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The jobs gem is focused with managing jobs in a Rails 4.x application and adds a persisted jobs table to your store. It offers a 'public' searchable index of vacancies - and an admin interface to signed in users for adding, editing and deleting jobs.

The jobs gem does not require you to install other gems - but if you do install the 'jobber' gem, it will show a sidebar on the public index if the jobber is signed in, with jobs currently assigned to the jobber. And likewise on the admin index; any selected job will show the jobber(s) assigned to the job.

Current state

Build Status

Gem Version

Coverage Status


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jobs', path: "vendor/engines/jobs"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jobs


TODO: Write usage instructions here - include screenshots and a short video to demonstrate features


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request

Building the gem

Documenting the build process is instructional only - it has no influence on how the gem works and you do not have to complete any of these tasks to use the gem!

  1.  install or update bundler, ruby and rubygems respectively
  2.  run `bundle gem jobs`
  3.  add dependencies to jobs/jobs.gemspec
  4.  add task to Rakefile
  5.  add 'spec' folder and first test file within, jobs\_spec.rb and it's helper: spec\_helper.rb
  6.  add 'Guardfile' and contents
  7.  add repository to
  8.  add integration
  9.  add code coverage integration
  10. add coveralls gem to jobs.gemspec
  11. add coveralls helper to our spec_helper
  12. add badges to the README for CI, RubyGem, and Coveralls 
  13. finish the job.gemspec
  14. do a first build of the gem with `gem build jobs.gemspec`
  15. do a first install of the gem with `gem install ./jobs-0.0.2.gem`
  16. do a first release with 
    • rake build
    • rake install
    • rake release
  17. make the gem a mountable Rails Engine - following the [Rails Engine Guide]( transposing the blorgh to jobs
    • watch out for engine test_helper.rb not set up correct - see rails/rails#4971 and the b72ecc0 and 2317655 commits
  18. cleaning up test/dummy/db and .gitignore and bump version to .5
  19. made TravisCI build - and Coveralls show test coverage - on JRuby and MRI


Keep a tab on vacant and assigned jobs on SL2017







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