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Algorithmic Differentiation as Sensitivity Analysis in Cloud Microphysics

Microphysical processes in convective clouds have an impact on radiation in climate models, precipitation and dynamical features. These processes are usually parameterized, i.e. in numerical weather prediction (NWP) models, due to the small scale in which those processes operate and the lack of understanding of some. Understanding the impact of uncertainties in parametrization to uncertainty in cloud responses is crucial for tuning such models. In addition, parameter values can depend on discretization details such as the grid interval, time resolution and other choices made by modeling physical processes. Typical sensitivity analysis investigate few model parameters selected by experts and perturb those based on (joint) proposal distributions that may be refined by experts. In this paper we propose algorithmic differentiation (AD) as a tool to detect the magnitude and time step at which a model state parameter is sensitive to any of hundreds of model parameters. We implement a two-moment scheme and identify the 20 most important parameters to each hydrometeor and validate those parameters by comparing perturbed ensembles and the resulting divergence with predicted deviations. Finally, we use the output of AD for detecting the time step at which perturbing a parameter is necessary with a random forest and a precision and recall of about 75% for each model parameter and hydrometeor.

This repository consists of an implementation of a two-moment scheme (similar to ICON) with AD using CoDiPack where environment and intial variables are read from NetCDF files. Python scripts are used for post-processing and data analysis. For the C++ code we follow the doxygen standard.
We recommend an anaconda environment for which you may use requirements.txt. Either way, requirements_pip.txt with pip is needed as well to create a documentation.

We also provide a docker image mahieronymus/ad_sensitivity:2.10 with all necessary prerequisites installed.


  • ad_sensitivity_analysis: Python scripts for plots and training a random forest.
  • src: C++ code.
  • include: Header files for the C++ code.
  • exe_scripts: Bash scripts to compile and run the simulation.
  • configs: Configuration files for running ensembles during simulation or for specifying parameters for a sensitivity analysis.
  • data: Example NetCDF files with environment variables and initial datapoints. Output data can be stored here. The results of an ensemble simulations are stored as data/simulation/*.nc.

Python Prerequisites for Post-Processing and Plotting

C++ Prerequisites

  • GCC (Tested with v10.2.1-6)
  • OpenMPI (Tested with v4.1.2)
  • GSL (Tested with v2.7.1)
  • NetCDF (Tested with v4.8.1)
  • HDF5 (Tested with v1.12.1; problems may occur with versions below v1.12)
  • Boost (Tested with v1.6.2)
  • CoDiPack (Tested with v2.0; must be at least v2.0)
  • CMake (v3.7.2 or above; tested with v3.18.4)
  • nlohmann/json (v3.9.1 or above; tested with v3.9.1)
  • (optional) PnetCDF (tested with v1.12.2; only if you want to use classic NetCDF-files)
  • (optional) zlib (tested with v1.2.11; in case you want to compress data with zlib)

Compiling code

In order to compile the code, create a folder build and in this folder type

make -j 6

You may change the number for make to the number of cores available. In case the CMake does not find a specific library, you can specify them like this:

cmake .. -DNETCDF_INCLUDE_DIR=<path/to/netcdf/include/> -DCODIPACK_INCLUDEDIR=<path/to/codipack/include/> -DHDF5_DIR=<path/to/hdf5/> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release

Options are:

  • -DCOMPRESS_OUTPUT:BOOL=ON Write compressed output with zlib. You need for this HDF5 v1.10.2 or higher. Compression is only supported for sensitivity analysis but not for ensemble simulations at the moment. Default compression level is 6.
  • -DCOMPRESSION_LEVEL=X Use compression level X, where level 9 yields only small improvements for trajectories but takes much longer to write.
  • -DB_EIGHT:BOOL=ON Output data contains hail. Data may use different time steps.
  • -DTRUSTED_DATA:BOOL=ON Stop the simulation for every trajectory with more than 10 consecutive NaNs for every other input column, i.e., trajectories with data from different domains. Without this option, the program assumes the dataset is broken and terminates with the first NaN, printing information which trajectory and time index starts with consecutive NaNs.
  • -DCCN_AKM:BOOL=ON Use a a different CCN activation scheme based on Hande et al. (2016) by Annette K. Miltenberger
  • -RELOPTLEVEL=X Set the optimization level for the compiler. Default optimization is 3.
  • -DSILENT_MODE:BOOL=ON Suppress prints where possible.

