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Releases: web-chefs/QueueButler

New sub-class structure and better Laravel version support

30 Jul 09:42
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This is a major structural change where instead of subclassing from Laravel directly we created a copied version of the Laravel classes we were depending on and sub-classed off them. This way we can better support the newer version of Laravel.

Major changes

  1. Created a copied version of Laravel dependant classes under src/Laravel.
  2. Changed the way the work exited removing the use of the Stop exception.
  3. Dropped support for old Laravel and PHP versions.
  4. Added support for latest Laravel versions.

Add Laravel 5.6 to CI & removed PHP 5.6 from CI

15 May 20:47
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Minor release that focused on testing and CI.

  1. Added an multi job unit test
  2. Added Larvel 5.6 using PHP 7.3 to CI
  3. Removed PHP5.6 version tests from CI

Simplify Testing with LaraAppSpawn and Improve Stop exception handling

05 Jun 15:08
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Minor release addressing the following:

  • Simplify Testing with LaraAppSpawn
  • Improve Stop batch exception handling

Travis CI Testing

21 Dec 15:38
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Resolved issues with testing Laravel migrations in a Travis CI environment.

We are now passing all tests.

No functional / feature changes.

1.1: Unit Testing, Package Discovery & Graceful Stop Batch

16 Oct 16:08
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  • Laravel 5.5 Automatic Package discovery
  • Graceful Stopping of Batch command without killing the process making it more scheduler friendly when not running in background
  • Full Stack Unit testing of Jobs queue via Batch processing through the use of a SQLite in memory database that creates a jobs table queues a job and then confirms the processing of the job through the use of a batch run

Tested and Confirmed Laravel Support

  • 5.3
  • 5.4
  • 5.5

First stable version

25 Aug 13:10
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First working and tested version, tested to work on Laravel 5.4 and PHP 5.6, but should work on older versions.