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Installing Wazuh agents on HP-UX endpoints

The installed agent runs on the endpoint you want to monitor and communicates with the Wazuh server, sending data in near real-time through an encrypted and authenticated channel.

  1. To start the installation process, download the HP-UX installer.

  2. Create the wazuh user and group.

    # groupadd wazuh
    # useradd -G wazuh wazuh
  3. Unzip the package in /.

    # tar -xvf wazuh-agent-|WAZUH_CURRENT_HPUX|-|WAZUH_REVISION_HPUX|-hpux-11v3-ia64.tar
  4. Edit /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf and add the Wazuh manager IP address. The agent registers automatically with the manager through enrollment, configuration details can be found in the :doc:`Enrollment section </user-manual/reference/ossec-conf/client>`.

  5. To complete the installation and registration process, start the Wazuh agent service.

    # /sbin/init.d/wazuh-agent start

The installation process is now complete, and the Wazuh agent is successfully installed and registered.

Uninstall a Wazuh agent

To uninstall the agent, follow these steps:

  1. Stop the Wazuh agent service.

    # /var/ossec/bin/wazuh-control stop
  2. Delete wazuh user and group:

    # groupdel wazuh
    # userdel wazuh
  3. Remove Wazuh files.

    # rm -rf /var/ossec

The Wazuh agent is now completely removed from your HP-UX endpoint.