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Pluralsight Course - Javascript Development Environment

While working at Leaflink, I set out on a new OKR to learn more about Web Development. I searched far and wide and discovered this course on Pluralsight, by Cory House. This was by far one of the most useful courses I have ever taken. I learned many high value skills and processes.

Tech Stack

Client: Babel, Chalk, Eslint, Faker, Mocha, Webpack

Server: Node, Express, Localtunnel, Surge

NPM Scripts

    "generate-mock-data": "Generates a mock data file in src/services/api.",
    "lint:watch": "Watches local file changes for linting errors and warnings.",
    "lint": "Run ESLint to find any linting errors and warnings.",
    "localtunnel": "Creates a development webserver.",
    "open:src": "Run src-server for local development.",
    "prelocaltunnel": "Display message before creating development server.",
    "prestart": "Display message before starting local server.",
    "share": "Starts a local server and development webserver.",
    "start-mockapi": "Starts a JSON server for serving mock data.",
    "start": "Starts local server for local development, spins up linting, test watchers and mock api server with mock data.",
    "test:watch": "Watch for local test changes.",
    "test": "Run all local test.",
    "clean-dist": "Deletes and recreates dist folder.",
    "prebuild": "Runs before build, cleans dist folder, run testing and linting.",
    "build": "Builds app for production.",
    "postbuild": "Starts dist server after build.",
    "deploy": "Deploy static UI from dist folder."


