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File metadata and controls

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Records access and manipulation
2012-10-01 07:39:11 UTC

Implement object based storage with indexing support.


Auto generated identifiers are incremented integers. The next identifier is obtained from a key named as {s.db}:{}_incr. All the identifiers are stored as a Redis set in a key named as {s.db}:{}_#{identifier}.


Records data is stored as a single hash named as {s.db}:{}:{idenfitier}. The hash keys map to the record properties and the hash value map to the values associated with each properties.

Regular indexes

Regular index are stored inside multiple sets, named as {s.db}:{}_{property}:{value}. There is one key for each indexed value and its associated value is a set containing all the identifiers of the records whose property match the indexed value.

Unique indexes

Unique indexes are stored inside a single hash key named as {s.db}:{}_{property}. Inside the hash, keys are the unique values associated to the indexed property and values are the record identifiers.


Return all records. Similar to the find method with far less options and a faster implementation.


Remove all the records and the references poiting to them. This function takes no other argument than the callback called on error or success.

callback Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • count Number of removed records on success


ron.get('users').clear (err, count) ->
    return console.error "Failed: #{err.message}" if err
    console.log "#{count} records removed"


Count the number of records present in the database.

Counting all the records:

Users.count, (err, count) ->
    console.log 'count users', count

count(property, values, callback)

Count the number of one or more values for an indexed property.

Counting multiple values:

Users.get 'users', properties:
    user_id: identifier: true
    job: index: true
Users.count 'job' [ 'globtrotter', 'icemaker' ], (err, counts) ->
    console.log 'count globtrotter', counts[0]
    console.log 'count icemaker', counts[1]

create(records, [options], callback)

Insert one or multiple record. The records must not already exists in the database or an error will be returned in the callback. Only the defined properties are inserted.

The records passed to the function are returned in the callback enriched their new identifier property.

records Record object or array of record objects.

options Options properties include:

  • identifiers Return only the created identifiers instead of the records.
  • validate Validate the records.
  • properties Array of properties to be returned.
  • milliseconds Convert date value to milliseconds timestamps instead of Date objects.
  • seconds Convert date value to seconds timestamps instead of Date objects.

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • records Records with their newly created identifier.

Records are not validated, it is the responsability of the client program calling create to either call validate before calling create or to passs the validate options.

exists(records, callback)

Check if one or more record exist. The existence of a record is based on its id or any property defined as unique. The provided callback is called with an error or the records identifiers. The identifiers respect the same structure as the provided records argument. If a record does not exists, its associated return value is null.

records Record object or array of record objects.

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • identifier Record identifiers or null values.

get(records, [options], callback)

Retrieve one or multiple records. Records that doesn't exists are returned as null. If options is an array, it is considered to be the list of properties to retrieve. By default, unless the force option is defined, only the properties not yet defined in the provided records are fetched from Redis.

options All options are optional. Options properties include:

  • properties Array of properties to fetch, all properties unless defined.
  • force Force the retrieval of properties even if already present in the record objects.
  • accept_null Skip objects if they are provided as null.
  • object If true, return an object where keys are the identifier and value are the fetched records

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if the command failed.
  • records Object or array of object if command succeed. Objects are null if records are not found.

id(records, callback)

Generate new identifiers. The first arguments records may be the number of ids to generate, a record or an array of records.

identify(records, [options], callback)

Extract record identifiers or set the identifier to null if its associated record could not be found.

The method doesn't hit the database to validate record values and if an id is provided, it wont check its existence. When a record has no identifier but a unique value, then its identifier will be fetched from Redis.

records Record object or array of record objects.

options Options properties include:

  • accept_null Skip objects if they are provided as null.
  • object Return an object in the callback even if it recieve an id instead of a record.

Use reverse index lookup to extract user ids:

Users.get 'users', properties:
    user_id: identifier: true
    username: unique: true [
    {username: 'username_1'}
    {username: 'username_2'}
], (err, ids) ->
    should.not.exist err
    console.log ids

Use the object option to return records instead of ids:

Users.get 'users', properties:
    user_id: identifier: true
    username: unique: true [
    1, {user_id: 2} ,{username: 'username_3'}
], object: true, (err, users) ->
    should.not.exist err
    ids = for user in users then user.user_id
    console.log ids

list([options], callback)

List records with support for filtering and sorting.

options Options properties include:

  • direction One of asc or desc, default to asc.
  • identifiers Return an array of identifiers instead of the record objects.
  • milliseconds Convert date value to milliseconds timestamps instead of Date objects.
  • properties Array of properties to be returned.
  • operation Redis operation in case of multiple where properties, default to union.
  • seconds Convert date value to seconds timestamps instead of Date objects.
  • sort Name of the property by which records should be ordered.
  • where Hash of property/value used to filter the query.

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • records Records fetched from Redis.

Using the union operation:

    where: group: ['admin', 'redis']
    operation: 'union'
    direction: 'desc'
, (err, users) ->
    console.log users

An alternative syntax is to bypass the where option, the exemple above could be rewritten as:

    group: ['admin', 'redis']
    operation: 'union'
    direction: 'desc'
, (err, users) ->
    console.log users

remove(records, callback)

Remove one or several records from the database. The function will also handle all the indexes referencing those records.

records Record object or array of record objects.

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • removed Number of removed records.

Removing a single record:

Users.remove id, (err, removed) ->
    console.log "#{removed} user removed"

update(records, [options], callback)

Update one or several records. The records must exists in the database or an error will be returned in the callback. The existence of a record may be discovered through its identifier or the presence of a unique property.

records Record object or array of record objects.

options Options properties include:

  • validate Validate the records.

callback Called on success or failure. Received parameters are:

  • err Error object if any.
  • records Records with their newly created identifier.

Records are not validated, it is the responsability of the client program to either call validate before calling update or to passs the validate options.

Updating a single record:

    username: 'my_username'
    age: 28
, (err, user) -> console.log user