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BridgeCSS is a lightweight set of SCSS mixins and variables that allow for the rapid development of websites and web-based applications.


BridgeCSS was grown out of a simultaneous admiration and frustration with utility-first CSS frameworks like Tailwindcss. Those kinds of frameworks solved two problems simultaneously:

  1. Making it super easy to get started with CSS via predefined colors, fonts, spacing scales etc (essentially a very un-opinionated design system)
  2. Applying that design system via utility classes

BridgeCSS seeks to maintain 1. while using a more traditional approach to CSS for 2. (this is a similar approach as OpenProps, although we have more power since we can use full SCSS instead of just vanilla CSS).

With Bridge we wanted it to be possible to write CSS like:

.element {
  color: $gray-900;
  background-color: $gray-100;
  @include pxy(3, 4);

  @include tablet {
    @include pxy(6, 8);

  @include dark {
    color: $gray-300;
    background-color: $gray-900;

The CSS is just plain SCSS but comes with a whole host of mixins and variables that help with things like responsive design, dark mode, spacing etc.

We have written in more detail about the philosophy here.


The full documentation for BridgeCSS can be found here. It will guide you through the setup process as well as understanding all the available variables / styles.