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File metadata and controls

236 lines (173 loc) · 6.95 KB


Lobos is a library to create and manipulate abstract SQL database schemas and applying them to any supported RDBMS that support a flexible migrations mechanism. It is based on the original ClojureQL but exclude the query language part which is better handled by the new ClojureQL project.

This is currently an early release, use it at your own risk. You can have a look at the roadmap for more information about future releases and consult the history to see what have been done.

Lobos supports H2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and SQL Server. You'll need to add the relevant JDBC driver manually. For SQLite you'll need a custom SQLite JDBC driver.

You may also be interested in joining the Lobos Google Group.


Here's a quick overview of how it works in its current state. For more in depth documentation you can refer to the commented code for the front-end.


First you'll need to use at least the following namespaces:

(use 'lobos.connectivity

Then you'll need a connection. The following example define a connection and makes it the default global connection:

(def db
     {:classname "org.postgresql.Driver"
      :subprotocol "postgresql"
      :user "test"
      :password "test123"
      :subname "//localhost:5432/test"})

(open-global db)

You can send DDL statements (called actions) directly to a connected database like this:

user> (create db (table :users (integer :id :unique)))

You can omit the connection altogether. In that case, actions will use the connection bound by with-connection or the default one.

user> (drop (table :users))

More Complex Example

Lobos supports a comprehensive set of features for creating tables. Here's a more complex example using custom helpers to define a complete schema:

(ns sample-schema
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [alter compile drop
                            bigint boolean char double float time])
  (:use (lobos core schema)))

(defn surrogate-key [table]
  (integer table :id :auto-inc :primary-key))

(defn datetime-tracked [table]
  (-> table
      (timestamp :updated_on)
      (timestamp :created_on (default (now)))))

(defn refer-to [table ptable]
  (let [cname (-> (->> ptable name butlast (apply str))
                  (str "_id")
    (integer table cname [:refer ptable :id :on-delete :set-null])))

(defmacro tbl [name & elements]
  `(-> (table ~name

(def sample-schema
  (schema :lobos
   (tbl :users
    (varchar :name 100 :unique)
    (check :name (> (length :name) 1)))

   (tbl :posts
    (varchar :title 200 :unique)
    (text :content)
    (refer-to :users))

   (tbl :comments
    (text :content)
    (refer-to :users)
    (refer-to :posts))))

Then you can use the create action to create that schema:

user> (use 'sample-schema)
user> (create sample-schema)

Altering Tables

There's also the alter action which let you manipulate tables:

user> (alter :add (table :users (text :about-me)))
user> (alter :add (table :users
                    (text :location)
                    (text :occupation)))
user> (alter :add (table :comments (check :comment-limit (< (length :content) 144))))
user> (alter :modify (table :users (column :location (default "Somewhere"))))
user> (alter :drop (table :users (column :occupation)))
user> (alter :rename (table :users (column :location :to :origin)))

Dropping Schema Elements

The drop action has the optional behavior parameter that works even on database without built-in support for it:

user> (drop sqlserver-spec (table :users) :cascade)


You can always set the debug level to see the compiled statement:

user> (set-debug-level :sql)
user> (create (table :users (integer :id :unique)))
CREATE TABLE "lobos"."users" ("id" INTEGER, CONSTRAINT "unique_id" UNIQUE ("id"))

As you can see Lobos use delimited identifiers by default and schema qualified identifiers when an action use a schema.


Lobos records each actions and include a set of commands to create migrations, run and rollbacks them. When you execute an action, the call used will be recorded inside a stash file found in .lobos_stash.clj.

user> (create (table :users (integer :id)))
user> (print-stash)

(create (table :users (integer :id)))

Recorded actions can be dumped into one or more migrations using the dump command:

user> (dump 'create-users)

This command will create a migration definition into the migration file (located in src/lobos/migrations.clj by default) for all action found in the stash file.

Then you can use the run and rollback commands:

user> (rollback)
user> (run)

The dump command will automatically generate the undo method for some actions.

There's also three print commands to look where you are into the migration process: print-stash, print-pending and print-done.


Lobos includes a database analyzer which use the database meta-data or information schema to construct an abstract schema definition from an actual database schema. This feature is only experimental for the moment and is used internally integration testing.

user> (use 'lobos.analyzer)
user> (analyze-schema :test)
user> (-> :test analyze-schema :elements :users :columns :name)
user> (-> :test analyze-schema :elements :posts :constraints :posts_fkey_user_id)

This feature may eventually be split into its own project and is quite limited in its current form. Currently it doesn't support check or foreign keys constraints and has very limited support for parsing SQL expressions.


Lobos is available through Clojars.

For the latest release, in Cake/Leiningen:

[lobos "0.8.0-SNAPSHOT"]

in Maven:



Copyright (C) 2011 Nicolas Buduroi. All rights reserved

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See the file epl-v10.html in the project root directory.