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Telnet chat server that can handle up to about 3,000 simultaneous users

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Telnet chat server that can handle up to about 3,000 simultaneous users

Quick Demo

You can see a quick demo of the program, running on my Digital Ocean server and can be accessed with the command below (provided your local system has the telnet command -- if you're on a Mac and don't have it, see instructions for installing it in the build instructions section):

telnet 5555

I wrote this program to make a Telnet program that could scale to a million users. And, I'll just go ahead and skip straight ahead to the punch line here: I wasn't able to pull it off. I was able to get a system that scaled to a little over 3,000 simultaneous users -- not real humans but users simulated by a simple (possibly too simple, as I'll explain below) test program with an average "think time" of 10 seconds between sending messages. This was on a dual core AMD Athlon II X2B24 with 8 GB of memory running Linux Mint 19.2 with Linux kernel 4.15. What would happen is I got a "connection reset by peer" error, and I got it robust enough to where altohugh the test client would crash (and slam all the connections closed all at once) the server would stay up.

I never determined the cause of the "connection reset by peer" error. Maybe when you have enough connections throwing enough messages through the same port all at once, somewhere in the bowels of the OS (Linux, and I tested on Mac as well and the same thing happened), the system gets overwhelmed and confused and throws that error. One possible issue is that my test program was so simple, it would send messages on connections without first bothering to pull all the bytes sent to it out -- that would require creating another goroutine in the test program (because network reads are blocking), and maybe this was a side effect of bytes piling up inside the system. The official documentation for this error says that it happens when one end of a TCP connection sends bytes on a connection that the other end believes has either already been closed or never existed. I couldn't see how my code could create that condition.

So, we've got a Telnet chat server that can handle up to about 3,000 simultaneous users, on a reasonably average box for these days. If the ultimate cause of the "connection reset by peer" error could never be figured out, then it could be the case that the only solution would be to make a multi-server design, which would require redesigning and rebuilding the whole system. Part of the problem could be that I had pulled the "1 million" figure off the top of my head without really thinking about what it meant. Without thinking, for example, that if I wrote a test program that simulated 1 user logging in every 1 second, it would take over 11 days for all 1 million users to log in. That's just to log in, not even to actually send messages through the system. 1 million, as it turns out, is a lot.

Design Philosophy

The starting point was that all data, if possible, should have a goroutine that "owns" it and that serializes access to it. Nothing should be global, so no explicit memory locks should be needed. (There are some languages, like Rust, where you can explicitly indicate who "owns" a data structure, but this is not part of the Go language. In this program, we do it by convention.)

A design where all pieces of data have a designated goroutine that is designated as the "owner" of the data, and all reads and writes (especially writes -- reads may be allowable as long as the data read is not subsequently used for writes, such as reading a value, incrementing it, and writing it back) are funneled through the "owner" and serialized in the process, then race conditions are prevented. (Unfortunately not deadlocks as noted below.) If another goroutine wants to modify a piece of data, it must send a request to do the operation over a channel to the owner. It is forbidden to change data directly. Preventing race conditions is incredibly important because bugs involving race conditions are not reproducable.

Is this less efficient that writing "true" multithreaded code with locks around critical sections? Yes, but computers are fast enough now that we can afford slightly less efficient code for a stronger guarantee of reliability.

The next consideration was that each channel should have its own goroutine, so there would not be a single goroutine that becomes a bottleneck. Of course, there need to be data structures that keep track of what channels are running, and since the philosophy is "all data should have a goroutine that owns it and serializes it", a goroutine was created to keep track of that channel data. That goroutines is called the "channel master".

Actual conversation between users, on the other hand, flows through the goroutines for that channel, and all those goroutines can run in parallel, so once channels have been created and users have joined their favorite channels, and are chit-chatting with each other, there are no bottlenecks which slow the system down. The system is maximally parallel.

At this point I need to interject a bit of terminology. Because the Go programming language uses "channels" and the program we are creating also has the concept of "channels", I decided to define specific terminology to avoid confusing the two: Go language channels are always referred to as "go channels" and channels representing the concept of "channels" in the chat program are always referred to as "chat channels". The word "channel" is never used without preceeding it with either "go" or "chat" to disambiguate. This convention is used both in this document and in the source code.

At this point I have to bring up the difficulty of the Telnet package I chose. I figured rather than code up the Telnet protocol from scratch, there was probably a Go package out there already that did it, and I immediately Googled and found "go-telnet" by "reiver" (Charles Iliya Krempeaux in Vancouver) at . Unfortunately, while I have never had trouble with a Go package that I pulled off the net before, and all have been of high quality, that was not the case this time.

Specifically, the issue with the go-telnet library was that it suppressed all the commands in the Telnet protocol that follow the Interpret as command (IAC) character. You see, in the Telnet protocol, the connection initially starts out in "half duplex", which means your local system lets you type a whole line, and then when you've got it finished (including fixing whatever mistakes you made with the backspace key), the whole line is sent to the server all at once.

The problem with this is that in the middle of you typing a line, if you are on a chat channel talking with someone, they might interrupt your typing with a message. In half-duplex mode this rudely shoves someone else's message in the middle of your line (which can be preceeded by a line break to confuse you less), and leaves you to finish typing your line with what you typed earlier still sitting there in front of their line.

I reluctantly accepted there was no possible solution to this in half-duplex mode, and that I had to switch the system to full-duplex mode. In full-duplex mode, every single keystroke you type gets immediately sent to the server as its own packet, and the server has to handle all the interpretation of the keystrokes, including backspaces. But that wasn't the only problem. The go-telnet package made it impossible to change the system from half-duplex mode to full-duplex mode, because it was stripping out the IAC character and commands. In order to get the system to work, I had to modify the go-telnet package to allow the IAC and commands to go through, at least for bytes sent from the server to the client. (IAC characters and commands from the client to the server are still stripped out.) This is why, instead of doing "go get", you have to use "go-telnet-mod", the modified version of go-telnet that I'm providing in this submission. (You still have to "go get", where "oi" is "io" spelled backwards and is a whacky package of I/O helper functions used by go-telnet, and which I also used, especially the "LongWrite" function, more on that below.)

As to why the go-telnet package has this problem, I don't know, but I'll put forward a guess: the person who created it had a specific use case in mind, one where you telnet to a server and give commands that are executed by the server. Your commands aren't interrupted by unpredicable output from the server, say, originating with another user in the real world that you are chatting with. Unfortunately, people like me might think it actually fully supports everything in the Telnet protocol, even though that's not actually the case.

Anyway, at this point you might think we've got our full repertoire of goroutines, but you'd be wrong. There's the remaining problem of the goroutine that picks up user input from the Telnet package blocking on network reads. It can't simultaneously send out messages from other users who are chatting and receive input if it's blocked.

It's possible there are other ways to do it, such as enabling the chat channel goroutines to directly write to the network and send messages to users, which would involves their own considerations such as how to make sure they never tried to write on a network connection after it was closed, but I wanted one goroutine responsible for all the input and output going to and from one user in the real world.

The solution I came up with was, instead of having one goroutine handling direct interactions with each user, I'd have two. I called the second one the "doppelganger", intending to rename it to something more sensible later on. But in the end, I never thought of a better name. While "doppelganger" doesn't make sense at first glance, once you know what it means, because it's such a distinct term, it's impossible to confuse with anything else in the system, and I found myself unable to think of a better term. (If you think of one, let me know.)

In my original formulation of the system, I had the goroutine spawned by the go-telnet protocol that was listening on the port every time a new user connected, which I will henceforce refer to as the Telnet goroutine, processing commands from the user (such as commands to join a channel, etc). After the switch to full duplex, I moved all this functionality to the doppelganger. The Telnet goroutine literally now just accepts bytes on the telnet connection and passes them on to the doppelganger. Because the doppelganger has a "select" statement that receives messages on multiple channels, it is able to do other things while waiting for the user to type a character. One of those things is to receive messages typed by other users, and to send those down to its user in such a way that doesn't completely mess up the user experience like the half-duplex mode does. The way it achieves this is by "backspacing out" what the user has typed, outputting the message from the other user, and then re- outputting what the user has typed so far. It sounds whacky but the end result is the conversation scrolling up the screen, looking like a transcript of the conversation without any unnatural breaks (in fact looks very similar to what ends up in the log file for the channel except without the time codes).

Ok, at this point, we can lay out the repertoire of goroutines for the system:

  • chat channel -- The goroutine that maintains all the state of a channel (such as its name and member list) and that propagates messages from one user to everyone else on the channel.

  • channel master -- The goroutine that maintains the list of active channels, that launches goroutines for channels and tells goroutines for channels when to shut down.

  • Telnet -- To the goroutines that receives keystrokes from users, 1 per user.

  • doppelganger -- The goroutines that runs alongside the Telnet goroutine, but does all the real work -- processing commands from the user (such as commands to join a chat channel) and picking up messages from other users on the chat channel and formatting them in a palatable way for the end user.

At this point you ought to be able to look at the source code file names and guess what some of them mean.

  • chatchannel.go -- The code for the chat channel goroutine.

  • channelmaster.go -- The code for the channelmaster goroutine.

  • servetelnet.go -- The code for the Telnet goroutine.

  • doppelganger.go -- The code for the doppelganger goroutine.

In addition there are a few other files:

  • datastructures.go -- This file defines all the messages that are sent through all the go channels that are used for communication between all the goroutines. All the message structures have a name like "messageFromXToY", which, even though a bit tedious, makes it very unambiguous how the message is intended to be used. Most messages start with an "op code" that enables multiple (similar) messages to be sent through the same go channel, rather than creating separate go channels -- no point in having multiple go channels between the same goroutines. These op codes are constants with names of the format "fromXToYOpZ", which, although a bit tedious, is unambiguous. In addition, throughout the source code, variables for outgoing go channels (go channels that send messages from the current goroutine to a different one) start with "callback" (though some of them are technically not callbacks -- but the majority are so the prefix works) and variables for incoming go channels start with "incomingFrom".

  • heartbeat.go -- This file defines a "heartbeat" goroutine which is helpful for periodically outputting the number of active goroutines and number of active channels. I originally planned to put this in for debugging purposes only, and then take it out of the final version. But in the end I decided to leave it in, as it enables monitoring of the system while it's running, and seemed to impose little cost for doing so, and if the system ever needs to be debugged again, I'd just be putting it back in. Note: the number of goroutines reported is actually the number minus 5 as a baseline (2 SQLite database goroutines, the Telnet listener, the channel master, and the heartbeat goroutine itself), but sometimes the baseline is different (I think because of SQLite -- which seems to always start more goroutines when the DB is first created on the initial run) and you get different numbers.

  • helper.go -- Some simple helper functions for things like string conversions.

  • wtelnet.go -- This is the file that has the main() function that launches the whole thing. The main function turns into the goroutine that listens for new connections, and normally stays running "forever". This file has the intended name of the compiled executable, "wtelnet" (Wayne Brain Telnet daemon).

A few additional notes on the design:

  • The process of joining a channel is: user (doppelganger) sends a message to the channel master asking to join the channel, passing along a callback channel, which the channel master gives to the chat channel goroutine. We could have done it a different way, where the users (doppelgangers) asked the channel master for a go channel to the chat channel goroutine, and then sent its request to join directly to the chat channel goroutine. In case you're wondering why it's done that way instead of the other way, I felt these were more or less equivalent in complexity, "six of one, half a dozen of the other", and that the choice to do it the way it was done was arbitrary.

  • A few final things to note about the design, before we move on. The doppelganger can only write to the network. The Telnet server handler can only read. If you look at the handler function, you'll see that the only thing it uses the writer for is to hand it off to the doppelganger, which it launches when it first starts. The doppelganger is not given a copy of the reader. This is by design to ensure a clean separation of concerns.

  • As noted above, all data would be "owned" by a goroutine. In order to make the state of each goroutine accessible to all the functions within that goroutine, they are placed in a structure and a pointer to that structure is passed to functions that are part of that goroutine, when applicable. This pointer is never passed to any code not part of that goroutine or allowed to be placed in a go channel.

  • When I originally designed the system, I had the chat channels keep track of the users in the channel by user ID, but I later changed it to keep track of doppelganger IDs, and to allow the same user to log in more than once. This makes it possible for the user to talk to themselves on the same chat channel. That's not a normal use case, but I realized it would be perfectly normal for a user to log into the system multiple times and chat with multiple people on different channels, so I wanted to make sure it could handle the use case of the same user logging in multiple times, and I decided that the best way to handle the scenario where the user does join the same chat channel multiple times is to just act like that's perfectly normal and let them talk to themselves.

  • As a coding style rule, since the code has a lot of error handling, I followed rule of putting "exceptional" cases before "normal" cases. Although a lot of the error handling code looks redundant, I found it testing, in the doppelganger goroutine main loop, where there are checks all over the place for LongWrite failures that indicate the end user went away and closed the connection, under sufficiently heavy load all of them will in fact get hit on the server. The error checking code may look tedious but it does in fact make the server much more robust.

Architecture Overview

So to summarize: primary architectural decisions:

  • All data "owned" by a goroutine, with reads and writes serialized by that goroutine.

  • One goroutine per channel:

    • Goroutines are not launched until someone uses the channel.
    • Goroutine for channel serializes all the conversation in the channel and establishes the official "authoritative" version of the sequence of messages in the conversation.
      • Goroutine can be stopped when the last person leaves a channel.
  • One "channel master" goroutine to prevent race conditions:

    • What if two users decide to join exactly the same channel at exactly the same moment? Could the "one goroutine per channel" rule be broken and we get two goroutines for the same channel? Better serialize all joins and exits to all channels to make that impossible. All joins and exits are serialized by going through the channel master goroutine, and there is only one channel master goroutine.
  • One log file per channel:

    • If all channels logged to a single log file, then all messages on all channels would have to be serialized, and that single point of serialization would become a bottleneck under heavy load.
      • There is already one goroutine responsible for serializing the conversation for the channel -- easy to add logging properly serialized at that point.
      • If writing to many logfiles at once on disk becomes a bottleneck, the logfile for each channel can be moved to a separate physical device. Could be a problem if the number of channels isn't fixed in advance but users are allowed to make their own channels.
      • Having all the channels in the same log file doesn't make sense from a "human conversation" standpoint -- it would interweave many conversations together that a log analysis tool would have to separate out later on. Having each channel logged in its own file means the conversation can be analyzed just by reading the one file.
      • Log files for a channel are held open while the channel is in use, which could affect how they are rolled over, or how they are handled by server backup systems.
      • For long-term continuous usage, it might be a good idea to close the log file and start a new one, say once per day or per week. The date could be used to differentiate the file name.
  • User and chat channel database as sqlite3

    • I'm a believer in the relational data model.
    • bcrypt provides industrial-strength hash encryption. (Note: without switching to TELNETS, the secure SSL-enabled version of the Telnet protocol, passwords are still sent across the network in cleartext.)


During development, I managed to deadlock the system. The way it happened was something like this: a user types a message and the doppelganger sends it to the chat channel goroutine for the chat channel the user is on, but if that chat channel is busy distributing a message to everyone on the chat channel, it can't pull the new message out of the go channel at that moment, and when it gets to distributing a message to the first user, that doppelganger will never pull the message out of the go channel because it is blocked waiting for the chat channel goroutine to pull the message it already sent out of the go channel to the chat channel goroutine.

This made me realize, even if you use a language like Go that uses the "channel" metaphor, instead of writing code with critical sections and mutexes, and even if you carefully design your data structures so that every data structure has a goroutine that "owns" it and that serializes access to it, it is still possible for the system to deadlock. In this case, one doppelganger and one chat channel goroutine deadlock but everything else in the system keeps running, so the Go runtime does not shut down -- if the whole system deadlocks, the Go runtime will notice and take down the whole program.

