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Weave Net 2.0.1

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@marccarre marccarre released this 29 Jun 10:45
· 1102 commits to master since this release

Bug fixes and minor improvements

  • Fall back to slower data path (sleeve), rather than crashing, when the machine lacks VXLAN support (required for “fast data path”, fastdp) #3043
  • Fix bug in processing of arguments when Docker has TLS enabled, rather than crashing with invalid peers list, e.g. lookup --tlsverify: no such host #3039
  • Add kube-system namespace back to weave-kube's YAMLs, preventing omissions leading to errors like error contacting APIServer: the server does not allow access to the requested resource #3033,#3042
  • Fix release script to prevent ARM64 binaries to end up in AMD64 net-plugin, leading to Error response from daemon: dial unix /run/docker/plugins/<id>/weave.sock: connect: no such file or directory when installing net-plugin #3045
  • weave reset and weave rmpeer now only contact Weave Cloud when Weave Net is configured with a Weave Cloud token, preventing unnecessary requests and potentially confusing 401 Unauthorized errors in Weave Net’s logs #3044

Installation and Upgrading of Weave Net

Follow the installation instructions to install this latest release of weave.

When upgrading from a version earlier than 1.9.0, if your host's network interface has a limit on packet size (the "MTU") smaller than 1496 bytes, you should reboot after upgrading to ensure encrypted fast datapath can work. For instance this applies to Google Cloud Platform, but is not necessary on AWS.

Weave Net 2.0.1 is compatible with previous versions back to 1.1.0, so it is possible to upgrade clusters incrementally and run mixed versions.

Upgrading Kubernetes from an earlier version to version 1.6

In version 1.6, Kubernetes has increased security, so we need to create a special service account to run Weave Net. This is done in the file weave-daemonset-k8s-1.6.yaml attached to the release.

Also, the toleration required to let Weave Net run on master nodes has moved from an annotation to a field on the DaemonSet spec object.

The command to apply this new configuration via short URL is:

kubectl apply -f

If you have edited the Weave Net DaemonSet from a previous release, you will need to re-make your changes against the new version.

Upgrading the Weave Net Kubernetes addon (weave-kube)

Kubernetes 1.6 now supports rolling upgrades of DaemonSets, and we have added this setting to the YAML. To upgrade, simply run:

kubectl apply -f

Kubernetes will then delete the existing Weave Net pods one by one, and create new ones with the latest Weave Net version.

In case of issues during the rolling upgrade, please refer to Kubernetes’ troubleshooting page

For more details about the Weave Net Kubernetes addon, see: