray.DataArray Qsroincr
Percolation perc monthly xarray.DataArray Qpercrain
Incremental Percolation perc_incr monthly xarray.DataArray Qpercincr
Soil moisture storage sm monthly xarray.DataArray S

Output Data

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType Mathematical symbol
Rainfall ET etrain monthly netCDF ETrain
Incremental ET etincr monthly netCDF ETincr


Step 0: Calculate Maximum Rootzone soil moisture storage

Look up root-depth (zroot-zone) based on Land Cover Classification

Then, maximum Rootzone soil moisture storage is calculated as:

Smax = θsat x zroot-zone

Step 1: Calculate surface runoff, percolation and temporary soil moisture

Step 2: Calculate soil moisture storage when there is no incremental ET

Step 3: Calculate soil moisture storage and supply when there is incremental ET

Step 4: Calculate incremental surface runoff and percolation when there is incremental ET


Yang, Y., Donohue, R.J., McVicar, T.R., 2016. Global estimation of effective plant rooting depth: Implications for hydrological modeling. Water Resour. Res. 52, 8260–8276.