The key to understanding whether your system can have deadlocks is to represent all your goroutines as nodes on a graph, and all of the channels between them as directed edges between nodes. If there are no cycles in the graph, you are good -- your system can't have deadlocks. Having no cycles also makes the shutdown sequence easy -- you just shut down the goroutes in the order they are connected on the graph by the directed edges.

In the case of this program, the graph has cycles and this is hard to avoid -- the cycle comes into play when you realize that users have to be able to send messages to a chat channel and have their message sent back to them. It is possible to have users' own messages not sent back, but a special flag set to tell the chat channel not to reflect those messages back, but I liked the idea that all messages on a chat channel were handled in a uniform way -- including the logging -- so that every user was guaranteed to see the same conversation and the log was guaranteed to also record the same conversation. There should be only one "official" authoritative version of the conversation. So I never seriously considered doing it that way and instead took on the challenge of solving the deadlock.

In the case of Go, you solve these deadlock issues by making buffered go channels. With a buffered channel, instead of one goroutine blocking until another can pull a message out of a go channel, it puts the message in the buffer and continues on its way. The other goroutine will pull the message out of the go channel when it's ready. Blocking only occurs when the buffer fills up. This raises the question of how big the buffers need to be.

In analyzing the cycles in the graph, I determined that there needs to be a buffer for at least 1 message for each cycle through the graph. What this means is that I think you can eliminate cycles just by identifying one node in the graph that has only one input, and put a buffer of 1 message on that go channel. However, in the implementation of this program, I put buffers on all the channels, equal to the number of inputs. Well, unfortunately for some channels, the number of inputs is determined at runtime and is always changing, but the buffer size still has to be determined at the moment the channel is created, when the ultimate number of inputs (graph edges directed at it) is unknown. So I just put in "reasonably large" constants. Like I said, altohugh I don't have a mathematical proof of this, I think that having buffers of 1 somewhere in every cycle where there is guaranteed to be only 1 input edge is sufficient to prevent deadlocks. Because in the doppelganger-chat channel cycle, each doppelganger is guaranteed to receive input from only 1 chat channel at a time, a buffer size of 1 on that go channel should be sufficient. (End users can log in multiple times, and talk on multiple chat channels, but each login will still have its own doppelganger goroutine.) There are two other cycles in the system: one between doppelgangers and the channel master, where the doppelganger is guaranteed to have only one channel master input (because there is only one channel master in the whole system), and one between chat channels and the channel master, because chat channels need to be able to tell the channel master that a join request was rejected, and in that cycle, the chat channel is guaranteed to have only one channel master input (again because there is only one channel master in the whole system).

In any case, in my efforts hammering the system with the test program, I was never able to get the system to deadlock again, once I put the buffering scheme in place. The buffering doesn't cause any memory issues -- in fact Go is so efficient with memory that this program was always using much less memory than other programs on the system, like the web browser. Likewise I was able to get over 2,000 goroutines going and still was using less CPU than my idling web browser (though it had 11 tabs open and we know some webpages gobble up CPU even though they don't look like they're doing anything). At about 2,100 goroutines, the chat server overtook the idling web browser.

The last remaining "concurrent programming" issue is that it is possible for bits of data in different goroutines to get out of sync. One thing that's possible is for a doppelganger to think it's on a chat channel and send it a message to exit, but for the chat channel to think that doppelganger isn't on the channel and to not reflect the exit message back. This can happen, for example, if a join request is rejected by the channel but the end user disconnects before the news of the join request rejection gets back to the doppelganger and the doppelganger has already initiated its shutdown sequence.

Because of cycles in the communication graph, the shutdown sequence is complicated. A doppelganger can't simply shut down if it is on a chat channel because when that chat channel tries to send messages, it will crash the system because it's trying to send a message on a closed channel. We're assuming here that channels are closed before goroutines exit, which is a convention I tried to follow throughout the system. If you close a go channel, it will cause the program to crash if another goroutine tries to send on it, but the alternative is worse, which is that if you don't close the channel, the sending goroutine will block forever (or at least it could, once the buffer gets filled up). Better to have the program panic and crash and then at least you know where the problem happened, rather than have goroutines mysteriously hang forever.

Anyway, the arbitrary solution I came up with to the cycle between doppelgangers and chat channels is to have the doppelganger wait until it has received confirmation from the chat channel that that user (doppelganger) is off the chat channel. In the case of the synchronization issue described above, this message never arrives, and the doppelganger waits forever and never shuts down. The solution I made for this is for the doppelganger to wait 1 second to allow time for messages to propagate around the system, then try again, and keep a counter, and once the counter reached 1,000, it would assume it was waiting forever for a message that would never come and shut down anyway. In my testing it appeared that this got all the orphaned doppelganger goroutines to shut down and for the system to clean itself up, though it would take a few minutes. It doesn't interfere with new users signing on because the system just launches new doppelganger goroutines for them, and doesn't try to connect them up with the zombies. The zombies eventually shut down and clean themselves up, so the system continues functioning properly in an ongoing manner.

