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This role controls an Apache service on Linux servers. This role supports a "restricted" mode when your User on the target host has not the appropriate privilege escalation rights and has to work with e.g. sudo.


This role requires Ansible 2.7 or higher and works with Apache 2.2 or higher. The role requires an Apache service that can be controlled with the Ansible service module to be installed on the target machine when not running in restricted mode.

Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with their default values:

apache_service_restricted_mode: false

Enables / disables the restricted mode to work with customized commands like sudo.

apache_service_state: started

Desired state of the service. Possible values: started, stopped, restarted, noop.

# apache_service_name:

The name of the service to be controlled (OS family related).

# apache_service_start_command:

Overwrites the default (service manager related) start command.

# apache_service_stop_command:

Overwrites the default (service manager related) stop command.

# apache_service_status_command:

Overwrites the default (service manager related) status command.


This role has no hard dependencies.

Example Playbook

Stops the apache2 service:

- hosts: webserver
    - role: wcm_io_devops.apache_service
      apache_service_state: stopped


Apache 2.0