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All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
get GET /alarms/v1/batch/{batchId} Get Alarms Batch Operation Status
start POST /alarms/v1/batch Start Alarms Batch Operation


get( batch_id: str, headers ) -> BatchOperationResults

Get Alarms Batch Operation Status

Get the results of the Alarms Batch Operation.


from pprint import pprint

# Import the waylay-client from the waylay-sdk-core package
from waylay.sdk.client import WaylayClient
from waylay.sdk.api.api_exceptions import ApiError

# Intialize a waylay client instance
waylay_client = WaylayClient.from_profile()

# Note that the typed model classes for responses/parameters/... are only available when `waylay-sdk-alarms-types` is installed
from import BatchOperationResults
    # Get Alarms Batch Operation Status
    # calls `GET /alarms/v1/batch/{batchId}`
    api_response = await waylay_client.alarms.alarms_batch_operations.get(
        'batch_id_example', # batch_id | path param "batchId"
    print("The response of alarms.alarms_batch_operations.get:\n")
except ApiError as e:
    print("Exception when calling alarms.alarms_batch_operations.get: %s\n" % e)


GET /alarms/v1/batch/{batchId}


Name Type API binding Description Notes
batch_id str path parameter "batchId" Unique Batch Operation identifier
headers HeaderTypes request headers

Return type

Selected path param Raw response param Return Type Description Links
Literal[""] (default) False (default) BatchOperationResults BatchOperationResults
str False (default) Any If any other string value for the selected path is provided, the exact type of the response will only be known at runtime.
/ True Response The raw http response object.

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Get Batch Operation -
404 Batch Operation Not Found -

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start( headers ) -> BatchOperationEnqueued

Start Alarms Batch Operation

Start Alarms Batch Operation.


from pprint import pprint

# Import the waylay-client from the waylay-sdk-core package
from waylay.sdk.client import WaylayClient
from waylay.sdk.api.api_exceptions import ApiError

# Intialize a waylay client instance
waylay_client = WaylayClient.from_profile()

# Note that the typed model classes for responses/parameters/... are only available when `waylay-sdk-alarms-types` is installed
from import ABatchAlarmsSpecification
from import BatchOperationEnqueued
    # Start Alarms Batch Operation
    # calls `POST /alarms/v1/batch`
    api_response = await waylay_client.alarms.alarms_batch_operations.start(
        # json data: use a generated model or a json-serializable python data structure (dict, list)
        json = # ABatchAlarmsSpecification | Batch Alarm Operation
    print("The response of alarms.alarms_batch_operations.start:\n")
except ApiError as e:
    print("Exception when calling alarms.alarms_batch_operations.start: %s\n" % e)


POST /alarms/v1/batch


Name Type API binding Description Notes
json ABatchAlarmsSpecification json request body Batch Alarm Operation
headers HeaderTypes request headers

Return type

Selected path param Raw response param Return Type Description Links
Literal[""] (default) False (default) BatchOperationEnqueued BatchOperationEnqueued
str False (default) Any If any other string value for the selected path is provided, the exact type of the response will only be known at runtime.
/ True Response The raw http response object.

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
202 Batch Operation Started * Location - URI where the batch operation status can be followed
400 Error Response -

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