In more detail, the way this is handled is with two flags in the doppelganger, telnetGoroutineHasGoneAway and cantExitBeforeExitMessageFromChannel. During testing, a crash happened at the point where a message was being sent from the channel to the doppelganger -- it turned out it was possible for the doppelganger goroutine to disappear before the channel was aware of it, and the channel could attempt to send a message to a nonexistent doppelganger. Originally I had a flag, isUserGone, that was part of the messages messageFromDoppelgangerToChannelMaster and messageFromChannelMasterToChatChannel, and that flag was just passed around when the user was done, but upon realizing that was inadaquate, I re-thought the whole problem and how to guarantee the doppelganger goroutine would exist whenever the chat channel tried to send a message to it (keep in mind the doppelganger goroutine can continue to exist after the telnet connection has been dropped and the user has gone away). That resulted in isUserGone being replaced by a pair of flags that are part of the doppelganger's goroutine: telnetGoroutineHasGoneAway and cantExitBeforeExitMessageFromChannel. This way, if the user has joined a chat channel, and unexpectedly closes the connection, the doppelganger goroutine will continue to exist until messages have made the round trip through the channelmaster and the chat channel goroutines removing the user from that chat channel. Once the user is completely out, then it is safe to shut down the doppelganger goroutine because there can't be a chat channel goroutine with a reference to a channel that communicates with it. But works but doesn't handle the situation where things are out of sync in the other direction -- the chat channel doesn't know to send the exit message back to the doppelganger. For this, a counter, cantExitCount, was created that counts the number of times the doppelganger loops through the cantExitBeforeExitMessageFromChannel loop and once it reaches a certain threshold, it assumes the goroutine is a zombie and exits.

Note that because there is no cycle between the Telnet goroutine and the doppelganger goroutine -- messages go only from the Telnet goroutine to the doppelganger, telling it about keystrokes from the user -- the shutdown sequence is straightforward: the Telnet goroutines shuts down when the user disconnects and the doppelganger follows suit and shuts down afterward.

There's other places in the system where I was concerned about data getting out of sync, such as between the channel master and chat channels where the channel master keeps a count of the number of users on each channel and it's possible for these counts to be briefly out of sync with the member lists in the actual chat channel goroutines themselves. However, I couldn't get any problems to surface because of this during testing.

The channel master's count of users on a chat channel is incremented when a user joins, which means the channel master won't try to release and shutdown the channel, and then after that the user is added to the chat channel's roster of who is on the channel. When the user leaves the channel, the message to take the user off the roster is dispatched, then the channel master decrements the count, and then, if the channel needs to be shut down, the shut down message is sent, and is guaranteed to arrive after the message taking the user off the roster, so the chat channel should be guararteed to also have 0 users at the time it receives the shutdown message. This is really critical as a bug in the system where a channel goroutine shuts down without all the users exiting first could leave open go channels which will deadlock other goroutines when those other goroutines try to send messages.

One final word about the testing: I like to be able to unit test functions and other logical "subunits" of code. I try not to write anything without some automated testing, though I find in practice being "religous" about test-driven- development (TDD) is impractical -- lots of code, while testable in theory, is simply not worth the effort of writing the automated test code for in practice (it's not worth it if your test code is going to be 10x the size of your production code, for example, unless it's extremely critical functionality). However with concurrent goroutines, I found I didn't have a way of unit testing them even in theory. Google searches on the topic were not helpful. So one of the things I need to figure out how to do is isolate a goroutine and unit test it, and I'll do some more extensive digging on Google because there's probable some ideas out there somewhere. If you all have ways of isolating goroutines for unit testing, please tell me what they are. In this system, for testing I just wrote a program that (crudely) emulated end users, and just hammered away at the whole system.

The way I debugged problems in the concurrent code was to whittle down the test to the smallest test that would reproducte the error. For example I originally set the limit of people in a chat channel to 6 but when it went over, the next person wouldn't get allowed in and the system would go into an invalid state where it would go into essentially an endless loop with the doppelganger goroutine eating up all the CPU. Later on when I had a problem where I was testing putting as many users as possible all on the same channel, I found the system wouldn't unwind properly, and I reduced it until I could reproduce the problem with only 4 users.

User Interface

The system begins with a simple login system with ability to create a new account. After that, commands are preceeded by a "/" in IRC style. I had a look at IRC commands and mimicked them, but the commands here are not exactly the same. The commands (available within the program by typing "/help") are:

  • /list -- list channels
  • /create -- create a channel
  • /join -- join a channel
  • /who -- show who is on the current channel
  • /exit -- exit the current channel

Once on a channel:

  • /say -- say something on the current channel

  • /emote -- emote on current channel

  • /think -- think something on current channel

  • /sing -- sing something on current channel

  • /help -- this command


  • ' -- say

  • ; -- emote

  • ^D log off

One quirk about this user interface is that you can't type blank lines. I decided to do it that way to make the screen contain more of an "unbroken" scrolling transcript of the conversation. Of course, it is still possible to break it by typing things that requires the system to give you error messages. But at least it won't be broken up by blank lines. The downside is that users expect from other systems to be able to type blank lines to see if the system is listening.

I've noticed in real life conversations, once the size of a group gets to about 6 or more, it always seems to split into sub-conversations of 2 or 3 people. So I made 6 the limit to the number of people on a channel.

Note that although I said earlier I detest putting hard-coded limits in code, this limit is part of the user interface. And in fact for testing purposes I removed it, just to make sure the underlying code doesn't have any arbitrary limit. In testing with all users on one channel I was able to get the number of users up to 920.


