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Rose edited this page Mar 29, 2023 · 15 revisions

Welcome to Water The Trees!

Project summary

Water The Trees is an open source platform that helps local communities crowd source urban tree maintenance and planting. We believe in the power of trees to increase carbon sequestration, to restore our natural habitat for birds, insects, fauna, and the human race.

Introductory readings

Water the Trees Vision, Mission, Strategies, and Goals

Water the Trees Roadmap 2023

Code of Conduct

Things to play with — try watering, mulching, planting, or recording the health of a tree in your neighborhood and add it on the map. — a similar project in Australia that we want to emulate - mapbox examples

Things to join

Code for SF Slack — then join the #waterthetrees channel

Post your email/GitHub on the #waterthetrees channel and we’ll add you to our GitHub.

Tech Stack

React, Mapbox, Node, Postgres

Meet the group

  • Introduce yourself on the #waterthetrees Slack channel.
  • Join the zoom meetings @7:00pm on Wednesdays.

Ready to contribute?

  • A starter task: play around and see if you find any problems or changes you want to make. File a git issue with the problem or change.
  1. Get waterthetrees cloned and running on your computer. Please reach out for help on slack if you're stuck!
  2. Always remember to git fetch and git rebase main.
  3. Find an issue here: Needs Help or here Water the Trees project
  4. Create a new GitHub branch like so: username/feature-type(bug/feature/patch)/branch-name
  5. Read through our code conventions.
  6. Code!
  7. Test your code. Feel free to bring in new testing tools to the group.
  8. Make a pull request to the repo's main branch. If your PR is not ready or you want a review/help, keep it in draft mode!
  9. Request reviews from members of the team. When in doubt, ask more people for reviews!
  10. Include screenshots whenever you’re building a frontend feature
  11. Once it's merged to main, check the server and test to make sure everything works.


Why can't the city maintain the trees in their area? Why do they need our help to crowdsource volunteers?

$$$ is why, tree programs in many cities are just under funded.

Are the trees you see only public trees belonging to the city? If I own a tree in my backyard, it's not going to show up on the website right?

You can add a public or private tree. Most of the trees are public trees, but you can add your own trees as well.

Where does the tree data come from?

Tree data comes from many different city websites. We just built out an interface for it. You can play with it here:

We use this repo to download the sources from the websites and create vector tiles for the map: It basically iterates through these countries and downloads their data.

Data sources were historically here:

We are moving over this process to our database: