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Drag me to the stage browser game


The art form of drag has become much more prevalent in the public consciousness in the last decade thanks to shows like RuPaul's Drag Race. Drag is inherently transgressive and political but also often irreverent and silly. I've created a simple game that leans into the sillier side of drag using bright colours, outlandish scenarios, and 27 possible final outfit combinations so that repeat players will see something new each time they play.

Table of Contents

  1. [User Experience]
  2. [Features]
  3. Resources
  4. [Testing]
  5. Deployment

User Experience

User Stories

Due to the simple and straightforward nature of the game, user stories are fairly minimal.

User goals:

  • To play a simple, colourful drag-themed game.
  • To play a browser-based game that I can access easily using a web browser and does not require any typical video game skills or knowledge.
  • To play a game that does not feature any sort of score-keeping.
  • To play a game that I can potentially replay a number of times with different outcomes.
  • To play a game with a simple narrative.
  • To play a short game that does not require much attention while I am doing other things.


The game layout is uncluttered and simple. It all takes place on the same page, with elements removed and inserted using JavaScript. The bulk of the game is reading through the scenarios and clicking the button to receive an item related to each scenario, and then progressing to the following scenario. I wanted the interface to be as simple as possible.


I knew that the logo and the art assets would be bright and largely rendered in pinks and purples. I made the background a greenish-blue for contrast, and gave it a gradient for some depth.

The button and logo hover effects are rendered in yellow, which contrasts pleasantly with the purple and pink text. All are bright, cheerful colours in to match the cheerful upbeat tone of the game.


On larger screens, the character images appear to either side of the main text. On smaller screens, they appear above the text.


For the main logo, I chose Fascinate from Google Fonts, a round and playful display text.

For the h2, I chose Rock Salt from Google Fonts, a cursive text with a handwritten, almost frantic quality, alluding to the frantic content of the game's scenarios (i.e. rushing around to put together a drag outfit in time for the show).

For the main body text, I used Raleway from Google Fonts, a clean and readable font which also has a sense of roundness to it. Since it can sometimes contain multiple lines of text, I decided to stick with this text even though it is a little plain because it is easy to read.


All images used in the project were created by me.

I designed the characters in a playful, cartoonish style, and used bright colours that would pop against the background. In this version of the project, there are 27 possible outfits the player can achieve, from a combination of three types each of wigs, outfits, and shoes. My original idea was to include three types of make-up and padding (which are still items the player can achieve in the game and which still contribute to the final score). However, this would have raised the potential number of possible outfits to 243, which is far beyond the scope of this project.


wireframes 1 wireframes 2 wireframes 3 wireframes 3 wireframes 5 wireframes 6

Future Features

Features I did not have the time to implement but would like to include in a future build include: - The ability for the player to choose from several starting characters - The inclusion of choices in each scenario which will influence the received item - A longer narrative with more attention given to the villain and requiring more interaction from the player




  • HTML validation
    • I used W3C for HTML validation. It threw up a warning concerning having a h2 inside a form label. I amended this by giving the label a CSS class in order to style it as required. HTML validation
  • CSS validation
    • I used W3C for CSS validation. The only warning I received was regarding Google Fonts. CSS validation
  • JS validation
    • I used JS Hint for JavaScript validation. Discounting ES6 version and missing semicolon, no issues were detected. JS validation


testing chart


Chrome developer tools Lighthouse performance results:

  • index.html performance result: Lighthouse performance

Browser compatibility

(Tested using MacOS Monterey Version 12.4)

  • Chrome Version Version 103.0.5060.134: Website performed as expected.
  • Firefox Version 103.0.1: Website performed as expected.
  • Safari Version 15.6 (17613. Website performed as expected.

OS compatibility

  • Android 11 Oxygen (Chrome 103.0.5005.125 & Firefox 103.2.0): Website performed as expected.
  • iPhone13 iOS 15.4.1 (Safari version 15.6): Website performed as expected.


When playing the game, after the player receives the final item, the console logs an error message. Various attempts were made to fix this issue but unfortunately, I was unable to do so before the submission deadline. However, this issue only appears in the console and does not affect the functioning of the game. console error message

Testing user stories

  • I am a user who has an interest in drag and enjoys simple video games on my phone. I'd like to play a low-stakes game that doesn't require much engagement.
    • This game is simple and is easy and intuitive to play. It does not require any skills and does not require a lot of time to play. Test result: SUCCESS
  • I am a user who uses public transport and so I spend a lot of time on my phone. I'd like to play a game that provides me with some quick and easy amusement while I am waiting for the bus.
    • The game is quick to play. I am able to exit the browser and when I return, I am able to resume the game. Test result: SUCCESS
  • I am a user who likes games that have multiple outcomes.
    • In this game, there are a number of different outfits I can achieve every time I play. Also, if the achieved outfit is not good enough, I can potentially lose the game. Test result: SUCCESS
  • I am a user who prefers narrative-based games to games with no story.
    • This game has a central premise with a consistent narrative throughout. It tells a short, simple story in the space of a few minutes. Test result: SUCCESS


To clone the website's repository to your local computer in order to edit code, add or remove files, and push larger commits, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Log into GitHub.
  2. Use the search facility or the Recent Repositories list on the left of the screen to locate and select wayne-AF/p2-drag-me-to-the-stage.
  3. From the tabs below the menu list and above the file list, click Code.
  4. There are three methods of creating a clone:
    • Clone the repository using HTTPS
    • Clone the repository using an SSH key
    • Clone the repository using GitHub CLI. Choose the method and click the button to copy the link.
  5. Open the terminal.
  6. Change the current working directory to the desired location for the cloned directory.
  7. Type git clone, paste the copied URL, and press enter to create the local clone.

To edit the website's code and push it to the repository, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Log into GitHub.
  2. Use the search facility or the Recent Repositories list on the left of the screen, to locate and select wayne-AF/p2-drag-me-to-the-stage.
  3. From the tabs below the menu list and above the file list, click Gitpod.
  4. Sign into Gitpod if required.
  5. Make any desired changes to the code.
  6. In the command line of the terminal, type git add . and hit enter.
  7. On the next line, type git commit -m "enter your commit comment here" and hit enter.
  8. On the next line, type git push and hit enter.
  9. Your changes have been pushed to the repository and saved to the project.

To deploy the website from its GitHub repository, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Log into GitHub.
  2. Use the search facility or the Recent Repositories list on the left of the screen, to locate and select wayne-AF/p2-drag-me-to-the-stage.
  3. From the menu list below the repository name, select Settings.
  4. Select Pages from the menu on the left.
  5. Under Source, click the drop-down menu labelled None and select Master Branch.
  6. The page will be refreshed and the website will be deployed with a link provided in the GitHub Pages section.


Many thanks to my mentor, Brian Macharia, for all his help!


Javascript-focus project for PP2






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