Possible targets:

  • simulation Create a binary to run sensitivity simulations along given trajectories.
  • regrid Convert results from a sensitivity simulation to a grid based dataset.
  • python_interface Create a library that can be used by to run tests of the physics code from python scripts.

Running or regridding a simulation

We provide example bash scripts to execute the code in exe_scripts. A comprehensive example for the sensitivity simulation is given in exe_scripts/

To regrid the sensitivity simulation, you can type

build/bin/regrid --input_path data/simulation/ --output_path data/ <options>

where the input path can be a single file or a folder with multiple *.nc files. To define the grid, the following options are available:

  • n_bins: Number of bins for longitude and latitude each. Increases RAM usage dramatically. Default: 100
  • min_time: Lower bound for the time dimension. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: 0
  • max_time: Upper bound for the time dimension. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: Three days
  • min_lon: Lower bound for longitude. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: -68
  • max_lon: Upper bound for longitude. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: 70
  • min_lat: Lower bound for latitude. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: 17
  • max_lat: Upper bound for latitude. Other datapoints are dismissed. Default: 85
  • delta_t: The time in seconds that fall within one time bin. Default: Three days
  • inflow_time: Define the number of time steps before the fastest (600 hPa) ascent starts. Datapoints before that are dismissed. Default: 240
  • outflow_time: Define the number of time steps after the fastest (600 hPa) ascent ends. Datapoints after that are dismissed. Default: 240
  • buffer_size: Number of time steps to load at once into RAM for 600 trajectories. Higher values make regridding faster at the cost of additional RAM usage. Default: 8600
  • relative_time: Regrid the time dimension using time relative to the start of the fastest (600 hPa) ascent. This also triggers longitude and latitude to be relative to the start of the ascent. Default: off

Analyzing the output

We recommend an anaconda environment for which you may use requirements.txt or go to root of the repository and type

pip3 install .

The data of the sensitivity simulation is stored under data/simulation/*.nc and can be analyzed using the various Jupyter notebooks.

  • 2d_map_plots_interactive.ipynb Plot regridded data with mean, minimum, maximum, and variance in each box. Can plot top parameters in each box for different heights and time bins.
  • impact_over_rank_plot_interactive.ipynb Plot a comparison of impact and rank over all trajectories. You may choose median or average values or plot KDEs to analyze the probability of a high rank during different phases of the trajectory.
  • get_statistics_tables.ipynb

Adding New Physics

Any user-defined functions and processes are under include/microphysics/user_functions.h. Just add your microphysics there to solve the ODE. We use one function to solve the right-hand side of the ODE, called RHS_SB, that calls all necessary functions to process the microphysics. One may create a similar function that uses different microphysics. The datatype codi::RealReverse is from CODIPACK and can mostly be handled like double.
Next you may open include/microphysics/rk4.h and either copy RK4_step(..) as my_RK4_step(..) and make it use your function, or simply add pragmas around the function calls like that:

    my_physics(k, yold, ref, cc, nc);
    RHS(k, yold, ref, cc, nc);

where MY_MICROPHYSICS is a name you give to make use of your own function during compile time (set TIMESTEPPER=-DMY_MICROPHYSICS in CMake). Note, you only need to create your own RK4_step(..) if the given arguments are not sufficient for your own needs!
At last, go to src/microphysics/trajectories.cpp and search for:

//////////////// Add any different scheme and model here

Add pragmas as before to make use of your timestepper method. If you already added pragmas in rk4.h, it is sufficient to change:

#elif defined(RK4ICE)


#elif defined(RK4) || defined(MY_MICROPHYSICS)

Otherwise you need to add additional lines of code, such as:

#elif defined(MY_MICROPHYSICS)
#elif defined(RK4ICE)

If you are using new model parameters, then you have to add them to model_constants_t and specifically set the values in model_constant_t.setup_model_constants(..) or in particle_model_constants_t if these parameters are different for different hydrometeors. In addition, please include the default value of these parameters in include/microphysics/constants.h If your parameters depend on others, you may add such functions to the class model_constants_t which should be called by setup_model_constants(..). To avoid any confusion, you might want to decorate your version with pragmas.