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React context locale

Tool for localize application.

<span>{t("Wrong phone format", "errors")}</span>


Using npm:

$ npm install --save @sho-js/react-context-locale



You must provide locale setting and controls with LocaleProvider:

    onSameTranslation={({currentLocale, category, value}) => `Translated string is same as key ${currentLocale}:${category}:${value}`}
    onMissingTranslation={({currentLocale, category, value}) => `Missing translation ${currentLocale}:${category}:${value}`}
    onLocaleChanged={(currentLocale) => console.log(`Locale changed to ${currentLocale}`)}
    availableLocales={["ru", "en", "gb"]}
    storage={new Storage()}
    // ...


  • availableLocales - list of available locales.
  • baseLocale - locale, that used as key for translation.
  • commonTranslations - object, that contains common translations.
  • onLocaleChanged - will called, when locale was changed. Optional.
  • onSameTranslation - will called, when translated string is same as key. Optional.
  • defaultLocale - locale, that will be used on did mount. Optional. Default is same as baseLocale.
  • storage - object, that implements translations storage. Optional. If not passed, will be created automatically.
  • onMissingTranslation - will called, when translation key does not found in storage. Optional. If not passed, string with error description will be returned.

Note: Pass storage prop, only if you need to access it from outside, in other cases it does not needed

Translations object example:

    "gb": {
        "errors": {
            "Неверный формат": "Falsches Format"
    "en": {
        "errors": {
            "Неверный формат": "Wrong format"

Note: In this example ru locale is used as base locale, so it not needed for translation.

Note: Categories name are not translatable


To register new translation, use RegisterCategory component:

<RegisterCategory categoryName="testCategory" translations={{en: "Тест": "Test"}}>
    // ...

In storage it will be:

    "en": {
        "testCategory": {
            "Тест": "Test"


  • categoryName - new category name
  • translations - object, that contains new category translations

Note: Categories must be unique. If it doesn't, last registered category will be used and other will be deleted


To translate string you must wrap it into the Translator component:

<RegisterCategory categoryName="testCategory" translations={Translations}>
        <Translator category="mainPage" render={(translated: string) => <span data-name={translated}/>}>
            Тестовый перевод


  • category - category name. Optional. In this case default are testCategory
  • render - function, that return executing result to Translator render method. Optional. If not passed, string will be returned

Or you can also use t function:

<span>{t("Тестовый перевод", "mainPage")}</span>

Note: t function just return Translator component


For controlling switching locale, use SingleLanguageSwitcher or MultipleLanguageSwitcher component.

SingleLanguageSwitcher will render single button, that will change locale in the same sequence, than locales declared in availableLocales:

    render={(label: string, locale: string) => <span data-locale={locale}>{label}</span>}
    localeLabels={{ru: "RUS", en: "ENG", gb: "GER"}} 


  • localeLabels - label, that will be displayed in button, according to current locale. Optional. If not passed, original locale name will be displayed
  • render - function, that return executing result to SingleLanguageSwitcher render method. Optional. If not passed, string will be returned

MultipleLanguageSwitcher will render count of buttons according to available locales length:

    render={(label: string, locale: string) => <span data-locale={locale}>{label}</span>}
    localeLabels={{ru: "RUS", en: "ENG", gb: "GER"}} 


  • activeClassName - class name that will be appending to button with according active locale. Optional. Default - active


If you need to display some markup only for specified locale, use OnLocale component:

<OnLocale locale="en">
    <span>You see this, because you selected `en` locale</span>


  • locale - locale on which showing markup


It is only necessary to indicate the forms of the declined word in different situations:

    <Translator category="mainPage" params={{n: 10}}>
        There _PLR(n! 0:are no cats, 1:is one cat, other:are # cats)!


    {t("There _PLR(n! 0:are no cats, 1:is one cat, other:are # cats)!", "mainPage", {n: 10})}


  • params - contains string arguments
  • _PLR(*argument*! ...rules) - plural string

Will render:

<span>There are 10 cats!</span>

Available rules:

Rule Meaning
0 means zero
1 corresponds to exactly 1
one 21, 31, 41 and so on
few from 2 to 4, from 22 to 24 and so on
many 0, from 5 to 20, from 25 to 30 and so on
other for all other numbers
# is replaced by the value of the argument

Substring replacement:

    <Translator params={{where: "There", who: "are no cats"}}>
        [where] [who]

Will render:

    There are no cats

Context API

LocaleProvider component provide React Context. You can consume it for creating your own components.


  • registerCategory - method for registering a new category.
  • translate - method for translating string. Return translated string.
  • setLocale - method for setting new current locale.
  • availableLocales - array, that contains available locales.
  • currentLocale - string, that matches to current locale.
  • baseLocale - string, that matches to base locale.



If you need translate string outside layout (for example in bootstrap file) or if you need raw string instead of Translator component, use StorageTranslator helper:

// pass base locale by second argument
const t = StorageTranslator(storage, "ru");

<meta content={t("Current year: [year]", "Meta", { year: (new Date()).getFullYear() })}/>

You can initialize storage object by yourself, but highly recommended use instantiated object:

const controlledStorage = new Storage({
    initialLocale: "ru",
    initialRecords: {   
        "en": {
            "errors": {
                "Неверный формат": "Wrong format"
// ...
<LocaleProvider storage={controlledStorage} {...LocaleProviderProps}>
    // ...
// ...
const t = StorageTranslator(controlledStorage, "ru");


  • initialLocale is the same as defaultLocale prop for LocaleProvider.
  • initialRecords is the same as commonTranslations prop for LocaleProvider.

So if you pass initial params to Storage, you dont need to pass according props to LocaleProvider.


You can also use react-router-dom to navigate on app with locale prefix in url:

    <LangLink to="/index" {...NavLinkProps}>Home</LangLink>

Note: This component use react-router-dom context


  • NavLinkProps - props of NavLink component

Will render if current locale is same as base locale:

<a href="/index">Home</a>

Will render if current locale is ua:

<a href="/ua/index">Home</a>