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BubbleBros Live

Background and Overview

Bubble Bros is a video game where each level an increasing number of bubbles generate. The player uses a grappling hook gun to shoot upwards. The hook stays for a few second and if a bubble hits the line of the hook it will pop into increasingly smaller bubbles. Once the player has destroyed all of the bubbles they win the level.

Canvas Layering


  const hud = document.getElementById('hud');
  hud.width = Game.DIM_X_HUD;
  hud.height= Game.DIM_Y_HUD;
  const ctxHUD = hud.getContext('2d');

  const background = document.getElementById('background');
  background.width = Game.DIM_X;
  background.height = Game.DIM_Y
  const ctxBG = background.getContext('2d');

  const player = document.getElementById('player');
  player.width = Game.DIM_X;
  player.height = Game.DIM_Y_HUD;
  const ctxPLAYER = player.getContext('2d');

Because HTML Canvas does not support layering, I used three different canvas elements that are responsible for drawing different parts of the game, and then z-indexed them with CSS in order to produce a layering effect.

Grappling Hook

  fireGrapple() {
    const time = new Date();
    if (time - this.lastFire > GRAPPLE_TIMEOUT && !this.dying && ! && this.gravity === 0) {
      this.sprite = FIRE_GRAPPLE_ANIMATION;
      this.spriteIndex = 0;

      this.lastFire = time;
      setTimeout(() => {
        const grapple = new Grapple({
          pos: [this.pos[0] + 27, this.pos[1] + 32],
        this.sprite = STANDING_ANIMATION;
      }, 100)

When the player tries to fire the grappling hook, I first check if it has been long enough since the last time they fired, based on a grapple timeout constant defined on the outer scope. Then I check to make sure the player has not already been hit by a bubble, that the level has actually started, and that they are not currently falling from a platform. If all of those checks are passed, their sprite is switched to a firing grapple sprite, and then after a very short timeout the grapple is fired and the time that it was fired is stored.


This project will be implemented with the following technologies:

  • Vanilla javascript for for overall structure and game logic
  • HTML5 Canvas for DOM Manipulation and rendering
  • Webpack to bundle various scripts