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v1.7.2 - Various Fixes: Property Names, Missing Array types, Array Aggregations

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@etiennedi etiennedi released this 28 Sep 08:15

Docker image/tag: semitechnologies/weaviate:1.7.2

Breaking Changes


New Features



  • Make property name validations less strict (#1562)

    The property name rules were unnecessarily strict due to historic reasons which no longer apply. Valid proprerty names now include any GraphQL-valid characters. (Note that creating a property also leads to being able to query said property via GraphQL, so if it needs to be GraphQL-compliant). The validation rules is /[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/. In addition, the following names are restricted: id, _id, _additional, meta. Properties starting with an underscore (_) are allowed, but there is no guarantee that they will not be forbidden in the future as new internal properties are introduced. New internal properties will always start with an underscore, so if you prefix all your properties with a specific sequence, (for example wp_ for a WordPress-Plugin), you will avoid conflicts with future internal properties.

  • Issue aggregating some array properties (#1686)

    This fixes an issue where aggregating over some array data types would lead to an error

  • Add missing array data types (#1691)

    This fix provides the previously missing array data types boolean[] and date[].