Because SELECT for users (and channels) happens inside the transaction for creating them, the database should prevent a race condition whereby it's possible to have the same user account created more than once -- however because many databases use row-level locking, and we're not actually changing the row that already exists (we're creating a new one), it's possible for row-level locking to fail to catch it. The "UNIQUE" constraint was added to the username field (and channelname as well) so if the database system supports it, this race condition will be prevented by disallowing duplicate entries in the table at the database level.

If the database I used (SQLite3) is replaced with a different database system, it needs to support the UNIQUE constraint. I did not serialize access to the database through the channel master goroutine. I assumed the database itself could handle concurrency issues. So user (doppelganger) goroutines are allowed to modify the database, which currently consists only of adding users and channels. (Users currently cannot be deleted or renamed, nor can channels be deleted or renamed. Users can't change their usernames or passwords either. All these functions would be needed if we were making a real, production system.)

The code is written to the standard SQL package interface in Go, so it should be possible to swap out the database with a different database. If you use another DB, make sure you declare IDs as 64-bit integers (e.g. BIGINTS in MySQL). User IDs (and channel IDs) are declared as int64 so the system can have 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 users. Using 32-bit integers limits the number of people to 2,147,483,647 (2.1 billion vs the world population of 7.6 billion) -- if you squeezed another bit out using unsigned integers, it's 4,294,967,295 (4.2 billion -- still less than the 7.6 billion world population). I've tried using unsigned integers and think they're more trouble than they're worth unless you really need them -- certain things you take for granted, like decrementing a counter to 0, don't work when you use unsigned variables. 63 bits is enough for user IDs; you don't really need that 64th bit. Having said all this it's unlikely the entire world population will use the same Telnet server at the same time.

I named tables in the singular: "user" and "channel". Many organizations use plurals by convention (which would make these tables "users" and "channels"). There doesn't seem to be one "right" way to do it; you can make logical arguments either way.



  1. The biggest limitation is that the system can only handle about ~3,000 simultaneous users before "connection reset by peer" errors start occurring. After putting in some effort at figuring out what caused this, I decided to stop trying to figure out the cause. It appered that determining the cause of this error was not straightforward and could take a lot of time. Simple Google searches on the error had failed to reveal anything enlightening. How much more effort would be involved? The worst-case scenario would involve digging through the source code of either the Go language or the Linux OS (both of which are open-source, so that is possible).

  2. Operating systems have a "file descriptors" limit, and open socket connections consume a file descriptor in the underlying OS. The limit was put in place for a sensible reason -- to keep buggy programs from running amok and taking over all the file descriptors in the system. However for this program, it imposes a limit on the number of simultaneous users. When this limit is hit, the user gets an "Connection failed: Connection refused," error, and on the server's end, the goroutine that listens for new connections on the port will get an "accept: too many open files" error, however, it will catch the error and wait for 10 seconds and start listening again. Any users who try to connect during this time will get the standard "Connection refused" error. The 10 seconds is arbitrary -- just wanted to allow some time for a few existing users to disconnect.

  3. It probably also counts as a "limitation" that the program is difficult to compile on Windows (see details in the build section).

Known Bugs

  1. The biggest (and only) known bug is that there is a timing issue that makes it possible for a user to disconnect before a chat channel join request has fully gone through, and the system will try to take the user off a chat channel they're not on before shutting down the goroutine that represents them (the doppelganger goroutine) on the server, will never get the reply that the user is off the chat channel, and will wait -- well, it won't wait forever. I did get it so the goroutine will eventually recognize it's a zombie and shut down gracefully. So the server doesn't crash and there aren't any memory leaks or anything, but that was as robust as I was able to get it -- I wasn't able to track down the original cause of the bug. A more general thing to note from this is that, while my fundamental design of having every piece of data owned by a goroutine that serializes access to it completely eliminates classic race conditions -- such as where a value gets read from memory, incremented (say), and written back, and the increment gets lost because another thread wrote something to the same memory address at the same time -- it does not elimate all timing problems.

Miscellaneous Issues

This program has a lot of issues that don't quite rise to the level of being called "bugs", but might be things you'd probably actually have to deal with in a real production environment.

All characters are allowed in channel names, but not all characters are allowed in file names. For example "-", "&", quote marks. Since the log file for each channel is based on the channel name, this could be a problem if users create channels with funky characters in them.

We allow spaces in channel names. This is probably not a good idea, and not just because we end up with spaces in file names. We probably need a syntax for putting quote marks around channel names. Or just disallow spaces. As a security measure, we don't allow slashes in the chat channel log file names, even though we do allow slashes in the actual channel names (which maybe is a bad idea). Preventing slashes in the file names prevents hackers from hacking our server by changing directories.

On the subject of channel names, I tried using unicode characters (Chinese characters in my case), and amazingly enough, it worked! The people who designed the UTF-8 unicode standard did an amazing job as they made a system that enables unicode characters on ancient protocols designed long before the invention of UTF-8. I fully expected it not to work and having to report it not working as an issue here. However, if you use unicode characters for a channel name, those unicode characters will get used for the filename, which, depending on your file system and whatever other software you use on that files system (software for backups, software for rolling log files, etc) may pose a problem.

