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0.21.4 - Contextual Classification

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@etiennedi etiennedi released this 06 Dec 13:42

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:0.21.4
See also: example docker compose files in english and dutch.

Breaking Changes


New Features

  • Contextual Classification (#1033)
    This release adds a second type of classifications to Weaviate. Prior to this release all classifications had to be of type: knn. (Note: Omitting the type, defaults to knn).

    With this release a second classification type was added: contextual classification. In a contextual classification, there is no training data. Instead for each to-be-classified object the classification target is chosen by vector distance. For an example of such a classification use-case, see the intro post of this issue.

    To start a contextual classification, use the same classification payload as previously, however make the following two changes:

    • Omit the optional field 'k: as this one can only be used for classifications of typeknn`
    • Explicitly set the type: contextual field in the classification body

    For a more technical understanding of how knn classifications differs from contextual ones, see this detailed post which explains how they work under the hood.


  • Bugfixes in contextionary service
    While not a change in Weaviate itself, this version links the latest contextionary version (...v0.4.2) in all docker-compose files as two critical bugs were fixed in the contextionary, see weaviate/contextionary#18 and weaviate/contextionary#19 for details.