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Releases: watkins-matt/home-assistant-google-keep-sync

10 Jun 03:34
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Quick bugfix release here for an issue that was introduced in Home Assistant 2024.6.1. This release specifically fixes #28 and should resolve any certificate errors.

Thank you to @simon-weber for the quick update to gpsoauth.

This also fixes a bug where items might be overwritten while updating them in Google Keep and using the "change list case" feature.

What's Changed

  • Fix #28 by updating to gpsoauth 1.1.1
  • Fix issue with items getting overwritten when using the "change list case" feature, and changing the items in Google Keep.


14 May 00:27
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Relatively small release here, but with one new feature: automatic normalization of the case of your list items. You can choose from either "No Change" (the default which leaves your lists untouched), UPPERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case and Title Case. After choosing one of these options, all of your list items will automatically be changed to the desired case in both Home Assistant and Google Keep, and kept that way.

Why is this useful, you might ask? Well if you use Google Assistant, you might have noticed that all of the items it adds to your lists are entirely lowercase. If you add items manually but type them in with capitalization, you end up with a list where half the items are capitalized and half aren't. By using this option, you can ensure that all of your lists look consistent.

This release also fixes #24, which means that lists that are in the trash or archived are no longer shown in the configuration dropdown, so you can more easily choose the lists you want without having to go through lists that aren't useful. If you have a use case for selecting an archived/deleted/trashed list, you can still select it; just remove it from the trash or unarchive it before configuring the addon.

What's Changed


22 Mar 00:33
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This release includes a bugfix for an annoying bug where remote changes would sometimes be overwritten if automatic list sorting was turned on.

Additionally, there is one new feature: a new request_sync service! Basically, this allows you to manually trigger an update from an automation or script. This might be useful if you want to update specifically when in a grocery store or when you have the Google Keep app open on your phone.

How does this differ from homeassistant.update_entity you might ask? Well, you don't have to target a specific entity; it will instead update all of your lists making it easier to manage than having to list out every entity name you want to update. It also includes a safeguard to ensure that it is not called too frequently. If you have an automation that is broken and calls it too often, nothing bad will happen.

Note that the Google Keep Android app does not synchronize instantly to the Google Keep servers. This means that if you type something in the app, then call the service immediately after, you will not see the changes sync. This is not a bug, this happens because the changes you made have not synced up to the server yet. If you are creating an automation that, for example, runs after you close the Google Keep app, it is recommended that you add a delay to allow the changes time to sync from the Google Keep app to the Google Keep servers. From limited testing one minute seems to work well.

What's Changed

  • Fix issue where automatic list sorting would sometimes overwrite remote changes.
  • Fix indentation on automation by @alexschwantes in #18
  • Add a request_sync service by @watkins-matt in #23

Full Changelog: 0.9.6...0.9.7


06 Feb 00:56
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This version comes with some improvements to the underlying sync code from @alexschwantes. Additionally, we have improved error messages during configuration so it should be easier to identify why any issues may have occurred during setup.

We also have a new feature: automatic list sorting! This is fully optional and can be selected during the first time you configure the integration or changed later by clicking the configure button. Basically, if this option is selected, all of your lists will be automatically sorted alphabetically (case-insensitive). Because the lists are synchronized, the lists will be changed to alphabetical order in both Home Assistant and Google Keep. It may take one sync interval (currently 15 minutes) for you to see the changes on the Google Keep side.

Finally, we have another great feature added by @alexschwantes, an event for new list items! Basically, we now fire the same event that Home Assistant does when new list items are added remotely from the Google Keep side, allowing you to do many useful things with your list data that you couldn't before. See the readme for more information and examples.

What's Changed


24 Jan 01:34
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What's Changed

  • Updated to use the latest version of gkeepapi
  • Removed deprecated script, replaced with docker container method for obtaining token
  • New feature: Custom list name prefix by @alexschwantes
  • Updated documentation by @ronschaeffer

Initial Release

20 Nov 03:13
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This is the first release of Google Keep Sync for Home Assistant. All of the basic features are currently working.

Known Issue:
Certain library versions will cause Invalid Authentication errors when logging in, even with a correct password. See this issue at the gkeepai repository and this issue at the gpsoauth repository.

There is a workaround: you need to generate a token manually, and provide the token instead of a password while setting up the integration. You can use the script in scripts/ to generate a token within a known working environment.