While on the subject of channel names, it should be noted that this system does not have a "moderation" system, so there is nothing preventing users from creating channel names with profanity or otherwise a problem. There's no "admin" users who can create channels or have other special privileges. In a real system, with millions of real people using it, you'd need some type of moderation system.

The system logs conversations but there is no user interface to make the logs available to users. Presumably users would rather not cut-and-paste conversations but would like access to the transcripts the system makes, but we don't provide any way to do this. The logging system, as its currently implemented, can be used for analysis by data scientists on the backend, but doesn't provide any value to users.

In half duplex mode, the Telnet client gives the user a "key" cursor when they're typing their password. In full duplex mode, we don't get this. The password is not echoed back by us simply not echoing it back.

The "/list" command just dumps a list of all the channels from the DB. The command doesn't consult the channel master to see how many people are on each channel. That information would be useful to know to know what channels people are actually talking on, so a new user could join one of them to talk to someone.

We force users to explicitly exit the channel they're on before joining a new one. This prevents a possible race condition where two channels might think the same user is on both channels at the same time, and spares us having to write complicated messaging code asking the new channel if the user can join, then dropping the current channel, then joining the new channel, all in response to one "/join" command, but it makes for a cumbersome user interface.

There's a theoretical race condition where in between when you hit return on a message and see your own message reflected back, another message from a different user could arrive. This would mess up the screen formatting (but cause no other problems as far as I know). The automated test client did not test for this, and I never saw it in manual testing.

There are situations where, if there are multiple errors that happen at once, the system probably does not do proper error handling. For example if a database error happens and then in the handler for that a network error happens, the network error doesn't get handled properly and goroutines associated with the network connection don't get properly cleaned up. If this were to become a true high-volume production system, these spots in the code would all need to be tracked down and fixed up. (Although if you're getting that many errors, maybe something is wrong in your production environment that needs to be addressed anyway.)

My biggest worry is that it's possible for a network write to hang. This would cause a doppelganger goroutine to hang, would would cause the channel to hang on the next message to it, as well as cause the channel master goroutine to hang on the next message to it. While this couldn't deadlock the entire system, it could deadlock a channel and could deadlock the channel master, which is pretty serious. Once a channel or the channel master goroutines are permanently blocked in such a manner, I don't know any way to get them unblocked. You just have to kill the whole process and restart it. Maybe this is a baseless worry, since it never occurred in testing. One of the things that has affected another Go program that I wrote it that it's possible for goroutines to hang forever, and I've been meaning for some time to research how to set all the various network timeouts in Go so that stuff will time out in a reasonable time frame and return error codes, ensuring nothing in the server ever hangs forever and enabling it to keep going and recover from the error.

I discovered with lsof I can see which connections are assigned to which threads. I knew Go's goroutines don't correspond in a 1-to-1 manner with OS threads, that the Go designers had come up with a way of making goroutines more "lightweight" and put multiple goroutines on the same OS thread, but I never had a way of actually seeing this before. There's probably a way to see it through the runtime package, but I had a look through it and didn't see anything obvious. And of course, lsof can't show you what thread a goroutine is using if the goroutine doesn't open a socket or something else that uses a file descriptor, so it's not a complete overview, or anything like that. Just something that gave me a sense of how many goroutines Go puts on a single OS thread -- in my case, it was a lot (like over 600).

Before I got it up over 3,000 users, in testing multiple users on different channels, the server crashed with "accept tcp [::]:5555: accept4: too many open files". This happened at 1,019 simultaneous users and 3,051 goroutines. The reason for this turned out to be that on Unix-type systems (including both Linux and Mac which uses FreeBSD under the hood), file descriptors in the OS are used for open sockets. There's typically a limit to the number of file descriptors a process is allowed to have, to prevent a runaway process from taking over the system. I had a limit of 1,024 file descriptors.

Instructions for changing the number of file descriptors on a Linux system are included in the build instructions section. Even then I didn't get "unlimited" or the full 8,388,608 that I asked for. I got 1,048,576. So there's still something in my system imposing a limit, but I don't know what. But with further testing I ran into the "connection reset by peer" problem shortly after crossing 3,200 limits and never got all the way up to 1,048,576. 1,048,576 would have been enough anyway, since my goal was 1 million.

Final Thoughts

This exercise made me learn a lot more about concurrent programming. Prior to this, I had done only very simple concurrency in Go, for example starting multiple goroutines that collect data at the same time (such as scanning directory trees) and return it back to a primary goroutine when they are done. It was actually quite a thrill seeing this system fire up thousands of goroutines at the same time -- and see how much less memory and CPU impact this had from what I would have expected. It is truly a testament to the skill of the Go language designers how well the Go language handles this.

The biggest lesson I learned is, before you start writing a line of code, graph out all your goroutines as a directed graph where the nodes represent goroutines and the edges represent go channels, and try to eliminate all the cycles.

I feel like I've built a piece of code that is useless in the real world: nobody uses Telnet chat systems any more. So I started thinking about what I could use this code for. The underlying ideas from it could be useful for a real-time (or near real time) publish-and-subscribe system. Perhaps the fact that in such systems, the "publisher" is never a "subscriber" and a "subcriber" is never a "publisher", unlike this system where everyone on a chat channel is both a "publisher" and "subscriber" simultaneously, could make it possible to graph out the gorotines in such a way that there are never any cycles.

