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See the requirements.

At its highest level, the idea is that we start with a certain IP address space, known to all peers, and divide it up between the peers. This allows peers to allocate and free individual IPs locally until they run out.

We use a CRDT to represent shared knowledge about the space, transmitted over the Weave Gossip mechanism, together with point-to-point messages for one peer to request more space from another.

The allocator running at each peer also has an http interface which the container infrastructure (e.g. the Weave script, or a Docker plugin) uses to request IP addresses.

Schematic of IP allocation in operation


The commands supported by the allocator via the http interface are:

  • Allocate: request one IP address for a container in a subnet
  • Lookup: fetch the previously-allocated IP address for a container in a subnet
  • Free: return an IP address that is currently allocated
  • Claim: request a specific IP address for a container (e.g. because it is already using that address)

Each http request either specifies a subnet, or if no subnet is specified this is taken as a request to allocate in a pre-defined default subnet.

The allocator also watches via the Docker event mechanism: if a container dies then all IP addresses allocated to that container are freed.


  1. Allocations. We use the word 'allocation' to refer to a specific IP address being assigned, e.g. so it can be given to a container.

  2. Range. Most of the time, instead of dealing with individual IP addresses, we operate on them in contiguous groups, for which we use the word "range".

  3. Ring. We consider the address space as a ring, so ranges wrap around from the highest address to the lowest address.

  4. Peer. A Peer is a node on the Weave network. It can own zero or more ranges.

The Allocation Process

When a peer owns some range(s), it can allocate freely from within those ranges to containers on the same machine. If it runs out of space in a subnet (all owned ranges are full), it will ask another peer for space:

  • it picks a peer to ask at random, weighted by the amount of space owned by each peer in the subnet
    • if the target peer decides to give up space, it unicasts a message back to the asker with the newly-updated ring.
    • if the target peer has no space, it unicasts a message back to the asker with its current copy of the ring, on the basis that the requestor must have acted on out-of-date information.
  • it will continue to ask for space until it receives some, or its copy of the ring tells it all peers are full in that subnet.

Claiming an address

If a Weave process is restarted, in most cases it will hear from another peer which ranges it used to own, but it needs to know which individual IP addresses are assigned to containers in order to avoid giving the same address out in subsequent allocation requests. The weave script invokes the claim command in populate_ipam to do this.

When the Allocator is told to claim an address, there are four possibilities:

  • the address is outside of the space managed by this Allocator, in which case we ignore the request.
  • the address is owned by this peer, in which case we record the address as being assigned to a particular container and return success.
  • the address is owned by a different peer, in which case we return failure.
  • we have not yet heard of any address ranges being owned by anyone, in which case we wait until we do hear.

This approach fails if the peer does not hear from another peer about the ranges it used to own, e.g. if all peers in a network partition are restarted at once.

The Ring CRDT

We use a Convergent Replicated Data Type - a CRDT - so that peers can make changes concurrently and communicate them without central coordination. To achieve this, we arrange that peers only make changes to the data structure in ranges that they own (except under administrator command - see later).

The data structure is a set of tokens, each containing the name of an owning peer. A peer can own many ranges. Each token is placed at the start address of a range, and the set is kept ordered so each range goes from one token to the next. Each range on the ring includes the start address but does not include the end address (which is the start of the next range). Ranges wrap, so the 'next' token after the last one is the first token.

Tokens on the Ring

In more detail:

  • Each token is a tuple {peer name, version}, placed at an IP address.
  • Peer names are taken from Weave: they are unique and survive across restarts.
  • The contents of a token can only be updated by the owning peer, and when this is done the version is incremented
  • The ring data structure is always gossiped in its entirety
  • The merge operation when a peer receives a ring via gossip is:
    • Tokens with unique addresses are just copied into the combined ring
    • For tokens at the same address, pick the one with the highest version number
  • The data gossiped about the ring also includes the amount of free space in each range: this is not essential but it improves the selection of which peer to ask for space.
  • When a peer is asked for space, there are four scenarios:
    1. It has an empty range; it can change the peer associated with the token at the beginning of the range and increment the version.
    2. It has a range which can be subdivided by a single token to form a free range. It inserts said token, owned by the peer requesting space.
    3. It has a 'hole' in the middle of a range; an empty range can be created by inserting two tokens, one at the beginning of the hole owned by the peer requesting the space, and one at the end of the hole owned by the requestee.
    4. It has no space.


The previous sections describe how peers coordinate changes to the ring. But how is the initial state of the ring established? If a new peer joins a long-standing cluster, it can learn about the ring state from other peers. But in a freshly started cluster, the initial ring state must be established from a clean slate. And it must be consistent across all peers. This is a distributed consensus problem, and we solve it using the Paxos algorithm.

Although Paxos has a reputation for being hard to understand and to implement, the implementation used for ring initialization is relatively straightforward:

  • We only need to establish consensus for a single value, rather than a succession of values (as in a replicated transaction log). Thus we implement basic Paxos, rather than multi-Paxos, and the implementation closely follows the outline of basic Paxos described on wikipedia.

  • All peers play all the roles described in basic Paxos: Proposer, acceptor and listener.

  • Paxos is usually described in terms of unicast messages from one agent to another, although three of the four messages are fanned out to all agents in a certain role ("prepare" and "accept request" from a proposer to all acceptors; "accepted" from an acceptor to all learners). So most implementations involve a communications layer to implement the required communication patterns. But our implementation is built on top of the weave gossip layer, which gives us a broadcast medium. Using broadcast for the one truly unicast message ("promise") may seem wasteful, but as we only establish consensus for a single value, it is not a major concern.

The value the peers obtain consensus on is the set of peers that will be represented in the initial ring (with each peer getting an equal share of the address space). When a proposing peer gets to choose the value, it includes all the peers it has heard from during the Paxos phase, which is at least a quorum.

Once a consensus is reached, it is used to initialize the ring. If a peer hears about an initialized ring via gossip, that implies that a consensus was reached, so it will stop participating in Paxos.

Paxos requires that we know the quorum size for the cluster. As weave clusters are a dynamic entity, there is no fixed quorum size. But the Paxos phase used to initialize the ring should normally be short-lived, so we just need to know the initial cluster size. A heuristic is used to derive this from the list of addresses passed to weave launch, but the user can set it explicitly.

Peer shutdown

When a peer leaves (a weave reset command), it grants all its own tokens to another peer, then broadcasts the updated ring.

After sending the message, the peer terminates - it does not wait for any response.


  • message lost
    • the space will be unusable by other peers because it will still be seen as owned.

To cope with the situation where a peer has left or died without managing to tell its peers, an administrator may go to any other peer and command that it take over the dead peer's tokens (with weave rmpeer). This information will then be gossipped out to the network.

(This operation is not guaranteed to be safe - if the dead peer made some transfers which have are known to other peers but have not reached the peer that does the rmpeer, then we get an inconsistent ring. We could make it safe, up to partitions, by inquiring of every live peer what its view of the dead peer is, and making sure we use the latest info.)