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Data visualization library for ClojureScript and React

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Let it be printed

A ClojureScript library for visualizing a data structure as a React component.

It's designed primarily to work with Brutha, but should also be usable from other React-based libraries.


To install, add the following to your project :dependencies:

[imprimatur "0.1.3"]


Imprimatur provides a print function that returns a component visualizing a data structure.

(ns example.core
  (:require [brutha.core :as br]
            [imprimatur.core :as imp]))

(def main (.getElementById js/document "main"))

(br/mount (imp/print {:root "Hello World"}) main)

This will display the "Hello World" string in the element with an id of main.

You can also visualize collections:

(br/mount (imp/print {:root {:foo "bar"}}))

However, you may notice that in this case, the collection is displayed like:


This is because collections are closed by default. To open the collection we need to set its visibility:

(imp/print {:root {:foo "bar"}, :visibility {}})

Visibility is defined as a data structure. If the result of:

(get-in visibility keys)

Is truthy, then the collection indexed by keys will be open. If not, it will be closed. For example:

(imp/print {:root {:a {:b {:c :d} :e {:f :g}}}
            :visibility {:a {:b {}}}})

This opens the data structure at :a and :b, but not at :e. The visualization will resemble:

{:a {:b {:c :d} :e {...}}}

Another way of generating the visibility data structure is to use the open and close functions:

(-> nil (imp/open [:a :b]))
=> {:a {:b {}}}

To allow the end user to change the visibility, you'll need to set an :on-toggle handler. This function is called when the user clicks one of the toggle buttons. You can use it to change the visibility.

For example:

(def data {:a {:b {:c :d} :e {:f :g}}})

(def visibility (atom nil))

(defn render []
    {:root       data
     :visibility @visibility
     :on-toggle  #(swap! visibility imp/toggle %)})

(add-watch visibility :change (fn [_ _ _ _] (render)))


The toggle function will open a collection if it's closed, or close a collection if it's open.

Look in the example directory of the repository for a more detailed example.


Copyright © 2016 James Reeves

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Data visualization library for ClojureScript and React