Not having any cycles has 3 benifits: 1) It makes deadlocks impossible, even without buffering on go channels, which are unnecceary. 2) It minimizes the amount goroutines have data state that is out of sync, since data can flow in only one direction. And it makes what discrepancies that remain easier to reason about for the same reason, data can flow in only one direction. 3) It makes the shutdown procedure straightforward. Goroutines shut themselves down in the order of the arrows on the directed graph.

If cycles must be in the design, try to minimize them. Whatever cycles are left, you will have to think very hard about the exact timing of the execution of your goroutines in them.

Once you've implemented your design, you'll have to think twice before adding go channels that weren't there originally. You might think, adding a go channel from goroutine B back to goroutine A, after you've already got a go channel from goroutine A to goroutine B, would make things simpler -- two-way communication rather than one-way. If it turns out to be necessary, then it's necessary, but because of the various problems with cycles listed above, you should definitely think twice about doing that.

I've been wondering how the original Telnet chat systems and MUDs were developed. Back then, most machines were single-processor (single core), so maybe it was done just by funneling everything into a single process? Or maybe they actually dealt with the complexities of mutexes and critical sections and made everything run multithreaded?

I also learned some stuff about file descriptor limits in Linux (and Mac). If you want to run a server that can have a lot of open TCP connections all at once, you'll need to change the file descriptor limit.

I also realized I have things to learn: especially, how to properly test concurrent code. I really need something analogous to a "unit test" for a goroutine, but I haven't figured out a way to do that. I need to either figure out a way to do it or do some research and learn systems other people have figured out. The test program I came up with served to do a basic "stress test" of the system, but feels inadaquate to really guarantee the system is rock solid.


These instructions are for Linux and Mac machines. If you're on a Windows machine, you're going to need Cygwin or MinGW to get SQLite3 working. (The SQLite3 driver for Go requires gcc, and Windows doesn't have it by default.) This is enough of a pain to get working that you might consider just ripping out SQLite3 and using a different database system. The code is written to use the standard "sql" package in Go, so it should be straightforward to switch to any other database that supports that interface. (Or just use a Mac or Linux machine.)

Components you need to get:

$ go get

$ go get

$ go get

You do not need to go get because you'll be using the modified version from this zip file.

move go-telnet-mod to your go/src directory (usually ~/go/src)

go to the go-telnet-mod directory and install it with

$ go install

At this point, you should be able to run the server (daemon) by going to the daemon directory and running:

$ go run *go

If you want to make a compiled executable, use this command:

$ go build wteld.go datastructures.go helper.go channelmaster.go chatchannel.go doppelganger.go servetelnet.go heartbeat.go

This will give you an executable called wteld.

On Mac, I get a linker warning (not error) during the build, but it doesn't seem to prevent the program from running:

ld: warning: building for macOS, but linking in object file (/var/folders/45/b384hxf51kncw9t31j3vgybr0000gn/T/go-link-680455127/go.o) built for 

I think this warning has something to do with how the SQLite3 driver evokes gcc under the hood. But as noted, the system seems to work anyway.

How To Change The Number Of File Descriptors On A Linux System

The standard way to change the number of file descriptors on a Linux system is to edit /etc/sysctl.conf with

    fs.file-max = 8388608

(I'm using 8,388,608 as "large enough number"),


    wayne hard nofile 8388608

(assuming I'm logged in as "wayne" -- substitute your username here)

to /etc/security/limits.conf

and add

    session required

to /etc/pam.d/common-session and /etc/pam.d/common-session-noninteractive .

In my case this didn't turn out to be enough, because I was using Linux Mint with a GUI process that was also imposing a limit. To fix that I added


to /etc/systemd/system.conf . (Don't include the indentation when adding the lines. The indentation is just to make the exposition here clear.)


Packages from GitHub:


The reason bcrypt chosen for password hashing:

bcrypt from:

Ideas followed for getting test client working:

Telnet protocol links:

IRC commands, used for ideas for the commands used in the program:

Instructions for increasing file descriptor limit:

Changes Made To go-telnet:

If you're curious what exactly I changed in the go-telnet package, if you get the original go-telnet (which you don't have to do to build the program) from , if you go to


and find the write64 function, you'll see an "if" block, "if IAC == datum". I just took that "if" block out and left the buffer.WriteByte in its place. That's it.

If I may, a few additional comments on go-telnet. It wraps a TCP connection (net.Conn) in a buffer (go-telnet/server.go line 176 and go-telnet/data_reader.go line 66). Presumably the TCP/IP stack already has a buffer (possibly several) so this seems redundant. I suspect there is unnecessary buffering going on. I considered not using go-telnet at all, and writing the code directly against the Go "net" package. I've done this before and never run into the "io.ErrShortWrite" issue that, according to the comments, is the justification for creating the oi.LongWrite function. It could be that I never saw this because I was writing directly to the "net" package, and ErrShortWrite seems to be part of the "io" package (see ), so unless you're going through the "io" package, you might never see it. In the end, though, I stuck with go-telnet and go-oi because 1) after the initial changes to deal wit the "interpret as command" (IAC) issue, everything worked -- including no sign of performance or scalability problems -- and 2) the fact that it supported TELNETS, the secure, SSL-enabled version of the Telnet protocol, meant that if there was ever a need to use TELNETS, it should be simple to switch the program over.


Telnet chat server that can handle up to about 3,000 simultaneous users






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