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This repository contains the data on verified locations for NYC City-Funded Social Service Contracts (obtained from the open data portal on Nov. 15, 2021).

The data has been added to a sqlite3 database nyc.db for its exploration using datasette.

Run this locally

First, clone this repository. In your terminal,

# using GitHub's CLI tool (`brew install gh`)
gh repo clone we-are-alluma/nyc-social-services-data

# OR using git
git clone

Go to the directory (cd nyc-social-services-data)

Then create a new python virtual environment. If you are familiar and have a preference, you can use whatever virtual environment tool you would like. We suggest using the python standard library's venv

# Use python 3
python3 -m venv .venv

Next step, activate the environment

# in Linux/MacOS
source .venv/bin/activate

# in Windows

and install the requirements.txt

python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

This will provide you all the tools needed to manipulate the data but, more importantly, it will also install datasette which is the tool we will be using to explore the data.

Launch datasette

Now that you have all the packages installed you can run

datasette data/nyc.db

from the parent directory and visit your http://localhost:8001 to explore the data.

Run this on the browser using Codespaces

This is the easiest way to get started.

Just visit:

In the terminal run pip install -r requirements.txt to install all packages (they might be already installed).

After, run datasette data/nyc.db and click the button Open in browser in the notification letting you know that datasette is running and being forwarded to the specified URL.


Exploring NYC social services data and its taxonomy



