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File metadata and controls

412 lines (312 loc) · 21.8 KB

Creating custom SCA policies

An SCA policy looks like the following:

  id: "unix_audit"
  file: "sca_unix_audit.yml"
  name: "System audit for Unix based systems"
  description: "Guidance for establishing a secure configuration for Unix based systems."

  $sshd_file: /etc/ssh/sshd_config,/opt/ssh/etc/sshd_config
  $pam_d_files: /etc/pam.d/common-password,/etc/pam.d/password-auth,/etc/pam.d/system-auth,/etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac,/etc/pam.d/passwd

  title: "Check that the SSH service is installed on the system and password-related files are present on the system"
  description: "Requirements for running the SCA scan against the Unix based systems policy."
  condition: any
    - 'f:$sshd_file'
    - 'f:/etc/passwd'
    - 'f:/etc/shadow'

  - id: 4004
    title: "SSH Hardening - 5: Password Authentication should be disabled"
    description: "The option PasswordAuthentication should be set to no."
    rationale: "The option PasswordAuthentication specifies whether we should use password-based authentication. Use public key authentication instead of passwords."
    remediation: "Change the PasswordAuthentication option value in the sshd_config file."
      - pci_dss: ["2.2.4"]
      - nist_800_53: ["CM.1"]
    condition: all
     - 'f:$sshd_file -> r:^\s*PasswordAuthentication\s*\t*no'

  - id: [...]

As shown in this example, policy files are comprised by four sections, although not all of them are required, as detailed in the :ref:`sca_policy_file_sections` table.

Policy file Sections
Section Required
policy Yes
requirements No
variables No
checks Yes


If the requirements aren't satisfied for a specific policy file, the scan for that file won't start.

Each section has their own fields as described in tables :ref:`sca_policy_file_policy_section`, :ref:`sca_policy_file_requirements_section`, :ref:`sca_policy_file_variables_section`, :ref:`sca_policy_file_checks_section`.

Policy section
Field Mandatory Type Allowed values Allowed values
id Yes String Any string Policy ID
file Yes String Any string Policy filename
name Yes String Any string Policy title
description Yes String Any string Brief description
references No Array of strings Any string Any string
Requirements section
Field Mandatory Type Allowed values
title Yes String Any string
description Yes String Any string
condition Yes String Any string
rules Yes Array of strings Any string
Variables section
Field Mandatory Type Allowed values
variable_name Yes Array of strings Any string


Fields id from policy and checks must be unique across policy files.

Variables are set in the variables section. Their names are preceded by $. For instance,

$list_of_files: /etc/ssh/sshd_config,/etc/sysctl.conf,/var/log/dmesg
$list_of_folders: /etc,/var,/tmp

Checks are the core of an SCA policy, as they describe the checks to be performed in the system. Each check is comprised by several fields as described in table :ref:`sca_policy_file_checks_section`.

Checks section
Field Mandatory Type Allowed values
id Yes Numeric Any integer number
title Yes String Any string
description No String Any string
rationale No String Any string
remediation No String Any string
compliance No Array of arrays of strings Any string
references No Array of strings Any string
condition Yes String all, any, none
rules Yes Array of strings Any string

Check evaluation is governed by its rule result aggregation strategy, as set in its condition field, and the results of the evaluation of its rules.

The condition field specifies how rule results are aggregated in order to calculate the final value of a check, there are three options:

  • all: the check will be evaluated as passed if all of its rules are satisfied, and as failed as soon as one evaluates to failed,
  • any: the check will be evaluated as passed as soon as any of its rules is satisfied,
  • none: the check will be evaluated as passed if none of its rules are satisfied, and as failed as soon as one evaluates to passed.

Special mention deserves how rules evaluated as non-applicable are treated by the aforementioned aggregators.

  • all: If any rule returns non-applicable, and no rule returns failed, the result will be non-applicable.
  • any: The check will be evaluated as non-applicable if no rule evaluates to passed and any returns non-applicable.
  • none: The check will be evaluated as non-applicable if no rule evaluates to passed and any returns non-applicable.
Condition truth-table
Condition \ Rule evaluation passed(s) failed(s) non-applicable(s) Result
all yes no no passed
all indifferent no yes non-applicable
all indifferent yes indifferent failed
any yes indifferent indifferent passed
any no yes no failed
any no indifferent yes non-applicable
none yes indifferent indifferent failed
none no indifferent yes non-applicable
none no yes no passed

Rules can check for existence of files, directories, registry keys and values, running processes, and recursively test for existence of files inside directories. When it comes to content checking, they are able to check for file contents, recursively check for the contents of files inside directories, command output and registry value data.

Abstractly, rules start by a location (and a type of location), that will be the target of the test, followed by the actual the test specification. Such tests fall into two categories: existence and content checks.

