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queue hpp and a little benchmark
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erikfrey committed Jul 27, 2012
1 parent cc34e74 commit e8ec0f9
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Showing 3 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@


# Make sure that we respect any absolute library paths rather than splitting
# them into a -L/some/path -llib
if(COMMAND cmake_policy)
cmake_policy(SET CMP0003 NEW)
endif(COMMAND cmake_policy)


ADD_DEFINITIONS(-Wall -Wno-return-type -O2 -g -DNDEBUG)

INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(include /usr/local/include/thrift)


FIND_PACKAGE(Boost 1.46.1 COMPONENTS thread system program_options)

TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(bench_queue_flood pthread ${Boost_LIBRARIES} leveldb)
265 changes: 265 additions & 0 deletions include/darner/queue.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#ifndef __DARNER_QUEUE_HPP__
#define __DARNER_QUEUE_HPP__

#include <stdexcept>
#include <set>

#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_list.hpp>
#include <boost/bind.hpp>
#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>

#include <leveldb/db.h>
#include <leveldb/iterator.h>
#include <leveldb/comparator.h>

namespace darner {

* queue is a fifo queue that is (basically) O(1) for pushing/popping. it boasts these features:
* - no blocking calls for the caller - blocking i/o can run on a separate i/o service thread
* - an evented wait semantic for queue poppers
* - items are first checked out, then later deleted or returned back into the queue
* queue will post events such as journal writes to a provided boost::asio io_service. interrupting the
* io_service with pending events is okay - queue is never in an inconsistent state between io events.
* queue is thread-safe, it synchronizes naively on a single asio strand
class queue

typedef boost::uint64_t key_t;
typedef boost::function<void (const boost::system::error_code& error)> push_callback;
typedef boost::function<void (const boost::system::error_code& error, key_t key, const std::string& value)> pop_callback;
typedef boost::function<void (const boost::system::error_code& error)> pop_end_callback;

queue(boost::asio::io_service& ios,
const std::string& journal_path)
: journal_(NULL),
leveldb::Options options;
options.create_if_missing = true;
options.comparator = cmp_ = new comparator();
if (!leveldb::DB::Open(options, journal_path, &journal_).ok())
throw std::runtime_error("can't open journal: " + journal_path);
leveldb::Iterator* it = journal_->NewIterator(leveldb::ReadOptions());
if (it->Valid())
head_ = *reinterpret_cast<const key_t *>(it->key().data());
if (it->Valid())
tail_ = *reinterpret_cast<const key_t *>(it->key().data());

if (journal_)
delete journal_;
if (cmp_)
delete cmp_;

* pushes a value into the queue. calls cb after the write with a success code. on failure, sets error as
* io_error if there was a problem with the underlying journal
void push(const std::string& value, const push_callback& cb)
{, this, boost::cref(value), cb));

* reserves an item for popping off the back of the queue. calls cb after at most wait_ms milliseconds with a
* success code, the item's key, and the item's value. on failure, sets error as either timed_out if no
* items were available after wait_ms milliseconds, or io_error if there was a problem with the underlying journal
void pop(size_t wait_ms, const pop_callback& cb)
{, this, wait_ms, cb));

* finish the pop, either by deleting the item or returning back to the queue. calls cb after the pop_end finishes
* with a success code. on failure, sets error as io_error if there was a problem with the underlying journal.
void pop_end(key_t key, bool remove, const pop_end_callback& cb)
{, this, key, remove, cb));


void push_(const std::string& value, const push_callback& cb)
leveldb::Slice skey(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&tail_), sizeof(key_t));
if (!journal_->Put(leveldb::WriteOptions(), skey, value).ok())
cb(boost::system::error_code(boost::system::errc::io_error, boost::system::system_category()));

++tail_; // post-increment tail key in case leveldb write fails

spin_waiters(); // in case there's a waiter waiting for this

void pop_(size_t wait_ms, const pop_callback& cb)
spin_waiters(); // first let's drive out any current waiters

key_t key;
if (!next_key(key)) // do we have an item right away?
if (wait_ms > 0) // okay, no item. can we fire up a timer and wait?
boost::ptr_list<waiter>::iterator it = waiters_.insert(waiters_.end(), new waiter(strand_, wait_ms, cb));
boost::bind(&queue::waiter_timeout, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error, it)
cb(boost::asio::error::not_found, key_t(), ""); // nothing? okay, return back no item
get_value(key, cb);

void pop_end_(key_t key, bool remove, const pop_end_callback& cb)
if (remove)
leveldb::Slice skey(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key), sizeof(key_t));
if (!journal_->Delete(leveldb::WriteOptions(), skey).ok())
cb(boost::system::error_code(boost::system::errc::io_error, boost::system::system_category()));

