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version number: 0.0.1 author: Will McGinnis


A simple framework for complex decisions.

Simulating and Predicting uncertain decisions

Petersburg is a framework based on the decision theoretic concept of an individual agent approaching a network of discrete decisions or probabilistic options. We model these networks as directed acyclic graphs that have a few extra concepts:

  • Node Payoff: a potential reward for reaching some point
  • Edge Cost: a cost of taking a certain path
  • Edge Weight: a term related to the conditional likelihood of that edge being traversed (either a static number of classification model)

Using petersburg, you can:

  • Build graphs for a problem and understand
    • The most likely outcomes
    • The worst/best case scenarios
    • The choices or events which impact the outcome the most
    • The highest or most optimal costs for an edge
  • Build graphs for a problem and predict
    • Most likely outcome given some feature data with high accuracy even if intermediate decisions aren't well defined
    • Distributions of outcomes
    • Build static graphs from classifier based models and a sample of new data to perform the above analyses

All in all, it's pretty neat.

Installation / Usage

To install use pip:

$ pip install petersburg

Or clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ python install



Example Static Graph

Here is a simple example of simulating the St. Petersburg Paradox game, with some slight variations. In this case the entrance fee is $10, and the game only has a maximum of 10,000 flips and is played 10,000,000 times.

from petersburg import Graph

if __name__ == '__main__':
    g = Graph()

    # st petersburg paradox w/ $10 entrance fee and only 10000 possible flips
    entrance_fee = 10
    gd = {1: {'payoff': 0, 'after': []}, 2: {'payoff': 0, 'after': [{'node_id': 1, 'cost': entrance_fee}]}}
    nn = 3
    for idx in range(10000):
        node_id = 2 * (idx + 1)
        payoff = 2 ** (idx + 1)
        gd[nn] = {'payoff': payoff, 'after': [{'node_id': node_id, 'cost': 0, 'weight': 1}]}
        nn += 1
        gd[nn] = {'payoff': 0, 'after': [{'node_id': node_id, 'cost': 0, 'weight': 1}]}
        nn += 1

    outcomes = []
    for _ in range(10000000):

    print('\n\nSimulated Output')

Via simulation, the outcome of this is a profit of: $197,592,288. This will, of course, vary depending on the run, but will approach infinity as the number of games goes to infinity, regardless of cost-to-play.

Example Prediction

There are two prediction objects, both of which are scikit-learn style classes.

  • MixedModeEstimator
  • FrequencyEstimator

Both have full working examples in the examples/estimation/* directory.


a simple framework for simulating complex decisions







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