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WDI project #2 / WishList

Concept: WishList is a web application that allows the user to create a list of 'wants' and 'haves'. The user creates these items and applies a category and a list of attributes to the items. On the users homepage (WishList) the user can view their 'wants', their 'haves', and all other users 'haves'.

Stakeholders = Chris Kim, Tristan Marshall

Landing Page

alt image

Registration / signup




Create Item


Users WishList


Note the "WishList" logo (red logo in header) was illustrated & vectorized by Tristan Marshall

Technologies used in creating this application:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Sinatra
  • Active Record
  • Inkscape
  • SQL
  • Ruby
  • PostgreSQL
  • Bootstrap

How to install and run

  • Clone this repository.
  • Navigate to the directory it is stored in.
  • bundle the Gemfile
  • Rub the migration.sql file in Postgres to generate the required databases.
  • Run "bundle exec rackup" in your terminal
  • Browse to localhost:9292

User Stories

High Priority: (required project scope)

  • I need a way to login to the site
  • I need to create my list of wants
  • I need to create my list of haves
  • I need to be able to edit and delete items off my list of haves and wants.

Medium Priority:

  • I want to delete matches if it's not really what I'm looking for
  • I want to be able to add more attributes to refine my wants and haves
  • I need see a list of potential matches
  • I need a way to connect to my match

Low Priority:

  • I want to be able to refine my search query to a specific geographic area
  • I would like a way to reduce error by handling exceptions (i.e. bicycle != bike)
  • I would like to add photos to the items on my list

Wireframe Image of website Image of dashboard Image of Database design