// in case there's a waiter waiting for this returned key, let's fire a check_pop_

// any operation that mutates the queue or the waiter state should run this to crank any pending events
void spin_waiters()
while (true)
if (waiters_.empty())
key_t key;
if (!next_key(key))
boost::ptr_list<waiter>::auto_type waiter = waiters_.release(waiters_.begin());
get_value(key, waiter->cb);

// fetch the next key and return true if there is one
bool next_key(key_t & key)
if (!returned_.empty())
key = *returned_.begin();
else if (head_ != tail_)
key = head_++;
return false;
return true;

// fetch the value in the journal at key and pass it to cb
void get_value(key_t key, const pop_callback& cb)
leveldb::Slice skey(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key), sizeof(key_t));
std::string value;
boost::system::error_code e;
if (!journal_->Get(leveldb::ReadOptions(), skey, &value).ok())
e = boost::system::error_code(boost::system::errc::io_error, boost::system::system_category());
cb(e, key, value);

// a waiter is a cheap struct that ties a callback to a deadline timer
struct waiter
waiter(boost::asio::strand& strand_, size_t wait_ms, const pop_callback& _cb)
: cb(_cb),
timer(strand_.get_io_service(), boost::posix_time::milliseconds(wait_ms))

pop_callback cb;
boost::asio::deadline_timer timer;

void waiter_timeout(const boost::system::error_code& error, boost::ptr_list<waiter>::iterator waiter_it)
if (error == boost::asio::error::operation_aborted) // can be error if timer was canceled

boost::ptr_list<waiter>::auto_type waiter = waiters_.release(waiter_it);

if (error) // weird unspecified error, better pass it up just in case
waiter->cb(error, key_t(), "");
waiter->cb(boost::asio::error::timed_out, key_t(), "");

// compare keys as native uint64's instead of lexically
class comparator : public leveldb::Comparator
int Compare(const leveldb::Slice& a, const leveldb::Slice& b) const
boost::uint64_t uia = *reinterpret_cast<const boost::uint64_t*>(;
boost::uint64_t uib = *reinterpret_cast<const boost::uint64_t*>(;
if (uia < uib)
return -1;
if (uia > uib)
return 1;
return 0;
const char* Name() const { return "queue::comparator"; }
void FindShortestSeparator(std::string*, const leveldb::Slice&) const { }
void FindShortSuccessor(std::string*) const { }

leveldb::DB* journal_;
comparator* cmp_;

// layout of journal is:
// --- < reserved or returned > --- | TAIL | --- < contiguous items > --- | HEAD |
// items are pushed to head and popped from tail
// reserved items are held by a connection and not finished yet
// returned items were released by a connection but not deleted

boost::uint64_t head_;
boost::uint64_t tail_;
std::set<key_t> returned_; // items < TAIL that were reserved but later returned (not popped)

boost::ptr_list<waiter> waiters_;

// all state mutation is synchronized on a single strand
// no updates to the journal or to waiters can happen simultaenously
boost::asio::strand strand_;

} // darner

#endif // __DARNER_QUEUE_HPP__
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions src/bench/queue_flood.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <darner/queue.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost::asio;
using namespace darner;

#define ITEMCOUNT 10000
static string value;

void push_cb(queue& dq, size_t i, const boost::system::error_code& error)
if (i < ITEMCOUNT)
dq.push(value, boost::bind(push_cb, boost::ref(dq), i + 1, boost::asio::placeholders::error));

void pop_end_cb(const boost::system::error_code& error)

void pop_cb(queue& dq, size_t i, const boost::system::error_code& error, queue::key_t key, const std::string& value)
if (!error)
dq.pop_end(key, true, &pop_end_cb);
if (i < ITEMCOUNT)
dq.pop(0, boost::bind(&pop_cb, boost::ref(dq), i + 1, _1, _2, _3));

// tests queue: simple flood, one producer one consumer
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
std::cin >> value;
std::cout << value.size() << std::endl;
io_service ios;
queue dq(ios, "poop");

dq.push(value, boost::bind(&push_cb, boost::ref(dq), 0, boost::asio::placeholders::error));
dq.pop(0, boost::bind(&pop_cb, boost::ref(dq), 0, _1, _2, _3));;

return 0;

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