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use next generation JS in your CouchDB apps.

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couchify uses babel to transpile your modular ES2015 application code into ES5, and will recursively analyze the require() calls in order to build a flat representation of your application's dependency tree in CouchDB.


With npm or yarn, do:

npm install couchify


Following example shows how you can create a show function which uses gamma module from npm.

So, given this directory structure:

├── shows/
│   └── foo.js
└── bar.js

foo.js looks like this:

export default ({ require }) => () => {
    const gamma = require('gamma')
    return require('../bar').x + gamma(5) + '\n'

couchify needs to know where your list/update/view/show/etc functions are located in the first place. By default, it assumes that they are under the baseDocumentsDir you provided, so, by default, view functions are searched in the views folder, show functions in the shows, and so on.

Unlike normal CouchDB functions, you need to explicitly provide the CouchDB globals (e.g. require, emit and so on) into these functions. This makes it possible to test your functions easily during development. Just use require() in your design functions how you would normally use it in other places, and everything will be fine.

and bar.js (which is only put there to demonstrate that you can require() from anywhere):

export const x = 'fruits'

in this case, a hypothetical foo.js test could look like this:

const assert = require('assert')
const foo = require('./shows/foo')({ require }) /* providing 'require' here */
const doc = { n: 555 }
assert.equal(foo(doc), 'fruits' + 3.345252661316333e+49)

and you can deploy it with:

λ ~ couchify myapp/ --name myapp --db mydb

and test the show API using cURL:

λ ~ curl -X GET


const couchify = require('couchify').couchify

couchify expects some CouchifyOptions and returns a Promise. When this promise is resolved, you get a design document JSON back.

type CouchifyOptions = {
    id?: string
    baseDocumentsDir?: string
    babelPlugins?: any[]
    babelPresets?: any[]
    filtersDir?: string
    listsDir?: string
    showsDir?: string
    updatesDir?: string
    viewsDir?: string
    globIgnorePatterns?: string[]
  • id is the design document ID (without the _design/ part).
  • baseDocumentsDir is where your source code is located. This directory should contain at least one of the filtersDir, listsDir, showsDir, updatesDir or viewsDir directories. These are respectively is been set to: filters, lists, shows, updates and views.
  • By default, couchify only applies ES2015 preset, you can add extra Babel plugins and presets with babelPlugins and babelPresets options.

Custom fields

You can customize the design document by adding a template.json to the base folder. Its contents will be merged with the final design document.

For more advanced templating, you can use a template.js-file exporting a function instead. The function will be called with the CouchifyOptions to produce the template.

For example:

module.exports = options => ({
  version: require('../package.json').version,
  rewrites: [
      from: '',
      to: 'index.html',
      method: 'GET',
      query: {}


const deploy = require('couchify').deploy

Deploy a CouchDB design document.

type DeployOptions = {
    remote: string
    db: string
    doc: DesignDocument
    timeout?: number


couchify DIR [OPTIONS]

  --db           Database name.         [default: default]
  -n, --name     Design document name.  [default: default]
  -r, --remote   CouchDB endpoint.      [default: http://localhost:5984]
  -t, --timeout  CouchDB timeout (ms).  [default: 5000]
  --filters-dir  Filters directory.     [default: filters]
  --lists-dir    Lists directory.       [default: lists]
  --shows-dir    Shows directory.       [default: shows]
  --updates-dir  Updates directory.     [default: updates]
  --views-dir    Views directory.       [default: views]
  -y, --dry      Dry run.               [default: false]
  -v, --version  Show version number.
  -h, --help     Show this message.

Design document name must be unique per database. It is set to default, by default.

When --dry flag is set, couchify will only output the design document JSON and not deploy it.



See the Issues page for a list of known bugs & planned features.


To install dependencies, do:


Start TypeScript compiler in watch mode:

npm run build -- --watch

Run linter:

npm run lint

Run tests:

npm run test