There are five main types of rules as described below:

Rule types
Type Character
File f
Directory d
Process p
Commands c
Registry (Windows Only) r

The operators for content checking are:

Content comparison operators
Operation Operator Example
Literal comparison, exact match by omission f:/file -> CONTENT
:doc:`Lightweight Regular expression <../../ruleset/ruleset-xml-syntax/regex>` match r: f:/file -> r:REGEX
Numeric comparison (integers) n: f:/file -> n:REGEX_WITH_CAPTURE_GROUP compare <= VALUE
Numeric comparison operators
Arithmetic relational operator Operator Example
less than < n:SomeProperty (\d) compare < 42
less than or equal to <= n:SomeProperty (\d) compare <= 42
equal to == n:SomeProperty (\d) compare == 42
not equal to != n:SomeProperty (\d) compare != 42
greater than or equal to >= n:SomeProperty (\d) compare >= 42
greater than > n:SomeProperty (\d) compare > 42

A whole rule can be negated using the operator not, which is placed at the beginning of the rule.

not RULE

Example: not f:/some_file -> some_text will fail if some_text is found within the contents of some_file.

By combining the aforementioned rule types and operators, both existence and content checking can be performed.


  • Process rules only allow existence checks.
  • Command rules only allow content (output) checks.

Existence checks are created by setting rules without a content operator, the general form is as follows:


Examples of existence checks:

  • f:/etc/sshd_config checks the existence of file /etc/ssh_config
  • d:/etc checks the existence of directory /etc
  • not p:sshd will test the presence of processes called sshd and fail if one is found.
  • r:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa checks for the existence of that key.
  • r:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -> LimitBlankPasswordUse checks for the existence of value LimitBlankPasswordUse in the key.

The general form of a rule testing for contents is as follows:



  • The context of a content check is limited to a line.
  • Content checks are case-sensitive.
  • It is mandatory to respect the spaces around the -> and compare separators.
  • If the target of a rule that checks for contents does not exist, the result will be non-applicable as it could not be checked.

Content check operator results can be negated by adding a ! before then, for example:

f:/etc/ssh_config -> !r:PermitRootLogin


Be careful when negating content operators as that will make then evaluate as passed for anything that does not match with the check specified. For example rule `f:/etc/ssh_config -> !r:PermitRootLogin` will be evaluated as passed if it finds any line that does not contain PermitRootLogin.

Content check operators can be chained using the operator && (AND) as follows:

f:/etc/ssh_config -> !r:^# && r:Protocol && r:2

This rule reads as Pass if there's a line whose first character is not "#" and contains "Protocol" and "2".


  • It is mandatory to respect the spaces around the && operator.
  • There's no particular order of evaluation between tests chained using the && operator.

Examples of content checks:

  • systemctl is-enabled cups -> r:^enabled checks that the output of the command contains a line starting by enabled.
  • f:$sshd_file -> n:^\s*MaxAuthTries\s*\t*(\d+) compare <= 4 checks that MaxAuthTries is less or equal to 4.
  • r:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa -> LimitBlankPasswordUse -> 1 checks that value of LimitBlankPasswordUse is 1.

The following sections cover each rule type, illustrating them with several examples. It is also recommended to check the actual policies and, for minimalistic although complete examples, the SCA test suite policies.

  • Check that a file exists: f:/path/to/file
  • Check that a file does not exists: not f:/path/to/file
  • Check file contains (whole line literal match): f:/path/to/file -> content
  • Check file contents against regex: f:/path/to/file -> r:REGEX
  • Check a numeric value: f:/path/to/file -> n:REGEX(\d+) compare <= Number
  • Check if a directory exists: d:/path/to/directory
  • Check if a directory contains a file: d:/path/to/directory -> file
  • Check if a directory contains files that match a regex: d:/path/to/directory -> r:^files
  • Check files matching file_name for content: d:/path/to/directory -> file_name -> content
  • Check if a process is running p:process_name
  • Check if a process is not running not p:process_name
  • Check the output of a command c:command -> output
  • Check the output of a command using regex c:command -> r:REGEX
  • Check a numeric value c:command -> n:REGEX_WITH_A_CAPTURE_GROUP compare >= number
  • Check if a registry exists r:path/to/registry
  • Check if a registry key exists r:path/to/registry -> key
  • Check registry key contents r:path/to/registry -> key -> content
  • Check if there is a line that does not begin with # and contains Port 22 f:/etc/ssh/sshd_config -> !r:^# && r:Port\.+22
  • Check if there is no line that does not begin with # and contains Port 22 not f:/etc/ssh/sshd_config -> !r:^# && r:Port\.+22
  • Check for file contents, whole line match: f:/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward -> 1
  • Check if a file exists: f:/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  • Check if a process is running: p:avahi-daemon
  • Check value of registry: r:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters -> MaximumPasswordAge -> 0
  • Check if a directory contains files: d:/home/* -> ^.mysql_history$
  • Check if a directory exists: d:/etc/mysql
  • Check the running configuration of sshd for the maximum authentication tries allowed: c:sshd -T -> !r:^\s*maxauthtries\s+4\s*$
  • Check if root is the only account with UID 0: f:/etc/passwd -> !r:^# && !r:^root: && r:^\w+:\w+:0: